14 research outputs found

    A1 reactive astrocytes and a loss of TREM2 are associated with an early stage of pathology in a mouse model of cerebral amyloid angiopathy

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    Background Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) is typified by the cerebrovascular deposition of amyloid. The mechanisms underlying the contribution of CAA to neurodegeneration are not currently understood. Although CAA is highly associated with the accumulation of amyloid beta (Aβ), other amyloids are known to associate with the vasculature. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is characterized by parenchymal Aβ deposition, intracellular accumulation of tau, and significant neuroinflammation. CAA increases with age and is present in 85–95% of individuals with AD. A substantial amount of research has focused on understanding the connection between parenchymal amyloid and glial activation and neuroinflammation, while associations between vascular amyloid pathology and glial reactivity remain understudied. Methods Here, we dissect the glial and immune responses associated with early-stage CAA with histological, biochemical, and gene expression analyses in a mouse model of familial Danish dementia (FDD), a neurodegenerative disease characterized by the vascular accumulation of Danish amyloid (ADan). Findings observed in this CAA mouse model were complemented with primary culture assays. Results We demonstrate that early-stage CAA is associated with dysregulation in immune response networks and lipid processing, severe astrogliosis with an A1 astrocytic phenotype, and decreased levels of TREM2 with no reactive microgliosis. Our results also indicate how cholesterol accumulation and ApoE are associated with vascular amyloid deposits at the early stages of pathology. We also demonstrate A1 astrocytic mediation of TREM2 and microglia homeostasis. Conclusion The initial glial response associated with early-stage CAA is characterized by the upregulation of A1 astrocytes without significant microglial reactivity. Gene expression analysis revealed that several AD risk factors involved in immune response and lipid processing may also play a preponderant role in CAA. This study contributes to the increasing evidence that brain cholesterol metabolism, ApoE, and TREM2 signaling are major players in the pathogenesis of AD-related dementias, including CAA. Understanding the basis for possible differential effects of glial response, ApoE, and TREM2 signaling on parenchymal plaques versus vascular amyloid deposits provides important insight for developing future therapeutic interventions

    Blocking airway mucous cell metaplasia by inhibiting EGFR antiapoptosis and IL-13 transdifferentiation signals

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    Epithelial hyperplasia and metaplasia are common features of inflammatory and neoplastic disease, but the basis for the altered epithelial phenotype is often uncertain. Here we show that long-term ciliated cell hyperplasia coincides with mucous (goblet) cell metaplasia after respiratory viral clearance in mouse airways. This chronic switch in epithelial behavior exhibits genetic susceptibility and depends on persistent activation of EGFR signaling to PI3K that prevents apoptosis of ciliated cells and on IL-13 signaling that promotes transdifferentiation of ciliated to goblet cells. Thus, EGFR blockade (using an irreversible EGFR kinase inhibitor designated EKB-569) prevents virus-induced increases in ciliated and goblet cells whereas IL-13 blockade (using s-IL-13Rα2-Fc) exacerbates ciliated cell hyperplasia but still inhibits goblet cell metaplasia. The distinct effects of EGFR and IL-13 inhibitors after viral reprogramming suggest that these combined therapeutic strategies may also correct epithelial architecture in the setting of airway inflammatory disorders characterized by a similar pattern of chronic EGFR activation, IL-13 expression, and ciliated-to-goblet cell metaplasia

    Long-term IL-33-producing epithelial progenitor cells in chronic obstructive lung disease

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    Chronic obstructive lung disease is characterized by persistent abnormalities in epithelial and immune cell function that are driven, at least in part, by infection. Analysis of parainfluenza virus infection in mice revealed an unexpected role for innate immune cells in IL-13–dependent chronic lung disease, but the upstream driver for the immune axis in this model and in humans with similar disease was undefined. We demonstrate here that lung levels of IL-33 are selectively increased in postviral mice with chronic obstructive lung disease and in humans with very severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In the mouse model, IL-33/IL-33 receptor signaling was required for Il13 and mucin gene expression, and Il33 gene expression was localized to a virus-induced subset of airway serous cells and a constitutive subset of alveolar type 2 cells that are both linked conventionally to progenitor function. In humans with COPD, IL33 gene expression was also associated with IL13 and mucin gene expression, and IL33 induction was traceable to a subset of airway basal cells with increased capacities for pluripotency and ATP-regulated release of IL-33. Together, these findings provide a paradigm for the role of the innate immune system in chronic disease based on the influence of long-term epithelial progenitor cells programmed for excess IL-33 production

