15,827 research outputs found

    Tunnelling of condensate magnetization in a double-well potential

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    We study quantum dynamical properties of a spin-1 atomic Bose-Einstein condensate in a double-well potential. Adopting a mean field theory and single spatial mode approximation, we characterize our model system as two coupled spins. For certain initial states, we find full magnetization oscillations between wells not accompanied by mass (or atom numbers) exchange. We identify dynamic regimes of collective spin variables arising from nonlinear self-interactions that are different from the usual Josephson oscillations. We also discuss magnetization beats and incomplete oscillations of collective spin variables other than the magnetization. Our study points to an alternative approach to observe coherent tunnelling of a condensate through a (spatial) potential barrier.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Quantum state transmission in a cavity array via two-photon exchange

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    The dynamical behavior of a coupled cavity array is investigated when each cavity contains a three-level atom. For the uniform and staggered intercavity hopping, the whole system Hamiltonian can be analytically diagonalized in the subspace of single-atom excitation. The quantum state transfer along the cavities is analyzed in detail for distinct regimes of parameters, and some interesting phenomena including binary transmission, selective localization of the excitation population are revealed. We demonstrate that the uniform coupling is more suitable for the quantum state transfer. It is shown that the initial state of polariton located in the first cavity is crucial to the transmission fidelity, and the local entanglement depresses the state transfer probability. Exploiting the metastable state, the distance of the quantum state transfer can be much longer than that of Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard model. A higher transmission probability and longer distance can be achieved by employing a class of initial encodings and final decodings.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The Digital Health Evidence Generator

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    Measuring the quality factor of a microwave cavity using superconduting qubit devices

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    We propose a method to create superpositions of two macroscopic quantum states of a single-mode microwave cavity field interacting with a superconducting charge qubit. The decoherence of such superpositions can be determined by measuring either the Wigner function of the cavity field or the charge qubit states. Then the quality factor Q of the cavity can be inferred from the decoherence of the superposed states. The proposed method is experimentally realizable within current technology even when the QQ value is relatively low, and the interaction between the qubit and the cavity field is weak.Comment: 8 page

    Quantum Correlations in Two-Boson Wavefunctions

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    We present the Schmidt decomposition for arbitrary wavefunctions of two indistinguishable bosons, extending the recent studies of entanglement or quantum correlations for two fermion systems [J. Schliemann et al., Phys. Rev. B {\bf 63}, 085311 (2001) and quant-ph/0012094]. We point out that the von Neumann entropy of the reduced single particle density matrix remains to be a good entanglement measure for two identical particles.Comment: in press at Phys. Rev.

    Constraints on the Universal Varying Yukawa Couplings: from SM-like to Fermiophobic

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    Varying the Standard Model (SM) fermion Yukawa couplings universally by a generic positive scale factor (FYuF_{Yu}), we study the phenomenological fit to the current available experimental results for the Higgs boson search at hadron colliders. We point out that the Higgs production cross section and its decay branching ratio to γγ\gamma\gamma can be varied oppositely by FYuF_{Yu} to make their product almost invariant. Thus, our scenario and the SM Higgs are indistinguishable in the inclusive HγγH\to \gamma\gamma channel. The current measurements on direct Yukawa coupling strength in the Hbbˉ/ττH\to b\bar{b}/\tau\tau channel are not precise enough to fix the scale factor FYuF_{Yu}. The most promising is the vector-boson-fusion channel in which the CMS has already observed possible suppression effect on the Yukawa couplings. Further more, the global χ2\chi^2 fit of the experimental data can get the optimal value by introducing a suppression factor FYu1/2F_{Yu}\sim1/2 on the SM Yukawa couplings.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, 5 tables, update analysis is supplemente

    Complete Nondiagonal Reflection Matrices of RSOS/SOS and Hard Hexagon Models

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    In this paper we compute the most general nondiagonal reflection matrices of the RSOS/SOS models and hard hexagon model using the boundary Yang-Baxter equations. We find new one-parameter family of reflection matrices for the RSOS model in addition to the previous result without any parameter. We also find three classes of reflection matrices for the SOS model, which has one or two parameters. For the hard hexagon model which can be mapped to RSOS(5) model by folding four RSOS heights into two, the solutions can be obtained similarly with a main difference in the boundary unitarity conditions. Due to this, the reflection matrices can have two free parameters. We show that these extra terms can be identified with the `decorated' solutions. We also generalize the hard hexagon model by `folding' the RSOS heights of the general RSOS(p) model and show that they satisfy the integrability conditions such as the Yang- Baxter and boundary Yang-Baxter equations. These models can be solved using the results for the RSOS models.Comment: 18pages,Late

    Visual Affect Around the World: A Large-scale Multilingual Visual Sentiment Ontology

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    Every culture and language is unique. Our work expressly focuses on the uniqueness of culture and language in relation to human affect, specifically sentiment and emotion semantics, and how they manifest in social multimedia. We develop sets of sentiment- and emotion-polarized visual concepts by adapting semantic structures called adjective-noun pairs, originally introduced by Borth et al. (2013), but in a multilingual context. We propose a new language-dependent method for automatic discovery of these adjective-noun constructs. We show how this pipeline can be applied on a social multimedia platform for the creation of a large-scale multilingual visual sentiment concept ontology (MVSO). Unlike the flat structure in Borth et al. (2013), our unified ontology is organized hierarchically by multilingual clusters of visually detectable nouns and subclusters of emotionally biased versions of these nouns. In addition, we present an image-based prediction task to show how generalizable language-specific models are in a multilingual context. A new, publicly available dataset of >15.6K sentiment-biased visual concepts across 12 languages with language-specific detector banks, >7.36M images and their metadata is also released.Comment: 11 pages, to appear at ACM MM'1