18 research outputs found

    Deletion of admB

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    Japanese Traditional Miso and Koji Making

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    Miso is a traditional Japanese seasoning paste produced by fermenting soybeans using the power of koji mold. A recent Japanese cohort study has shown that increased consumption of fermented soybean products is associated with a reduced risk of death in both men and women. In this review, we briefly explain what miso means in the Japanese culture and food industry, varieties of miso available today, and steps involved in miso making. Then, we review early and latest scientific researches in koji mold species, their safety, and beneficial enzymes they produce during fermentation and maturation processes, which play a major part in determining the quality and sensory profile of miso

    Collagen V Is a Potential Substrate for Clostridial Collagenase G in Pancreatic Islet Isolation

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    The clostridial collagenases, H and G, play key roles in pancreatic islet isolation. Collagenases digest the peptide bond between Yaa and the subsequent Gly in Gly-Xaa-Yaa repeats. To fully understand the pancreatic islet isolation process, identification of the collagenase substrates in the tissue is very important. Although collagen types I and III were reported as possible substrates for collagenase H, the substrate for collagenase G remains unknown. In this study, collagen type V was focused upon as the target for collagenases. In vitro digestion experiments for collagen type V were performed and analyzed by SDS-PAGE and mass spectrometry. Porcine pancreatic tissues were digested in vitro under three conditions and observed during digestion. The results revealed that collagen type V was only digested by collagenase G and that the digestion was initiated from the N-terminal part. Tissue degradation during porcine islet isolation was only observed in the presence of both collagenases H and G. These findings suggest that collagen type V is one of the substrates for collagenase G. The enzymatic activity of collagenase G appears to be more important for pancreatic islet isolation in large mammals such as pigs and humans

    Novel Hydrophobic Surface Binding Protein, HsbA, Produced by Aspergillus oryzae

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    Hydrophobic surface binding protein A (HsbA) is a secreted protein (14.5 kDa) isolated from the culture broth of Aspergillus oryzae RIB40 grown in a medium containing polybutylene succinate-co-adipate (PBSA) as a sole carbon source. We purified HsbA from the culture broth and determined its N-terminal amino acid sequence. We found a DNA sequence encoding a protein whose N terminus matched that of purified HsbA in the A. ozyzae genomic sequence. We cloned the hsbA genomic DNA and cDNA from A. oryzae and constructed a recombinant A. oryzae strain highly expressing hsbA. Orthologues of HsbA were present in animal pathogenic and entomopathogenic fungi. Heterologously synthesized HsbA was purified and biochemically characterized. Although the HsbA amino acid sequence suggests that HsbA may be hydrophilic, HsbA adsorbed to hydrophobic PBSA surfaces in the presence of NaCl or CaCl(2). When HsbA was adsorbed on the hydrophobic PBSA surfaces, it promoted PBSA degradation via the CutL1 polyesterase. CutL1 interacts directly with HsbA attached to the hydrophobic QCM electrode surface. These results suggest that when HsbA is adsorbed onto the PBSA surface, it recruits CutL1, and that when CutL1 is accumulated on the PBSA surface, it stimulates PBSA degradation. We previously reported that when the A. oryzae hydrophobin RolA is bound to PBSA surfaces, it too specifically recruits CutL1. Since HsbA is not a hydrophobin, A. oryzae may use several types of proteins to recruit lytic enzymes to the surface of hydrophobic solid materials and promote their degradation

    Disordered Cell Integrity Signaling Caused by Disruption of the kexB Gene in Aspergillus oryzae

