23,721 research outputs found

    Profiles of thermal line emission from advection dominated accretion flows

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    Recently, Narayan & Raymond (1999) proposed that the thermal emission lines from the hot plasma in advection dominated accretion flows (ADAFs) are potentially observable with the next generation of X-ray observatories, with which the physical properties of some X-ray sources can be probed. In ADAFs, the temperature of the ion is so high that the thermal broadening of the line is important. We calculate the profiles of thermal line emission from ADAFs, in which both the thermal and Doppler broadening have been considered. It is found that the double-peaked profiles are present for high inclination angles between the axis of disk and the line of sight. The double-peaked profiles are smeared in low inclination cases, and completely disappear while the inclination angle is less than 1515^{\circ}, where the thermal and turbulent broadening dominated on the line profiles. We also note that the thermal line profile is affected by the location of the transition radius of ADAF. The self-similar height-integrated disk structure and the emissivity with power-law dependence of radius are adopted in our calculations. The results obtained in this work can be used as a diagnosis on the future X-ray observations of the thermal lines. Some important physical quantities of ADAFs could be inferred from future thermal line observations.Comment: 7 page

    The angular momentum of a magnetically trapped atomic condensate

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    For an atomic condensate in an axially symmetric magnetic trap, the sum of the axial components of the orbital angular momentum and the hyperfine spin is conserved. Inside an Ioffe-Pritchard trap (IPT) whose magnetic field (B-field) is not axially symmetric, the difference of the two becomes surprisingly conserved. In this paper we investigate the relationship between the values of the sum/difference angular momentums for an atomic condensate inside a magnetic trap and the associated gauge potential induced by the adiabatic approximation. Our result provides significant new insight into the vorticity of magnetically trapped atomic quantum gases.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure

    Bose-stimulated scattering off a cold atom trap

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    The angle and temperature dependence of the photon scattering rate for Bose-stimulated atom recoil transitions between occupied states is compared to diffraction and incoherent Rayleigh scattering near the Bose-Einstein transition for an optically thin trap in the limit of large particle number, N. Each of these processes has a range of angles and temperatures for which it dominates over the others by a divergent factor as N->oo.Comment: 18 pages (REVTeX), no figure

    Non-Markovian quantum state diffusion for an open quantum system in fermionic environments

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    Non-Markovian quantum state diffusion (NMQSD) provides a powerful approach to the dynamics of an open quantum system in bosonic environments. Here we develop an NMQSD method to study the open quantum system in fermionic environments. This problem involves anticommutative noise functions (i.e., Grassmann variables) that are intrinsically different from the noise functions of bosonic baths. We obtain the NMQSD equation for quantum states of the system and the non-Markovian master equation. Moreover, we apply this NMQSD method to single and double quantum-dot systems.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Majorana fermions in s-wave noncentrosymmetric superconductor with Rashba and Dresselhaus (110) spin-orbit couplings

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    The asymmetric spin-orbit (SO) interactions play a crucial role in realizing topological phases in noncentrosymmetric superconductor (NCS).We investigate the edge states and the vortex core states in s-wave NCS with Rashba and Dresselhaus (110) SO couplings by both numerical and analytical methods. In particular, we demonstrate that there exists a novel semimetal phase characterized by the flat Andreev bound states in the phase diagram of the s-wave Dresselhaus NCS which supports the emergence of Majorana fermion (MF). The flat dispersion implies a peak in the density of states which has a clear experimental signature in the tunneling conductance measurements and the MFs proposed here should be experimentally detectable

    Exotic Topological States with Raman-Induced Spin-Orbit Coupling

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    We propose a simple experimental scheme to realize simultaneously the one-dimensional spin-orbit coupling and the staggered spin-flip in ultracold pseudospin-1/21/2 atomic Fermi gases trapped in square optical lattices. In the absence of interspecies interactions, the system supports gapped Chern insulators and gapless topological semimetal states. By turning on the ss-wave interactions, a rich variety of gapped and gapless inhomogeneous topological superfluids can emerge. In particular, a gapped topological Fulde-Ferrell superfluid, in which the chiral edge states at opposite boundaries possess the same chirality, is predicted.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Cerenkov Line Emission as a Possible Mechanism of X-ray Lines in Gamma-ray Bursts

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    The recent discoveries of X-ray lines in the afterglows of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) provide significant clues to the nature of GRB progenitors and central environments. However, the iron line interpretation by fluorescence or recombination mechanism requires a large amount of iron material. We argue that the very strong iron line could be attributed to an alternative mechanism: Cerenkov line emission since relativistic electrons and dense medium exist near GRB sites. Therefore, the broad iron lines are expected, and line intensity will be nearly independent of the iron abundance, the medium with the anomalously high Fe abundance is not required.Comment: 4 pages, revised version accepted for the publication in ApJ

    A qubit strongly-coupled to a resonant cavity: asymmetry of the spontaneous emission spectrum beyond the rotating wave approximation

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    We investigate the spontaneous emission spectrum of a qubit in a lossy resonant cavity. We use neither the rotating-wave approximation nor the Markov approximation. The qubit-cavity coupling strength is varied from weak, to strong, even to lower bound of the ultra-strong. For the weak-coupling case, the spontaneous emission spectrum of the qubit is a single peak, with its location depending on the spectral density of the qubit environment. Increasing the qubit-cavity coupling increases the asymmetry (the positions about the qubit energy spacing and heights of the two peaks) of the two spontaneous emission peaks (which are related to the vacuum Rabi splitting) more. Explicitly, for a qubit in a low-frequency intrinsic bath, the height asymmetry of the splitting peaks becomes larger, when the qubit-cavity coupling strength is increased. However, for a qubit in an Ohmic bath, the height asymmetry of the spectral peaks is inverted from the same case of the low-frequency bath, when the qubit is strongly coupled to the cavity. Increasing the qubit-cavity coupling to the lower bound of the ultra-strong regime, the height asymmetry of the left and right peak heights are inverted, which is consistent with the same case of low-frequency bath, only relatively weak. Therefore, our results explicitly show how the height asymmetry in the spontaneous emission spectrum peaks depends not only on the qubit-cavity coupling, but also on the type of intrinsic noise experienced by the qubit.Comment: 10pages, 5 figure