2,797 research outputs found

    A polynomial invariant of virtual magnetic link diagrams

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    Coderivations of Ranked Bigroupoids

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    The notion of (co)derivations of ranked bigroupoids is discussed by Alshehri et al. (in press), and their generalized version is studied by Jun et al. (under review press). In particular, Jun et al. (under review press) studied coderivations of ranked bigroupoids. In this paper, the generalization of coderivations of ranked bigroupoids is discussed. The notion of generalized coderivations in ranked bigroupoids is introduced, and new generalized coderivations of ranked bigroupoids are obtained by combining a generalized self-coderivation with a rankomorphism. From the notion of (X,∗,&)-derivation, the existence of a rankomorphism of ranked bigroupoids is established

    Evolution of optical phonons in CdS nanowires, nanobelts, and nanosheets

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    We report Raman scattering from single and ensemble CdS nanowires, nanobelts, and nanosheets. The Raman spectra of nanobelts and nanosheets are notably different from those of nanowires, exhibiting a strong enhancement of the multiphonon response. Moreover, the first-order longitudinal optical (LO) phonon energy systematically increases with increasing lateral size from nanowires to nanobelts, and to nanosheets. These results suggest that the optical phonons in the CdS nanostructures are influenced by strain, crystallinity, and exciton-LO phonon coupling.open342

    Petrositis With Bilateral Abducens Nerve Palsies complicated by Acute Otitis Media

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    Petrous apicitis is a rare but fatal complication of otitis media. An infection within the middle ear can extend within the temporal bone into the air cells of the petrous apex. With only the thin dura mater separating the trigeminal ganglion and the 6th cranial nerve from the bony petrous apex, they are vulnerable to inflammatory processes, resulting in deep facial pain, lateral rectus muscle paralysis, and diplopia. In 1904, Gradenigo described a triad of symptoms related to petrous apicitis, including acute suppurative otitis media, deep facial pain resulting from trigeminal involvement, and abducens nerve palsy. It has traditionally been treated with surgery, but recent advances in imaging, with improved antibiotic treatment, allow conservative management. In this case report, we describe a clinical and neuroradiological evolution of a child with a petrous apicitis after acute otitis media, which was managed medically with a positive outcome

    The involvement of AMPK/GSK3-beta signals in the control of metastasis and proliferation in hepato-carcinoma cells treated with anthocyanins extracted from Korea wild berry Meoru

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    BACKGROUND: Activation of the Wnt pathway is known to promote tumorigenesis and tumor metastasis, and targeting Wnt pathway inhibition has emerged as an attractive approach for controlling tumor invasion and metastasis. The major pathway for inhibiting Wnt is through the degradation of β-catenin by the GSK3-beta/CK1/Axin/APC complex. It was found that Hep3B hepato-carcinoma cells respond to anthocyanins through GSK3-beta-induced suppression of beta-catenin; however, they cannot dephosphorylate GSK3-beta without AMPK activation. METHODS: We tested the effects of anthocyanins on proliferation and apoptosis by MTT and Annexin V-PI staining in vitro. Mouse xenograft models of hepato-carcinomas were established by inoculation with Hep3B cells, and mice were injected with 50 mg/kg/ml of anthocyanins. In addition, protein levels of p-GSK3-beta, beta-catenin, p-AMPK, MMP-9, VEGF, and Ang-1 were also analyzed using western blot. RESULTS: Anthocyanins decrease phospho-GSK3-beta and beta-catenin expression in an in vivo tumor xenograft model, increase AMPK activity in this model, and inhibit cell migration and invasion, possibly by inhibiting MMP-2 (in vitro) and the panendothelial marker, CD31 (in vivo). To elucidate the role of the GSK3-beta/beta-catenin pathway in cancer control, we conditionally inactivated this pathway, using activated AMPK for inhibition. Further, we showed that AMPK siRNA treatment abrogated the ability of anthocyanins to control cell proliferation and metastatic potential, and Compound C, an AMPK inhibitor, could not restore GSK3-beta regulation, as exhibited by anthocyanins in Hep3B cells. CONCLUSION: These observations imply that the AMPK-mediated GSK3-beta/beta-catenin circuit plays crucial roles in inhibiting cancer cell proliferation and metastasis in anthocyanin-treated hepato-carcinoma cells of Meoru origin