8,086 research outputs found

    New Species Records for Wisconsin False Click Beetles (Coleoptera: Eucnemidae),

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    In Wisconsin, Microrhagus opacus, Euryptychus ulkei and Fornax bicolor are recorded for the first time. Records for these three species are based on nine specimens, most of which were taken since 2008. Two specimens of M. opacus taken from a Grant County Malaise trap in the late 1970’s as part of a statewide gypsy moth parasitoid recovery project, were previously identified as Microrhagus audax. Most of the specimens reported herein were taken late in the collecting season, primarily during August. A checklist of the 20 genera and 41 species of Wisconsin Eucnemidae is also included

    Exploring the Revenue Mix of Nonprofit Organizations -- Does it Relate to Publicness

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    Nonprofit organizations offer a wide range of goods and services and seek funding from a variety of revenue sources. Our working theory n this paper is that the sources of funding are related to the services a nonprofit provides - specifically whether services are public, private, or mixed in the nature of their benefits. Using multiple subfields from three major fields in the National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE), this study divides nonprofits according to service type, and estimates the impact of service character on particular revenue streams and overall level of revenue diversification. Generally, the proportion of revenues generated by program fees is lowest for the category deemed public, highest for those with mostly private benefits, and midway for "mixed" services which are private in character but entail substantial public benefits. Similarly, the more public a nonprofit's services, the greater the proportion of revenues it generates through donations. However, we also identify some puzzling results that suggest the need for continued investigation of the determinants of the sources and mixes of nonprofit income. Working Paper 07-3


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    Dissolved salts (salinity) adversely affect numerous urban and agricultural users of Colorado River water in California and Arizona. Congress in 1974 authorized a major salinity control program. Studies of general economic benefits from salinity abatement and the cost per unit of salinity reduction expected from specific proposed projects have been developed by the responsible federal agencies, but no project-by-project evaluation has been published. We find a conceptual basis for a substantial downward revision of prospective economic benefits of salinity abatement. Revised benefits are compared with estimated costs, and only for five of the nineteen projects do economic benefits appear to exceed costs.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Punishment at all Costs: On Religion, Convicting the Innocent, and Supporting the Death Penalty

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    This Paper explores the impact of the belief structure among white fundamentalist denominations on the support for the death penalty. Professor Robert L. Young observes that the tenets of fundamentalism, as well as the great extent that fundamentalists conform to the positions of their clergy, support this link between fundamentalism and a punitive orientation toward wrongdoers. Professor Young explains that members in white fundamentalist churches, to a greater extent than others, are inclined toward a negative view of human nature, which in turn leads to the belief that letting the guilty go free is a more serious mistake than convicting the innocent. This relative tolerance for convicting the innocent has a direct impact on support for the death penalty

    UCC Article 9

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    Derivation of supply curves for catchment water effluents meeting specific salinity concentration targets in 2050: linking farm and catchment level models or “Footprints on future salt / water planes”

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    The salt burden in a stream reflects the blend of salty and fresh flows from different soil areas in its catchment. Depending not only on long-run rainfall, water yields from a soil are also determined by land cover: lowest if the area is forested and greatest if cleared. Water yields under agro-forestry, lucerne pasture, perennial grass pasture, and annual pasture or cropping options span the range of water yields between the extremes of forested and cleared lands. This study explores quantitative approaches for connecting the hydrologic and economic consequences of farm-level decisions on land cover (productive land uses) to the costs of attaining different catchment level targets of water volumes and salt reaching downstream users; environmental, agricultural, domestic, commercial and industrial. This connection is critical for the resolution of the externality dilemma of meeting downstream demands for water volume and quality. New technology, new products and new markets will expand options for salinity abatement measures in the dryland farming areas of watershed catchments. The development of appropriate policy solutions to address demands for water volumes and quality depends on the possibility of inducing targeted land use change in those catchments or parts of catchments where decreased saline flows or increased fresh water flows can return the best value for money. This study provides such a link.salinity, targets, opportunity cost, concentration, dilution, effluent, externality, supply, demand, policy, water quality, new technology, new markets, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Prairie Crop Diversification

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    The Canadian prairies traditionally have been dominated by spring wheat production. Crop diversification is now being advocated to enhance farm-level risk management, ecological benefits, nutrient cycling, and pest and disease control, and to reduce the farm economy’s reliance on income from a single crop. There has always been interest in diversifying away from wheat, but until recently, economically feasible alternatives have been limited, and government policies may have constrained the shift to other crops. Knowing the impact of prices and policies on crop diversification is essential to understanding producer response and to determining strategies to enhance cropping diversity.Marketing,

    First Record of \u3ci\u3eOchlerotatus Japonicus\u3c/i\u3e (Diptera: Culicidae) in St. Joseph County, Indiana

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    A single female specimen of Ochlerotatus japonicus (Theobald)(formerly Aedes japonicus), the Asian bush mosquito, was captured in St. Joseph County, IN on 29 July 2004. This is the first report of that species in northern Indiana. Additional specimens were subsequently collected, indicating probable establishment throughout the county

    Vegetative λ DNA: III. Pulse-labeled Components

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    The structures of λ DNA labeled during short pulses of [^3H]thymine at various times after infection have been studied by ultracentrifugal analysis. Circular DNA's, both the supercoiled form and an open form, are the main DNA components synthesized in the first half of the latent period. The open circular form is the most rapidly synthesized and may be a precursor to the supercoiled DNA. During the later period of progeny DNA accumulation the open circular form and a heterogeneous, more rapidly sedimenting component(s) are synthesized during such pulses. These are apparently involved in the generation of the linear, viral DNA
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