51 research outputs found

    Health-related quality of life, symptoms experience and perceived social support among patients with liver cirrhosis: a cross-sectional study in Egypt

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    Background: Liver cirrhosis is a global health problem and a national health problem in Egypt. There is a lack of literature on Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) and symptoms experience of liver disease and cirrhotic patients in Middle East, particularly in Egypt. Aims: This PhD had three major aims: First aim: To describe HRQOL of Egyptian liver cirrhotic patients and to identify and evaluate the factors associated with (HRQOL) physical and mental health domains. Second aim: To explore and describe experienced symptoms (prevalence, severity and hindrance) in Egyptian cirrhotic patients and to identify and evaluate factors associated with symptoms severity and symptoms hindrance (distress). Third aim: To explore and describe how cirrhotic patients in Egypt perceive social support from spouse, family and friends and to identify and evaluate factors associated with general perceived social support. Method: A cross-sectional study with a convenience sample of 401 patients from three hospitals in Cairo, Egypt, was conducted between June and August 2011. Patients were interviewed to complete a background data sheet, Short Form-36v2 (SF-36), the Liver Disease Symptom Index (LDSI)-2.0 and the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS). Results: Findings for first aim: The findings showed that all domains and component summary scores [Physical component summary score (PCS) and mental component summary score (MCS)] of the generic SF-36 were below the norm (cut-off score 50), suggesting that patients with liver cirrhosis in Egypt have poor HRQOL. About 87.2% of the patients rated their general health as poor or fair, which means the majority of these patients have low perceived general health. Many socio-demographic and medial factors were shown to be significantly associated with perceived HRQOL. Women, illiterate and unemployed people, and patients with frequent hospitalisation had poor PCS and MCS, while patients with advanced disease stage, increasing number of comorbidities and complications and those admitted to inpatients had significantly poorer PCS only. Perceived social support from a spouse had a statistically significant positive association with PCS and MCS, while perceived social support from family and friends had a statistically significant positive association with MCS only. Also, severity and hindrance of symptoms significantly correlated with PCS and MCS. Using stepwise multiple linear regression analysis, two models were developed to identify factors associated with PCS (Model 1) and MCS (Model 2) health. Model 1 could significantly explain 19% of the variation in PCS (R2 = 0.190, R2adj = 0.180, p = 0.0005), and four factors (symptoms severity, disease stage, comorbidities and employment status) were significantly (p ≤ 0.02) associated with PCS. Model 2 could significantly explain 31.7% of the variation in MCS (R2 = 0.317, R2adj = 0.308, p = 0.0005), and four factors (symptoms severity, employment status, perceived spouse support and perceived family support) were associated (p ≤ 0.04) with MCS. The key findings of this study were that severity of symptoms and social support from spouse and family were associated with HRQOL. Where patients with high symptoms severity were likely to report poor PCS and MCS; and patients with low perceived social support were likely to report poor MCS. Symptoms severity contributed significantly in explaining 28.7% of the variation in PCS and 43.6% of the variation in MCS. Findings for second aim: This study found that the majority of patients had one or more of a wide range of symptoms and social problems. Two-thirds of patients reported joint pain (78.3%), decreased appetite (75.6%) and memory problems (77.3%). Joint pain and depression were reported to have the biggest impact on daily life. Symptoms severity and distress were significantly higher among patients who were: female, illiterate, unemployed, and who had advanced cirrhosis with more complications and comorbidities (p ≤ 0.006). Symptoms severity (r=-0.206) and symptoms distress (r=-0.205) were negatively associated with perceived social support (p=0.005). Stepwise regression analysis showed that the regression model could significantly explain 19.6% of the variation in symptoms severity (R2 = 0.196, R2adj = 0.180, p = 0.0005), and 14% of the variation in hindrance of symptoms (R2 = 0.140, R2adj = 0.132, p = 0.0005). Being female, having an increasing number of liver disease complications, and having low perceived support from spouse were significantly associated with high-perceived symptoms severity and hindrance (p≤0.01). Findings for third aim: This study found that social support score was relatively high among patients with cirrhosis in Egypt (total score mean of MSPSS was 2.02± standard deviation (0.537), while perceived support from spouse was the highest source of support. 67.5% of the patients felt their spouse is around when they need him/her and 71.7% of them share their joys and sorrows with their spouse. Likewise, 64.9% of married people feel their spouse cares about their feelings. In relation to the perception of adequacy of family support, it was observed that 52.6% felt that their families do not really try to help them. At the same time, 52.1% reported that they got the emotional help and support that they needed from their families. Regarding perceived support from friends, more than half of the patients reported that their friends do not really try to help them (57.9%), they cannot count on their friends when things go wrong (65.6%) and they cannot talk about their problems with their friends (56.4%). There was a significantly positive association between the perception of social support and general health perception (GHP), suggesting that when social support decreases GHP also decreases or and vice versa (r= 0.208, p = 0.0005). Stepwise regression analysis showed that the regression model could significantly explain 10.9% of the variation in perceived social support (R2 = 0.109, R2adj = 0.100, p = 0.0005). Marital status, gender, age and employment status were significantly associated with general perceived social support (p ≤ 0.01), while unmarried, females, unemployed and elderly cirrhotic patients were vulnerable groups that were likely to perceive low social support. Overall discussion and conclusion: This is the first study to investigate HRQOL, symptoms experience and perceived social support in patients with liver cirrhosis in Egypt. All aspects of HRQOL of Egyptian cirrhotic patients were poor, and they were experiencing various symptoms that can affect their daily life. However, social support was found to be related to perceived symptoms severity and perceived poor mental health. Hence, social support may alleviate suffering for certain cirrhotic patients. Nurses have a responsibility to assess and treat symptoms that cirrhotic patients experience, particularly such treatable symptoms as depression, pain and decreased appetite. Also, nurses should involve the patient’s family in any plan of care. Future intervention studies that aim to develop programs to relieve treatable symptoms and enhance social support are also recommended