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    We isolated the kexB gene, which encodes a subtilisin-like processing enzyme, from a filamentous fungus, Aspergillus oryzae. To examine the physiological role of kexB in A. oryzae, we constructed a kexB disruptant (ΔkexB), which formed shrunken colonies with poor generation of conidia on Czapek-Dox (CD) agar plates and hyperbranched mycelia in CD liquid medium. The phenotypes of the ΔkexB strain were restored under high osmolarity in both solid and liquid culture conditions. We found that transcription of the mpkA gene, which encodes a putative mitogen-activated protein kinase involved in cell integrity signaling, was significantly higher in ΔkexB cells than in wild-type cells. The ΔkexB cells also contained higher levels of transcripts for cell wall-related genes encoding β-1,3-glucanosyltransferase and chitin synthases, which is presumably attributable to cell integrity signaling through the increased gene expression of mpkA. As expected, constitutively increased levels of phosphorylated MpkA were observed in ΔkexB cells on the CD plate culture. High osmotic stress greatly downregulated the increased levels of both transcripts of mpkA and the phosphorylated form of MpkA in ΔkexB cells, concomitantly suppressing the morphological defects. These results suggest that the upregulation of transcription levels of mpkA and cell wall biogenesis genes in the ΔkexB strain is autoregulated by phosphorylated MpkA as the active form through cell integrity signaling. We think that KexB is required for precise proteolytic processing of sensor proteins in the cell integrity pathway or of cell wall-related enzymes under transcriptional control by the pathway and that the KexB defect thus induces disordered cell integrity signaling

    MpkA-Dependent and -Independent Cell Wall Integrity Signaling in Aspergillus nidulans▿ †

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    Cell wall integrity signaling (CWIS) maintains cell wall biogenesis in fungi, but only a few transcription factors (TFs) and target genes downstream of the CWIS cascade in filamentous fungi are known. Because a mitogen-activated protein kinase (MpkA) is a key CWIS enzyme, the transcriptional regulation of mpkA and of cell wall-related genes (CWGs) is important in cell wall biogenesis. We cloned Aspergillus nidulans mpkA; rlmA, a TF gene orthologous to Saccharomyces cerevisiae RLM1 that encodes Rlm1p, a major Mpk1p-dependent TF that regulates the transcription of MPK1 besides that of CWGs; and Answi4 and Answi6, homologous to S. cerevisiae SWI4 and SWI6, encoding the Mpk1p-activating TF complex Swi4p-Swi6p, which regulates CWG transcription in a cell cycle-dependent manner. A. nidulans rlmA and mpkA cDNA functionally complemented S. cerevisiae rlm1Δ and mpk1Δ mutants, respectively, but Answi4 and Answi6 cDNA did not complement swi4Δ and swi6Δ mutants. We constructed A. nidulans rlmA, Answi4 and Answi6, and mpkA disruptants (rlmAΔ, Answi4Δ Answi6Δ, and mpkAΔ strains) and analyzed mpkA and CWG transcripts after treatment with a β-1,3-glucan synthase inhibitor (micafungin) that could activate MpkA via CWIS. Levels of mpkA transcripts in the mutants as well as those in the wild type were changed after micafungin treatment. The β-glucuronidase reporter gene controlled by the mpkA promoter was expressed in the wild type but not in the mpkAΔ strain. Thus, mpkA transcription seems to be autoregulated by CWIS via MpkA but not by RlmA or AnSwi4-AnSwi6. The transcription of most CWGs except α-1,3-glucan synthase genes (agsA and agsB) was independent of RlmA and AnSwi4-AnSwi6 and seemed to be regulated by non-MpkA signaling. The transcriptional regulation of mpkA and of CWGs via CWIS in A. nidulans differs significantly from that in S. cerevisiae

    Isolation and Functional Analysis of a Gene, tcsB, Encoding a Transmembrane Hybrid-Type Histidine Kinase from Aspergillus nidulans

