1,662 research outputs found

    #cutting: non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) on Instagram

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    Social media presents an important means for social interaction, especially among adolescents, with Instagram being the most popular platform in this age-group. Pictures and communication about non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) can frequently be found on the internet. During 4 weeks in April 2016, n = 2826 (from n = 1154 accounts) pictures which directly depicted wounds on Instagram were investigated. Those pictures, associated comments, and user accounts were independently rated for content. Associations between characteristics of pictures and comments as well as weekly and daily trends of posting behavior were analyzed. Most commonly, pictures depicted wounds caused by cutting on arms or legs and were rated as mild or moderate injuries. Pictures with increasing wound grades and those depicting multiple methods of NSSI generated elevated amounts of comments. While most comments were neutral or empathic with some offering help, few comments were hostile. Pictures were mainly posted in the evening hours, with a small peak in the early morning. While there was a slight peak of pictures being posted on Sundays, postings were rather evenly spread across the week. Pictures of NSSI are frequently posted on Instagram. Social reinforcement might play a role in the posting of more severe NSSI pictures. Social media platforms need to take appropriate measures for preventing online social contagion

    First assessment of Mercury (Hg) concentrations in skin and Carapace of Flatback Turtles (Natator depressus) (Garman) from Western Australia

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    Mercury pollution in the surface ocean has more than doubled over the past century. Within oceanic food webs, sea turtles have life history characteristics that make them especially vulnerable to mercury (Hg) accumulation. In this study we investigated Hg concentrations in the skin and carapace of nesting flatback turtles (Natator depressus) from two rookeries in Western Australia. A total of 50 skin samples and 52 carapace samples were collected from nesting turtles at Thevenard Island, and 23 skin and 28 carapace samples from nesting turtles at Eighty Mile Beach. We tested the influence of turtle size on Hg concentrations, hypothesising that larger and likely older adult turtles would exhibit higher concentrations due to more prolonged exposure to Hg. We compared the rookeries, hypothesising that the turtles from the southern rookery (Thevenard Island) were more likely to forage and reside in the Pilbara region closer to industrial mining activity and loading ports (potential exposure to higher environmental Hg concentrations) with turtles from the northern rookery (Eighty Mile Beach) more likely to reside and feed in the remote Kimberley. Turtles from the Eighty Mile Beach rookery had significantly higher skin Hg concentrations (x̄ = 19.4 ± 4.8 ng/g) than turtles from Thevenard Island (x̄ = 15.2 ± 5.8 ng/g). There was no significant difference in carapace Hg concentrations in turtles between Eighty Mile Beach (x̄ = 48.4 ± 21.8 ng/g) and Thevenard Island (x̄ = 41.3 ± 16.5 ng/g). Turtle size did not explain Hg concentrations in skin samples from Eighty Mile Beach and Thevenard Island, but turtle size explained 43.1% of Hg concentrations in the carapace of turtles from Eighty Mile Beach and 44.2% from Thevenard Island. Mercury concentrations in the flatback turtles sampled in this study are relatively low compared to other sea turtles worldwide, likely a result of the generally low concentrations of Hg in the Australian environment. Although we predicted that mining activities would influence flatback turtle Hg bioaccumulations, our data did not support this effect. This may be a result of foraging ground overlap between the two rookeries, or the predominant wind direction carrying atmospheric Hg inland rather than seaward. This is the first Hg study in skin and carapace of flatback turtles and represents a baseline to compare Hg contamination in Australia’s surrounding oceans

    Addendum to: Capillary floating and the billiard ball problem

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    We compare the results of our earlier paper on the floating in neutral equilibrium at arbitrary orientation in the sense of Finn-Young with the literature on its counterpart in the sense of Archimedes. We add a few remarks of personal and social-historical character.Comment: This is an addendum to my article Capillary floating and the billiard ball problem, Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 14 (2012), 363 -- 38

    A quantitative theory-versus-experiment comparison for the intense laser dissociation of H2+