    The Effect of Breathing Exercises and Sleep Hygiene Instructions on Insomnia and Pain in Patients with Burn Injuries

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    Background: Insomnia and pain are the most commonly reported problems after burn injuries. Poor sleeping and pain can be extremely distressing and debilitating, and actually interfere with recovery from a burn injury. Aim: This study was intended to evaluate the effect of breathing exercises and sleep hygiene instructions on insomnia and pain in patients with burn injuries. Methods: A quasi-experimental design was utilized. A convenience sample of 60 male and female adults who were admitted to the burn unit in one of the biggest teaching hospitals in Cairo were recruited and randomly allocated to a control and intervention group. One questionnaire and four scales were utilized to collect the data: (1) Background data sheet, (2) The Behavioral Relaxation Scale (BRS), (3) Self-rating relaxation scale, (4) Visual Analogue Scale for assessing pain and fatigue and (5) Insomnia Severity Index. The patients were followed for three days. Results: The intervention group achieved a significantly higher reduction in the mean pain intensity score (p = 0.037), decreased insomnia (p = 0.001) and increased relaxation level (p = 0.000) after the intervention compared to the control group. Fatigue was not significantly different between the two groups (p = 0.069). Conclusions and recommendations: breathing exercises and sleep hygiene instructions could reduce pain and insomnia in patients with burn injuries. Thus, breathing exercises and sleep hygiene instructions must be endorsed as a nursing role for patients with burn injuries in the early course of the disease, so that the patients experience the maximum benefit. Keywords: burn, sleep hygiene instructions, insomnia, breathing exercises, pai

    Psychometric properties of the Arabic version of the international consultation on incontinence questionnaire on long-term catheter quality of life

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    Aim To translate the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire (ICIQ) Long-Term Catheter Quality of Life (LTCqol) questionnaire (ICIQ-LTCqol) questionnaire from English to Arabic and evaluate its psychometric properties. Background Currently, no tool for Arabic speaking patients is available to measure the quality of life in patients using long-term urinary catheters. Design Translation and psychometric assessment of questionnaire. Methods The internal consistency and construct validity of the translated Arabic version of the ICIQ-LTCqol were evaluated in a convenience sample of 141 participants recruited from a hospital in Egypt from April to September 2017. Test-retest reliability was assessed for a sample of 15 participants who completed this version at two-time points. Construct validity was assessed by factor analysis. Results The translated Arabic version of the ICIQ-LTCqol showed satisfactory test-retest reliability and internal consistency, with Cronbach’s α = 0·75. Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the same two factors (‘catheter function’ and ‘lifestyle’) structure as found in the English version of the tool supporting the construct validity of the translated questionnaire. Conclusion This original and significant study allows, for the first time, researchers and clinicians working with Arabic speaking patients, the opportunity to evaluate the quality of life in long-term urinary catheter users

    Efficacy of Carbomer as a Stabilizer for Lyophilized attenuated Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) vaccine