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    We cloned and characterized a novel Aspergillus nidulans histidine kinase gene, tcsB, encoding a membrane-type two-component signaling protein homologous to the yeast osmosensor synthetic lethal N-end rule protein 1 (SLN1), which transmits signals through the high-osmolarity glycerol response 1 (HOG1) mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade in yeast cells in response to environmental osmotic stimuli. From an A. nidulans cDNA library, we isolated a positive clone containing a 3,210-bp open reading frame that encoded a putative protein consisting of 1,070 amino acids. The predicted tcsB protein (TcsB) has two probable transmembrane regions in its N-terminal half and has a high degree of structural similarity to yeast Sln1p, a transmembrane hybrid-type histidine kinase. Overexpression of the tcsB cDNA suppressed the lethality of a temperature-sensitive osmosensing-defective sln1-ts yeast mutant. However, tcsB cDNAs in which the conserved phosphorylation site His(552) residue or the phosphorelay site Asp(989) residue had been replaced failed to complement the sln1-ts mutant. In addition, introduction of the tcsB cDNA into an sln1Δ sho1Δ yeast double mutant, which lacked two osmosensors, suppressed lethality in high-salinity media and activated the HOG1 MAPK. These results imply that TcsB functions as an osmosensor histidine kinase. We constructed an A. nidulans strain lacking the tcsB gene (tcsBΔ) and examined its phenotype. However, unexpectedly, the tcsBΔ strain did not exhibit a detectable phenotype for either hyphal development or morphology on standard or stress media. Our results suggest that A. nidulans has more complex and robust osmoregulatory systems than the yeast SLN1-HOG1 MAPK cascade

    Strategy towards tailored donor tissue-specific pancreatic islet isolation.

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    BackgroundOptimizing the collagenase G (ColG):collagenase H (ColH) ratio is a key strategy for achieving tailored donor-tissue specific islet isolation. Collagen V (Col V) and collagen III (Col III) are crucial target matrices of ColG and ColH, respectively. We herein investigated the relevance between the expression of target matrices in pancreatic tissues and influence of ColG:ColH ratio on islet isolation outcome.MethodsIslet isolation was performed in Lewis and SD rats using different ColG:ColH ratios (5:1, 1:1 and 1:5; n = 7/group). The composition of Col III and Col V was examined using immunohistochemical staining, real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Western blotting and mass spectrometry. Chain types in collagen I (Col I) were also assessed using mass spectrometry.ResultsNo beneficial effects were observed by increasing the ColG amount, irrespective of the rat strain. In contrast, the islet yield in Lewis rats was considerably increased by high amounts of ColH but decreased in SD rats, suggesting that Lewis pancreas contains more Col III than SD pancreas. Neither immunohistochemical nor real-time PCR showed correlation with isolation outcome. However, Western blotting revealed that Lewis contained considerably higher amount of Col III than SD (p = 0.10). Likewise, Col-I(α1)/Col-III(α1) and Col-I(α2)/Col-III(α1) were significantly lower in Lewis than in SD rats (p = 0.007, respectively). Furthermore, the isolation outcome was considerably correlated with the composition of homotrimeric Col I.ConclusionsThe Col III expression and the composition of homotrimeric Col I in pancreatic tissues determined using mass analyses appeared useful for optimizing the ColG:ColH ratio in islet isolation

    A novel non-thermostable deuterolysin from <i>Aspergillus oryzae</i>

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    <p>Three putative deuterolysin (EC genes (<i>deuA</i>, <i>deuB</i>, and <i>deuC</i>) were found in the <i>Aspergillus oryzae</i> genome database (<a href="http://www.bio.nite.go.jp/dogan/project/view/AO" target="_blank">http://www.bio.nite.go.jp/dogan/project/view/AO</a>). One of these genes, <i>deuA</i>, was corresponding to NpII gene, previously reported. DeuA and DeuB were overexpressed by recombinant <i>A. oryzae</i> and were purified. The degradation profiles against protein substrates of both enzymes were similar, but DeuB showed wider substrate specificity against peptidyl MCA-substrates compared with DeuA. Enzymatic profiles of DeuB except for thermostability also resembled those of DeuA. DeuB was inactivated by heat treatment above 80° C, different from thermostable DeuA. Transcription analysis in wild type <i>A. oryzae</i> showed only <i>deuB</i> was expressed in liquid culture, and the addition of the proteinous substrate upregulated the transcription. Furthermore, the NaNO<sub>3</sub> addition seems to eliminate the effect of proteinous substrate for the transcription of <i>deuB</i>.</p> <p>DeuB was a non-thermostable deuterolysin from <i>A. oryzae</i>. The transcription of the gene was promoted by protein substrates, but the promotion was eliminated by adding inorganic nitrogen source such as NaNO<sub>3</sub>.</p