5,713 research outputs found

    Approximating 1-dimensional TSP Requires Omega(n log n) Comparisons

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    We give a short proof that any comparison-based n^(1-epsilon)-approximation algorithm for the 1-dimensional Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) requires Omega(n log n) comparisons.Comment: Superseded by "On the complexity of approximating Euclidean traveling salesman tours and minimum spanning trees", by Das et al; Algorithmica 19:447-460 (1997

    Nearly Linear-Work Algorithms for Mixed Packing/Covering and Facility-Location Linear Programs

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    We describe the first nearly linear-time approximation algorithms for explicitly given mixed packing/covering linear programs, and for (non-metric) fractional facility location. We also describe the first parallel algorithms requiring only near-linear total work and finishing in polylog time. The algorithms compute (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximate solutions in time (and work) O∗(N/ϵ2)O^*(N/\epsilon^2), where NN is the number of non-zeros in the constraint matrix. For facility location, NN is the number of eligible client/facility pairs

    On-Line File Caching

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    In the on-line file-caching problem problem, the input is a sequence of requests for files, given on-line (one at a time). Each file has a non-negative size and a non-negative retrieval cost. The problem is to decide which files to keep in a fixed-size cache so as to minimize the sum of the retrieval costs for files that are not in the cache when requested. The problem arises in web caching by browsers and by proxies. This paper describes a natural generalization of LRU called Landlord and gives an analysis showing that it has an optimal performance guarantee (among deterministic on-line algorithms). The paper also gives an analysis of the algorithm in a so-called ``loosely'' competitive model, showing that on a ``typical'' cache size, either the performance guarantee is O(1) or the total retrieval cost is insignificant.Comment: ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (1998

    Sequential and Parallel Algorithms for Mixed Packing and Covering

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    Mixed packing and covering problems are problems that can be formulated as linear programs using only non-negative coefficients. Examples include multicommodity network flow, the Held-Karp lower bound on TSP, fractional relaxations of set cover, bin-packing, knapsack, scheduling problems, minimum-weight triangulation, etc. This paper gives approximation algorithms for the general class of problems. The sequential algorithm is a simple greedy algorithm that can be implemented to find an epsilon-approximate solution in O(epsilon^-2 log m) linear-time iterations. The parallel algorithm does comparable work but finishes in polylogarithmic time. The results generalize previous work on pure packing and covering (the special case when the constraints are all "less-than" or all "greater-than") by Michael Luby and Noam Nisan (1993) and Naveen Garg and Jochen Konemann (1998)

    A Bound on the Sum of Weighted Pairwise Distances of Points Constrained to Balls

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    We consider the problem of choosing Euclidean points to maximize the sum of their weighted pairwise distances, when each point is constrained to a ball centered at the origin. We derive a dual minimization problem and show strong duality holds (i.e., the resulting upper bound is tight) when some locally optimal configuration of points is affinely independent. We sketch a polynomial time algorithm for finding a near-optimal set of points.Comment: Cornell ORIE Tech Repor

    Hamming Approximation of NP Witnesses

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    Given a satisfiable 3-SAT formula, how hard is it to find an assignment to the variables that has Hamming distance at most n/2 to a satisfying assignment? More generally, consider any polynomial-time verifier for any NP-complete language. A d(n)-Hamming-approximation algorithm for the verifier is one that, given any member x of the language, outputs in polynomial time a string a with Hamming distance at most d(n) to some witness w, where (x,w) is accepted by the verifier. Previous results have shown that, if P != NP, then every NP-complete language has a verifier for which there is no (n/2-n^(2/3+d))-Hamming-approximation algorithm, for various constants d > 0. Our main result is that, if P != NP, then every paddable NP-complete language has a verifier that admits no (n/2+O(sqrt(n log n)))-Hamming-approximation algorithm. That is, one cannot get even half the bits right. We also consider natural verifiers for various well-known NP-complete problems. They do have n/2-Hamming-approximation algorithms, but, if P != NP, have no (n/2-n^epsilon)-Hamming-approximation algorithms for any constant epsilon > 0. We show similar results for randomized algorithms

    On-Line End-to-End Congestion Control

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    Congestion control in the current Internet is accomplished mainly by TCP/IP. To understand the macroscopic network behavior that results from TCP/IP and similar end-to-end protocols, one main analytic technique is to show that the the protocol maximizes some global objective function of the network traffic. Here we analyze a particular end-to-end, MIMD (multiplicative-increase, multiplicative-decrease) protocol. We show that if all users of the network use the protocol, and all connections last for at least logarithmically many rounds, then the total weighted throughput (value of all packets received) is near the maximum possible. Our analysis includes round-trip-times, and (in contrast to most previous analyses) gives explicit convergence rates, allows connections to start and stop, and allows capacities to change.Comment: Proceedings IEEE Symp. Foundations of Computer Science, 200
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