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    A Peste des petits ruminant (PPR) is a category of acute fulminating infectious viral disease, affecting seriously sheep and goats. It is caused by PPRV that classified within a Morbillivirus; family Paramyxoviridae. Vaccination is the cornerstone to protect sheep and goats against such diseases. The present work aims to provide a highly potent attenuated lyophilized PPR vaccine where three formulae were prepared including formula (1) stabilized with 1% carbomer and 2% peptone; formula (2) stabilized with 0.5% carbomer and formula (3) stabilized with 2% peptone; 10% sucrose and 0.27% dihydrogen orthophosphate. The three lyophilized PPR vaccine formulae had compact similar cacks without different shape appearances. Also, the three formulae were found to be free from foreign contaminants (aerobic and anaerobic bacteria; fungi and mycoplasma) having no significant difference in the virus titer pre- and post-lyophilization. Reduction in the virus titer post lyophilization was 0.25, 0.5 and 0.5 log10 TCID50/ml in relation to formula 1; 2 and 3 respectively. Although formula (2) induced the peak PPR serum neutralizing antibody titer earlier (128 by the 3rd week) than the other 2 formulae (128 by the 4th week); the potency test revealed that all vaccine formulae were potently inducing high protective PPR immune levels in vaccinated sheep up to 6 months post-vaccination. So, it could be suggested that carbomer accelerate the time to reach the peak of PPR antibody titers in vaccinated sheep

    Health-Related Quality of Life in patients with chronic hepatitis C receiving Sofosbuvir-Based Treatment, with and without Interferon: a prospective observational study in Egypt

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    Background: The Egyptian government introduced the first directly acting antivirals (DAAs) into Egypt through the government funded National Treatment Program. As yet, there has been no investigation into the effects of these new DAAs therapies on patient reported outcomes (PROs). This study aimed to (1) assess the PROs (health-related quality of life (HRQoL), mental health and perceived social support) of HCV patients receiving DAAs therapy prior, during and at the end of therapy; (2) evaluate PROs of Interferon-free (dual) users versus Interferon-containing (triple) users cross the three different time periods; and (3) identify the predictors of HRQoL of DAAs therapy users cross the three different time periods.  Methods: A prospective observational design was used. Patients with chronic HCV undergoing treatment following the Egyptian National Guidelines at one of the national treatment centers were approached. Data collection occurred in the period from February to October 2015. Data was collected at three time points: (1) baseline (time 0: T0), before initiating therapy); (2) 5/6 weeks after initiation of therapy (time 1 of therapy: T1) and at the end of the therapy (Time 2: T2). Four PROs questionnaires were utilized for data collection: (1) Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), (2) The Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-21), (3) the Liver Disease Symptom Index-2.0 (LDSI-2.0) for testing disease specific HRQoL and (4) the Center for Adherence Support Evaluation (CASE) Index, alongside the background data sheet.  Results: Sixty-two patients participated. There was a change in HRQoL, symptom experience and mental health across the three different time periods. HRQoL was impaired more after starting the course of therapy (T1) than at baseline (T0) and end of therapy (T2), z ≥ -2.04, p ≤ .04. Also, symptom experience deteriorated more during the treatment period than at the baseline, Z ≥ -1.97, p ≤ .04. Anxiety and stress were significantly higher during the treatment period than at the end of treatment. Perceived social support was significantly higher during the treatment period than at baseline and end of therapy, Z ≥ -2.27, p ≤.023. During the course of therapy, triple users were more likely to report poorer HRQoL and anxiety than dual users (p ≤ .04). By the end of therapy, the two arms of therapy had no significant differences in any of the PROs.  At baseline, the predictor model significantly (p=.000) explained 37.5% of the variation in the HRQoL prior to therapy. Depression was the main variable that contributed to (41.3%) predicting change in HRQoL prior to therapy. During therapy, the model significantly (p=.000) explained 76% of the variation in the HRQoL-T1. Stress-T1, body mass index (BMI)-T1 and HRQoL-T0 significantly and respectively predicted 44.4%, 46.5% and 31.1% of the variation in HRQoL-T1. At the end of therapy, the model significantly (p=.000) predicted 80.5% of the variation in the HRQoL-T2. HRQoL-T1 and anxiety-T2 significantly predicted 72.3% and 61.6% of the variation in HRQoL-T2.  Conclusions: Baseline HRQoL, depression and BMI should be systematically assessed before starting the antiviral therapy for early detection and the improvement of the impairment before the initiation of therapy. Anxiety should be frequently assessed and followed up through the course of antiviral therapy. The triple group required more nursing and practitioner attention due to increased anxiety levels and impaired HRQoL during the treatment therapy

    Autonomic Dysfunction Predicts Early Cardiac Affection in Patients with Systemic Sclerosis

