15 research outputs found

    Baiting Nurseries with a Herd GT-77

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    Calibrating a Fire Ant Bait Spreader

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    The Longhorned Beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of Tennessee: Distribution of Species, Seasonal Adult Activity, and New State Records

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    Efforts to document species of longhorned beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) occurring in Tennessee have not been updated since 1973. To address this knowledge gap, institutional, research, and private collections in Tennessee were reviewed to provide faunal distribution assessments and seasonal activity data for the cerambycid beetle species active in Tennessee. Examinations of 9,918 specimens and records yielded a list of 230 cerambycid beetle species within 5 subfamilies. Twenty-seven species are reported as new state records from Tennessee. Adult seasonal activity data that were recorded on specimen labels are presented. Where available, notes on collection method, adult resources, and larval host plants are provided for species within a supplementary table. Supplemental figures report the distribution for species collected across the state and from 85 of the 95 Tennessee counties, as well as the ecoregions from which each species is reported. The bias-corrected Chao1 species richness estimator predicts another 11 species remain to be identified across the state. Future collection efforts in the Central Appalachian, Mississippi Alluvial and Valley Loess Plains, Southeastern Plains, and western portions of the Interior Plateau ecoregions could yield additional new state records. Developmental host and adult resource plants, collection methods, as well as regional collection notes from adjacent states are discussed for several additional candidate longhorned beetle species

    Ethanol Injection of Ornamental Trees Facilitates Testing Insecticide Efficacy Against Ambrosia Beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae)

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    Exotic ambrosia beetles are damaging pests in ornamental tree nurseries in North America. The species Xylosandrus crassiusculus (Motshulsky) and Xylosandrus germanus (Blandford) are especially problematic. Management of these pests relies on preventive treatments of insecticides. However, field tests of recommended materials on nursery trees have been limited because of unreliable attacks by ambrosia beetles on experimental trees. Ethanol-injection of trees was used to induce colonization by ambrosia beetles to evaluate insecticides and botanical formulations for preventing attacks by ambrosia beetles. Experiments were conducted in Ohio, Tennessee, and Virginia. Experimental trees injected with ethanol had more attacks by ambrosia beetles than un-injected control trees in all but one experiment. Xylosandrus crassiusculus and X. germanus colonized trees injected with ethanol. In most experiments, attack rates declined 8 d after ethanol-injection. Ethanol-injection induced sufficient pressure from ambrosia beetles to evaluate the efficacy of insecticides for preventing attacks. Trunk sprays of permethrin suppressed cumulative total attacks by ambrosia beetles in most tests. Trunk sprays of the botanical formulations Armorex and Veggie Pharm suppressed cumulative total attacks in Ohio. Armorex, Armorex + Permethrin, and Veggie Pharm + Permethrin suppressed attacks in Tennessee. The bifenthrin product Onyx suppressed establishment of X. germanus in one Ohio experiment, and cumulative total ambrosia beetle attacks in Virginia. Substrate drenches and trunk sprays of neonicotinoids, or trunk sprays of anthranilic diamides or tolfenpyrad were not effective. Ethanol-injection is effective for inducing attacks and ensuring pressure by ambrosia beetles for testing insecticide efficacy on ornamental trees

    Relationship of Imported Fire Ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Integument Coloration to Cuticular Hydrocarbon and Venom Alkaloid Profiles

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    Red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren; RIFA) and black imported fire ant (Solenopsis richteri Forel (Hymenoptera: Formicidae); BIFA) are considered distinct species with introgression via a reproductively functional hybrid (HIFA). The RIFA and BIFA common names are based on relative coloration. Due to human color perception variation, using color to identify RIFA, BIFA or HIFA is challenging. Fire ant identification traditionally involves molecular or chemical techniques, but a colorimetric test could allow rapid and low-cost identification. In this study, ant integument coloration was measured by spectrophotometer, and color attributes were compared to a combined gas chromatography (GC) index derived from cuticular hydrocarbon and venom alkaloid indices. Significant Pearson Correlation coefficients were found for colony GC index versus color attributes red to green (a*), blue to yellow (b*), chroma (C*), and hue (h*), but not lightness (L*). The RIFA colonies were distinct from BIFA for four of five color attributes and plots of the a*b* and C*h* horizontal axis of the L*a*b* and L*C*h* color spaces. Color attributes for HIFA indices were not distinct from BIFA and RIFA parental species, but HIFA a*b* and C*h* plots were distinct from RIFA and a*b* plots from BIFA. Color attributes a*, b*, and C* increased and h* decreased with GC index in a sinusoidal pattern. In conclusion, most RIFA and BIFA color attributes were distinct and a*b* and C*h* color axes plots had potential to distinguish HIFA from parental species, but coloration of HIFA indices was variable and complicated identifications among HIFA phenotypes, RIFA and BIFA

    Effects of Color Attributes on Trap Capture Rates of Chrysobothris femorata (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) and Related Species

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    Chrysobothris spp. (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) and other closely related buprestids are common pests of fruit, shade, and nut trees in the United States. Many Chrysobothris spp., including Chrysobothris femorata, are polyphagous herbivores. Their wide host range leads to the destruction of numerous tree species in nurseries and orchards. Although problems caused by Chrysobothris are well known, there are no reliable monitoring methods to estimate local populations before substantial damage occurs. Other buprestid populations have been effectively estimated using colored sticky traps to capture beetles. However, the attraction of Chrysobothris to specific color attributes has not been directly assessed. A multi-color trapping system was utilized to determine color attraction of Chrysobothris spp. Specific color attributes (lightness [L*], red to green [a*], blue to yellow [b*], chroma [C*], hue [h*], and peak reflectance [PR]) were then evaluated to determine beetle responses. In initial experiments with mostly primary colors, Chrysobothris were most attracted to traps with red coloration. Thus, additional experiments were performed using a range of trap colors with red reflectance values. Among these red reflectance colors, it was determined that the violet range of the electromagnetic spectrum had greater attractance to Chrysobothris. Additionally, Chrysobothris attraction correlated with hue and b*, suggesting a preference for traps with hues between red to blue. However, males and females of some Chrysobothris species showed differentiated responses. These findings provide information on visual stimulants that can be used in Chrysobothris trapping and management. Furthermore, this information can be used in conjunction with ecological theory to understand host-location methods of Chrysobothris

