1,626 research outputs found

    Transcription Factor Sp1 Is Involved in Expressional Regulation of Coxsackie and Adenovirus Receptor in Cancer Cells

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    Coxsackie and adenovirus receptor (CAR) was first known as a virus receptor. Recently, it is also known to have tumor suppressive activity such as inhibition of cell proliferation, migration, and invasion. It is important to understand how CAR expression can be regulated in cancers. Based on an existence of putative Sp1 binding site within CAR promoter, we investigated whether indeed Sp1 is involved in the regulation of CAR expression. We observed that deletion or mutation of Sp1 binding motif (−503/−498) prominently impaired the Sp1 binding affinity and activity of CAR promoter. Histone deacetylase inhibitor (TSA) treatment enhanced recruitment of Sp1 to the CAR promoter in ChIP assay. Meanwhile, Sp1 binding inhibitor suppressed the recruitment. Exogenous expression of wild-type Sp1 increased CAR expression in CAR-negative cells; meanwhile, dominant negative Sp1 decreased the CAR expression in CAR-positive cells. These results indicate that Sp1 is involved in regulation of CAR expression


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    This study reviews the potential of flexible strain sensors based on nanomaterials such as carbon nanotubes (CNTs), graphene, and metal nanowires (NWs). These nanomaterials have excellent flexibility, conductivity, and mechanical properties, which enable them to be integrated into clothing or attached to the skin for the real-time monitoring of various activities. However, the main challenge is balancing high stretchability and sensitivity. This paper explains the basic concept of strain sensors that can convert mechanical deformation into electrical signals. Moreover, this paper focuses on simple, flexible, and stretchable resistive and capacitive sensors. It also discusses the important factors in choosing materials and fabrication methods, emphasizing the crucial role of suitable polymers in high-performance strain sensing. This study reviews the fabrication processes, mechanisms, performance, and applications of stretchable strain sensors in detail. It analyzes key aspects, such as sensitivity, stretchability, linearity, response time, and durability. This review provides useful insights into the current status and prospects of stretchable strain sensors in wearable technology and human–machine interfaces

    Selenoprotein W enhances skeletal muscle differentiation by inhibiting TAZ binding to 14-3-3 protein

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    AbstractSelenoprotein W (SelW) is expressed in various tissues, particularly in skeletal muscle. We have previously reported that SelW is up-regulated during C2C12 skeletal muscle differentiation and inhibits binding of 14-3-3 to its target proteins. 14-3-3 reduces myogenic differentiation by inhibiting nuclear translocation of transcriptional co-activator with PDZ-binding motif (TAZ). Phosphorylation of TAZ at Ser89 is required for binding to 14-3-3, leading to cytoplasmic retention of TAZ and a delay in myogenic differentiation. Here, we show that myogenic differentiation was delayed in SelW-knockdown C2C12 cells. Down-regulation of SelW also increased TAZ binding to 14-3-3, which eventually resulted in decreasing translocation of TAZ to the nucleus. However, phosphorylation of TAZ at Ser89 was not affected. Although phosphorylation of TAZ at Ser89 was sustained by the phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid, nuclear translocation of TAZ was increased by ectopic expression of SelW. This result was due to decreased binding of TAZ to 14-3-3. We also found that the interaction between TAZ and MyoD was increased by ectopic expression of SelW. Taken together, these findings strongly demonstrate that SelW enhances C2C12 cell differentiation by inhibiting TAZ binding to 14-3-3

    Modeliranje ljudske vožnje primjenom po dijelovima linearnog modela

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    This paper presents development of the modeling strategy of the human driving behavior based on the expression as Piecewise Linear (PWL) model focusing on the driver\u27s stopping maneuver. The driving data are collected by using the three-dimensional driving simulator based on CAVE Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE), which provides stereoscopic immersive virtual environment. In our modeling, the control scenario of the human driver, that is, the mapping from the driver\u27s sensory information to the operation of the driver such as acceleration, braking and steering, is expressed by Piecewise Linear (PWL) model. Since the PWL model includes both continuous behaviors given by polynomials and discrete logical conditions, it can be regarded as a class of Hybrid Dynamical System (HDS). The identification problem for the PWL model is formulated as the Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) by transforming the switching conditions into binary variables. From the obtained results, it is found that the driver appropriately switches the \u27control law\u27 according to the sensory information. These results enable us to capture not only the physical meaning of the driving skill, but also the decision-making aspect (switching conditions) in the driver\u27s stopping maneuver.Ovaj članak prikazuje razvoj strategije modeliranja ljudskog ponašanja pri vožnji, koja je utemeljena na po dijelovima linearnom (PWL) modelu fokusiranom na vozačev manevar zaustavljanja. Podaci o vožnji prikupljeni su korištenjem trodimenzionalnog simulatora vožnje zasnovanog na CAVE Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE) koji osigurava potpuno stereoskopsko virtualno okruženje. Pri modeliranju je upravljački scenarij za vozača, odnosno preslikavanje vozačevih senzorskih informacija u operacije poput ubrzanja, kočenja i upravljanja vozilom, opisan PWL modelom. Kako PWL model uključuje istodobno kontinuirano ponašanje izraženo preko polinoma kao i diskretne logičke uvjete, takav se model može promatrati kao klasa hibridnih dinamičkih sustava (HDS). Transformiranjem uvjeta prekapčanja u binarne varijable, problem identifikacije PWL modela formuliran je kao mješoviti cjelobrojni linearni program (MILP). Iz dobivenih je rezultata vidljivo da vozač prekapča »zakon upravljanja« u skladu sa senzorskim informacijama. Rezultati omogućuju razumijevanje ne samo fizikalnog značenja sposobnosti vožnje već i sam aspekt donošenja odluka (uvjeta prekapčanja) prilikom vozačevog manevra zaustavljanja