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    A detailed theory-versus-experiment comparison is worked out for H2+_2^+ intense laser dissociation, based on angularly resolved photodissociation spectra recently recorded in H.Figger's group. As opposite to other experimental setups, it is an electric discharge (and not an optical excitation) that prepares the molecular ion, with the advantage for the theoretical approach, to neglect without lost of accuracy, the otherwise important ionization-dissociation competition. Abel transformation relates the dissociation probability starting from a single ro-vibrational state, to the probability of observing a hydrogen atom at a given pixel of the detector plate. Some statistics on initial ro-vibrational distributions, together with a spatial averaging over laser focus area, lead to photofragments kinetic spectra, with well separated peaks attributed to single vibrational levels. An excellent theory-versus-experiment agreement is reached not only for the kinetic spectra, but also for the angular distributions of fragments originating from two different vibrational levels resulting into more or less alignment. Some characteristic features can be interpreted in terms of basic mechanisms such as bond softening or vibrational trapping.Comment: submitted to PRA on 21.05.200

    Lattice-switch Monte Carlo

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    We present a Monte Carlo method for the direct evaluation of the difference between the free energies of two crystal structures. The method is built on a lattice-switch transformation that maps a configuration of one structure onto a candidate configuration of the other by `switching' one set of lattice vectors for the other, while keeping the displacements with respect to the lattice sites constant. The sampling of the displacement configurations is biased, multicanonically, to favor paths leading to `gateway' arrangements for which the Monte Carlo switch to the candidate configuration will be accepted. The configurations of both structures can then be efficiently sampled in a single process, and the difference between their free energies evaluated from their measured probabilities. We explore and exploit the method in the context of extensive studies of systems of hard spheres. We show that the efficiency of the method is controlled by the extent to which the switch conserves correlated microstructure. We also show how, microscopically, the procedure works: the system finds gateway arrangements which fulfill the sampling bias intelligently. We establish, with high precision, the differences between the free energies of the two close packed structures (fcc and hcp) in both the constant density and the constant pressure ensembles.Comment: 34 pages, 9 figures, RevTeX. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Asymmetric Fluid Criticality II: Finite-Size Scaling for Simulations

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    The vapor-liquid critical behavior of intrinsically asymmetric fluids is studied in finite systems of linear dimensions, LL, focusing on periodic boundary conditions, as appropriate for simulations. The recently propounded ``complete'' thermodynamic (L)(L\to\infty) scaling theory incorporating pressure mixing in the scaling fields as well as corrections to scaling [arXiv:condmat/0212145]{[arXiv:cond-mat/0212145]}, is extended to finite LL, initially in a grand canonical representation. The theory allows for a Yang-Yang anomaly in which, when LL\to\infty, the second temperature derivative, (d2μσ/dT2)(d^{2}\mu_{\sigma}/dT^{2}), of the chemical potential along the phase boundary, μσ(T)\mu_{\sigma}(T), diverges when T\to\Tc -. The finite-size behavior of various special {\em critical loci} in the temperature-density or (T,ρ)(T,\rho) plane, in particular, the kk-inflection susceptibility loci and the QQ-maximal loci -- derived from QL(T,L)L2/<m4>LQ_{L}(T,_{L}) \equiv ^{2}_{L}/< m^{4}>_{L} where mρLm \equiv \rho - _{L} -- is carefully elucidated and shown to be of value in estimating \Tc and \rhoc. Concrete illustrations are presented for the hard-core square-well fluid and for the restricted primitive model electrolyte including an estimate of the correlation exponent ν\nu that confirms Ising-type character. The treatment is extended to the canonical representation where further complications appear.Comment: 23 pages in the two-column format (including 13 figures) This is Part II of the previous paper [arXiv:cond-mat/0212145

    Measurement of the Cross Sections and Analyzing Powers for Transitions in 58-Ni Using 200 MeV Proton Scattering

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY-931478

    Hybrid Monte Carlo with Fat Link Fermion Actions

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    The use of APE smearing or other blocking techniques in lattice fermion actions can provide many advantages. There are many variants of these fat link actions in lattice QCD currently, such as FLIC fermions. The FLIC fermion formalism makes use of the APE blocking technique in combination with a projection of the blocked links back into the special unitary group. This reunitarisation is often performed using an iterative maximisation of a gauge invariant measure. This technique is not differentiable with respect to the gauge field and thus prevents the use of standard Hybrid Monte Carlo simulation algorithms. The use of an alternative projection technique circumvents this difficulty and allows the simulation of dynamical fat link fermions with standard HMC and its variants. The necessary equations of motion for FLIC fermions are derived, and some initial simulation results are presented. The technique is more general however, and is straightforwardly applicable to other smearing techniques or fat link actions