    Preharvest Quarantine Treatments of Chlorantraniliprole, Clothianidin, and Imidacloprid-Based Insecticides for Control of Japanese Beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) and Other Scarab Larvae in the Root Zone of Field-Grown Nursery Trees

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    Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), is an important quarantine pest of nurseries. Nursery plant movement from P. japonica-infested regions is regulated by the U.S. Domestic Japanese Beetle Harmonization Plan (DJHP), which classifies states by risk categories. Treatments for category 2 states include preharvest soil surface treatment of nursery plants grown in field soil using Discus SC, Marathon (1G or 60 WP), or Flagship (0.22G or 25 WG). In this study, Discus, Marathon 60 WP, or Flagship 0.22G DJHP standards were compared with labeled rates of non–DJHP-approved insecticides, including neonicotinoids clothianidin (Arena 50WDG), generic imidacloprid (Quali-Pro Imidacloprid 2 F T&O Insecticide, Mallet 2 F T&O Insecticide, and Lada 2 F Insecticide), and imidacloprid + bifenthrin (Allectus SC), as well as the anthranilic diamide, chlorantraniliprole (Acelepryn Insecticide). Arena provided 100% P. japonica control in May, June, and July over four test years, but had one larva recovered during August in two of those 4 yr. Acelepryn did not provide DJHP-acceptable P. japonica control. During July, Allectus provided 100% P. japonica control in three of four test years, but had four larvae in one test year. Other treatments tested only during July, which provided 100% P. japonica control, included Discus (five tests); Marathon, Quali-Pro, and Mallet (two tests); and Lada and Flagship (one test). Generic imidacloprid 2 F formulations were equivalent in P. japonica control to DJHP-approved insecticides. Insecticides generally performed poorly on other scarabs or curculionid larvae. The study supports Arena, Allectus, and generic imidacloprid 2 F products as suitable candidates for the DJHP

    Trap Tree and Interception Trap Techniques for Management of Ambrosia Beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) in Nursery Production Get access Arrow

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    The majority of wood-boring ambrosia beetles are strongly attracted to ethanol, a behavior which could be exploited for management within ornamental nurseries. A series of experiments was conducted to determine if ethanol-based interception techniques could reduce ambrosia beetle pest pressure. In two experiments, trap trees injected with a high dose of ethanol were positioned either adjacent or 10–15 m from trees injected with a low dose of ethanol (simulating a mildly stressed tree) to determine if the high-dose trap trees could draw beetle attacks away from immediately adjacent stressed nursery trees. The high-ethanol-dose trees sustained considerably higher attacks than the low-dose trees; however, distance between the low- and high-dose trees did not significantly alter attack rates on the low-dose trees. In a third experiment, 60-m length trap lines with varying densities of ethanol-baited traps were deployed along a forest edge to determine if immigrating beetles could be intercepted before reaching sentinel traps or artificially stressed sentinel trees located 10 m further in-field. Intercept trap densities of 2 or 4 traps per trap line were associated with fewer attacks on sentinel trees compared to no traps, but 7 or 13 traps had no impact. None of the tested intercept trap densities resulted in significantly fewer beetles reaching the sentinel traps. The evaluated ethanol-based interception techniques showed limited promise for reducing ambrosia beetle pressure on nursery trees. An interception effect might be enhanced by applying a repellent compound to nursery trees in a push–pull strategy

    Map Supplements for The Metallic Woodboring Beetles (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) of Tennessee

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    Following compilation of distribution records and seasonal flight activity information for 106 metallic wood-boring beetle (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) species for Tennessee, maps were updated to provide county-level collection notations for 10,543 published records and specimen collections made from 1934 to 2013. County collection tallies across the ecoregions in Tennessee are also presented. Maps for individual species highlight gaps in key geographic areas where specimens have not been collected and can be valuable for future biosurveillance, monitoring and management efforts for these economically and ecologically important insects

    Seasonal Flight Activity and Distribution of Metallic Woodboring Beetles (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) Collected in North Carolina and Tennessee

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    Distribution records and seasonal flight activity information for metallic woodboring beetle (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) species have not been compiled for North Carolina and Tennessee. Institutional, research, and private collections in North Carolina and Tennessee were reviewed to provide seasonal activity data of 5 subfamilies of buprestid beetle species. Label information was checked for 15,217 specimens of 135 species collected between 1901 and 2013 (North Carolina) and between 1934 and 2013 (Tennessee). These collections provided data on adult seasonal activity and county records for 121 species (4,467 specimens) and 105 species (10,750 specimens) from North Carolina and Tennessee, respectively. Two species, Agrilus carpini Knull and A. pensus Horn, are reported as New State Records for North Carolina. The data reveal key geographic areas in both states where few to no collections have been made, highlighting opportunities to validate species distributions and locations where future collecting efforts can be matched with the occurrence of larval and adult host plant resources. Seasonal activity records will inform future biosurveillance efforts for invasive and endemic pests and facilitate predictions of buprestid species that are likely to be active within the hunting flight season of Cerceris fumipennis (Say) (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) wasps. Activity periods of the buprestids also can focus the management of selected economic pest species to times of the year when treatment efforts, particularly through use of contact insecticides, are likely to be most effective