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    Objective: To detect the early preclinical alterations in cardiac autonomic control as well as altered cardiac function in systemic sclerosis (SSc) patients and their relevance to the clinical features of the disease using noninvasive methods. Methods: 30 SSc patients and 15 healthy controls matched for age and sex underwent clinical examination, serological analysis, and echocardiographic assessment including Doppler flow imaging to evaluate cardiac function, and 24-hour Holter monitoring analyzed for arrhythmia and heart rate variability (HRV) in the time and frequency domains. Results: The trans-mitral Doppler of early to atrial wave (E/A) ratio was reversed in five patients (16.6%) and the tricuspid E/A ratio was reversed in 10 patients (33.3%). Holter analysis for SSc patients revealed an increased prevalence of premature ventricular contractions (PVC) $ 10/h (P = 0.02), supra-ventricular tachycardias (SVTs) (P = 0.2), and total PVC count (P = 0.0000). Highly significant (P = 0.000) impairment in all HRV parameters was demonstrated in the SSc patients. Total skin thickness score (TSS), Raynaud’s phenomenon and anti-scleroderma 70 (anti-SCL70) showed significant positive correlations with all arrhythmia parameters, while showing a significant negative correlation with the impaired ventricular diastolic function and various HRV parameters. No correlation was found between arrhythmia and HRV parameters and disease duration, disease type, or presence of anti-centromere antibodies. Conclusion: Low heart rate variability, increased TSS and the presence of anti-SCL70 are correlated with preclinical cardiac involvement in SSc patients and may predict the likelihood of malignant arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death. Therefore, noninvasive HRV evaluation before clinical cardiac involvement in these patients might be beneficial when added to the clinical and laboratory assessments in detecting high-risk patients, and may allow for implementation of preventive measures and initiation of appropriate therapy early in the course of the disease

    Value of Entheseal Ultrasonography and Serum Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein in the Preclinical Diagnosis of Psoriatic Arthritis

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    Objective: To evaluate the utility of entheseal ultrasonography and serum COMP in the preclinical diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis. Methods: 60 psoriatic patients were divided into: 30 patients with psoriasis (group I) and 30 patients with psoriatic arthritis as control (group II). They underwent independent clinical and ultrasonographic examination of both lower limbs at the calcaneal insertions of Achilles tendons. Psoriatic arthritis disease activity and severity was assessed by modified DAS28 and Steinbrockers scores. Serum levels of COMP were measured for all patients by ELISA. Results: On clinical examination, no entheseal abnormalities were detected in group I while they were present in 23.3% of group II with statistically significant difference between them (P < 0.001). Ultrasonographic entheseal abnormalities were detected in 33.3% of group I and in 46.7% of group II with no significant difference between them (P > 0.05). Serum COMP were significantly elevated in group I and II with no statistically significant difference between them (mean ± SD 5.9 ± 3 and 6.8 ± 12 respectively, P > 0.05). Entheseal ultrasound was more specific (67%) while serum COMP was more sensitive (87%) in the preclinical diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis. Serum COMP levels were significantly correlated with CRP in both groups and with DAS28 and Steinbrockers scores in group II (P < 0.01). Conclusion: Entheseal ultrasonography and serum COMP levels may be used complementary to each other for preclinical diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis. Serum COMP seems to be promising prognostic marker for psoriatic arthritis patients

    Assessing disparities in medical students’ knowledge and attitude about monkeypox: a cross-sectional study of 27 countries across three continents

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    Background and aimsThe recent monkeypox (Mpox) outbreak confirmed by the World Health Organization (WHO) underscores the importance of evaluating the knowledge and attitude of medical students toward emerging diseases, given their potential roles as healthcare professionals and sources of public information during outbreaks. This study aimed to assess medical students’ knowledge and attitude about Mpox and to identify factors affecting their level of knowledge and attitude in low-income and high-income countries.MethodsA cross-sectional study was conducted on 11,919 medical students from 27 countries. A newly-developed validated questionnaire was used to collect data on knowledge (14 items), attitude (12 items), and baseline criteria. The relationship between a range of factors with knowledge and attitude was studied using univariate and multivariate analyses.Results46% of the study participants were males; 10.7% were in their sixth year; 54.6% knew about smallpox; 84% received the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine; and 12.5% had training on Mpox. 55.3% had good knowledge of Mpox and 51.7% had a positive attitude towards it. Medical students in their third, fifth, or sixth year high- income countries who obtained information on Mpox from friends, research articles, social media and scientific websites were positive predictors for good knowledge. Conversely, being male or coming from high-income countries showed a negative relation with good knowledge about Mpox. Additionally, a positive attitude was directly influenced by residing in urban areas, being in the fifth year of medical education, having knowledge about smallpox and a history of receiving the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine. Receiving information about Mpox from social media or scientific websites and possessing good knowledge about Mpox were also predictors of a positive attitude. On the other hand, being male, employed, or receiving a training program about Mpox were inversely predicting positive attitude about Mpox.ConclusionThere were differences in knowledge and attitude towards Mpox between medical students in low and high-income countries, emphasizing the need for incorporating epidemiology of re-emerging diseases like Mpox into the medical curriculum to improve disease prevention and control
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