    Tau as a mediator of neurotoxicity associated to cerebral amyloid angiopathy

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    Abstract Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) is typified by the cerebrovascular deposition of amyloid. Currently, there is no clear understanding of the mechanisms underlying the contribution of CAA to neurodegeneration. Despite the fact that CAA is highly associated with accumulation of Aβ, other types of amyloids have been shown to associate with the vasculature. Interestingly, in many cases, vascular amyloidosis is accompanied by significant tau pathology. However, the contribution of tau to neurodegeneration associated to CAA remains to be determined. We used a mouse model of Familial Danish Dementia (FDD), a neurodegenerative disease characterized by the accumulation of Danish amyloid (ADan) in the vasculature, to characterize the contribution of tau to neurodegeneration associated to CAA. We performed histological and biochemical assays to establish tau modifications associated with CAA in conjunction with cell-based and electrophysiological assays to determine the role of tau in the synaptic dysfunction associated with ADan. We demonstrated that ADan aggregates induced hyperphosphorylation and misfolding of tau. Moreover, in a mouse model for CAA, we observed tau oligomers closely associated to astrocytes in the vicinity of vascular amyloid deposits. We finally determined that the absence of tau prevents synaptic dysfunction induced by ADan oligomers. In addition to demonstrating the effect of ADan amyloid on tau misfolding, our results provide compelling evidence of the role of tau in neurodegeneration associated with ADan-CAA and suggest that decreasing tau levels could be a feasible approach for the treatment of CAA

    Temporal Relationship between Primary and Motile Ciliogenesis in Airway Epithelial Cells

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    Cilia are traditionally classified as motile or primary. Motile cilia are restricted to specific populations of well-differentiated epithelial cells, including those in the airway, brain ventricles, and oviducts. Primary cilia are nonmotile, solitary structures that are present in many cell types, and often have sensory functions such as in the retina and renal tubules. Primary cilia were also implicated in the regulation of fundamental processes in development. Rare depictions of primary cilia in embryonic airways led us to hypothesize that primary cilia in airway cells are temporally related to motile ciliogenesis. We identified primary cilia in undifferentiated, cultured airway epithelial cells from mice and humans and in developing lungs. The solitary cilia in the airways express proteins considered unique to primary cilia, including polycystin-1 and polycystin-2. A temporal analysis of airway epithelial cell differentiation showed that cells with primary cilia acquire markers of motile ciliogenesis, suggesting that motile ciliated cells originate from primary ciliated cells. Whereas motile ciliogenesis requires Foxj1, primary ciliogenesis does not, and the expression of Foxj1 was associated with a loss of primary cilia, just before the appearance of motile cilia. Primary cilia were not found in well-differentiated airway epithelial cells. However, after injury, they appear in the luminal layer of epithelium and in basal cells. The transient nature of primary cilia, together with the temporal and spatial patterns of expression in the development and repair of airway epithelium, suggests a critical role of primary cilia in determining outcomes during airway epithelial cell differentiation

    Vesicular Stomatitis Virus G-Pseudotyped Lentivirus Vectors Mediate Efficient Apical Transduction of Polarized Quiescent Primary Alveolar Epithelial Cells

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    We investigated the use of lentivirus vectors for gene transfer to quiescent alveolar epithelial cells. Primary rat alveolar epithelial cells (AEC) grown on plastic or as polarized monolayers on tissue culture-treated polycarbonate semipermeable supports were transduced with a replication-defective human immunodeficiency virus-based lentivirus vector pseudotyped with the vesicular stomatitis virus G (VSV-G) protein and encoding an enhanced green fluorescent protein reporter gene. Transduction efficiency, evaluated by confocal microscopy and quantified by fluorescence-activated cell sorting, was dependent on the dose of vector, ranging from 4% at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 0.1 to 99% at an MOI of 50 for AEC grown on plastic. At a comparable titer and MOI, transduction of these cells by a similarly pseudotyped murine leukemia virus vector was ∼30-fold less than by the lentivirus vector. Importantly, comparison of lentivirus-mediated gene transfer from the apical or basolateral surface of confluent AEC monolayers (R(t) > 2 kΩ · cm(2); MOI = 10) revealed efficient transduction only when VSV-G-pseudotyped lentivirus was applied apically. Furthermore, treatment with EGTA to increase access to the basolateral surface did not increase transduction of apically applied virus, indicating that transduction was primarily via the apical membrane domain. In contrast, differentiated tracheal epithelial cells were transduced by apically applied lentivirus only in the presence of EGTA and at a much lower overall efficiency (∼15-fold) than was observed for AEC. Efficient transduction of AEC from the apical cell surface supports the feasibility of using VSV-G-pseudotyped lentivirus vectors for gene transfer to the alveolar epithelium and suggests that differences exist between upper and lower airways in the polarity of available receptors for the VSV-G protein