    Identification of cDNA Encoding a Serine Protease Homologous to Human Complement C1r Precursor from Grafted Mouse Skin

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    We isolated a cDNA clone from grafted mouse skin that encodes a serine protease homologous to human C1r. The C1r protease is involved in the activation of the first component of the classical pathway in the complement system. In order to identify novel transcripts whose expression is regulated in grafted mouse skin, we first perfomed differential display reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction analysis and obtained 18 partial cDNA clones whose protein products are likely to play an important role in allograft rejection. One of these showed significant sequence homology with human complement C1r precursor. The other clones displayed no homology to any known sequences, however. Northern blot analysis demonstrated that the level of this transcript was upregulated in day 8 postgrafted skin. The full-length cDNA 2121 nucleotides in length obtained from screening a mouse skin cDNA library contained a single open reading frame encoding 707 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular weight of 80,732 Da. Its deduced amino acid sequence revealed an 81% identity and 89% similarity to the human C1r counterpart. In particular, mouse C1r contained His501, Asp559, and Ser656, which were conserved among this group of serine proteases. This protein was thus designated as mouse C1r. We have expressed a truncated fragment of C1r protein without the N-terminal hydrophobic sequence in Escherichia coli and generated a polyclonal antibody against it. Subsequent immunohistochemical analysis confirmed that mouse C1r was significantly expressed 8 d after the skin graft in both allografted and autografted skins, compared with normal skins. These collective data suggest that a component of the complement system, C1r, might contribute to the graft versus host immune responses in mice

    Characteristics of children with trauma compared to those with disease in the emergency department: a Korean single regional emergency medical center study

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    Purpose Trauma is the leading cause of death and disability in children. We aimed to compare the clinical characteristics of children with trauma and disease. Methods We reviewed the medical records of children (< 19 years) who visited the emergency department of Pusan National University Hospital from 2016 through 2018. Data on the age, age group, sex, details of trauma or disease, severe trauma or disease (Korean Triage Acuity Scale 1-2), hospitalization rate (overall and intensive care unit [ICU]), hospital length of stay, in-hospital mortality, and the Injury Severity Score were compared between the children with trauma and those with disease. Results In a total of 10,205 children, 3,028 (29.7%) had trauma. The children with trauma were older than those with disease (median age, 78.5 months [interquartile range, 35.0-165.0] vs. 49.0 [16.0-120.0]; P < 0.001). Boys were more common in the former group than the latter (63.7% vs. 56.3%; P < 0.001). The most common injury mechanism was traffic accident (16.0%), followed by fall and foreign body. The overall hospitalization rate was higher in the children with disease (17.1% vs. 35.9%; P < 0.001). However, the children with trauma underwent more frequent ICU hospitalization, and showed higher in-hospital mortality rate and longer hospital length of stay than those with disease (all P < 0.001). The children with severe trauma showed higher median age, percentage of boys, in-hospital mortality, and ICU hospitalization rate, and longer hospital length of stay than those with severe disease (all P < 0.001). Conclusion Children with trauma tend to be older, and their condition may be more critical in severity than those with disease. This difference is more prominent in those with severe trauma or disease

    5′-Triphosphate-RNA-independent activation of RIG-I via RNA aptamer with enhanced antiviral activity

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    RIG-I is a cytosolic receptor for non-self RNA that mediates immune responses against viral infections through IFNα/β production. In an attempt to identify novel tools that modulate IFNα/β production, we used SELEX technology to screen RNA aptamers that specifically target RIG-I protein. Most of the selected RIG-I aptamers contained polyU motifs in the second half regions that played critical roles in the activation of RIG-I-mediated IFNβ production. Unlike other known ligands, RIG-I aptamer bound and activated RIG-I in a 5′-triphosphate-independent manner. The helicase and RD domain of RIG-I were used for aptamer binding, but intact RIG-I protein was required to exert aptamer-mediated signaling activation. Furthermore, replication of NDV, VSV and influenza virus in infected host cells was efficiently blocked by pre- or post-treatment with RIG-I aptamer. Based on these data, we propose that RIG-I aptamer has strong potential to be an antiviral agent that specifically boosts the RIG-I-dependent signaling cascade