42 research outputs found

    Distribution Patterns And Population Density Of Gastropods Terebralia Sulcata In Estuary Of Puteri Sembilan Rupat Utara Subdistric

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    This study was conducted in July 2014, located in the Putri Sembilan estuaryDistrict of Rupat Utara. Mangrove snails of T. sulcata as one of the foods favored ofRupat Utara coastal communities. This research aims to determine the patterns ofdistribution and population density of gastropods T. sulcata in estuary waters PutriSembilan District of Rupat Utara. The method used in this study was a surveymethod and determination of observation stations was determined by purpossivesampling method, where the location of the study divided into three stations. Theresults showed that the highest density of T. sulcata found at Station 2 which locatedat area of mangrove (± 100 meters from the station 1 towards the upper river) whilethe lowest density was found at station I (the mouth of the estuary of the river). Thedistribution pattern of mangrove snails T. sulcata overall was evenly which rangesfrom 0,01 - 0,05

    Participation of Local Community in Development Costal Ecotourism of South Cingkuak Island, West Sumatra Province

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    This research was conducted in January 2013 in South Painan Nagari Cingkuak Island District IV Jurai South Coastal District of West Sumatra Province. This study aims to determine the potential of marine ecotourism of Cingkuak Island and determine the level of community participation, the government and other stakeholders in the development of marine ecotourism. The method used in this study is a survey method. Data taken and observed consist of primary and secondary data. The sample selection of the interview conducted by using purposive sampling method.Cingkuak island has potential for marine tourism and a significant opportunity to develop a marine ecotourism. Ecosystems contained island ecosystem cingkuak like coral reefs, seagrass, mangrove and wealth of flora and fauna. Things that support marine ecotourism in the Cingkuak Island parameter water quality, geomorphology, climate, and adequate infrastructure. Community participation can be seen coming from the tour players. Not only from the local community but also the participation of domestic and foreign tourists

    Isolation of Probiotic Bacteria Candidates Isolated From Barramundi (Lates Calcarifer) Antagonistic Againts Vibrio Alginolyticus

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    Probiotic is an alternative subtance to prevent fish diseases which is environmentally friendly. The research purpose was to isolate potential probiotic to control bacteria pathogen in barramundi (Lates calcarifer) to control the bacteria pathogen. The probiotic bacteria candidates were isolated from intestine of barramundi by using the spread and streak methods on MRS and TSA media. The antibacterial activity was examinined by using disc diffusion agar method on Zobell 2216E medium. The results showed thirty eight isolates were found which consisted of coccus, white, orange and yellow colonies. Twelve isolates had inhibition against Vibrio alginolyticus,two isolates showed highest inhibition zone and antivibrio activities. The highest inhibition zone (10.04 ± 1,48 mm) and (9,50 ± 2,12 mm) and the antivibrio activities (4.04 mm) and (3.50 mm) were indicated by KPBU2-5 and KPMU2-6 isolates respectively

    Capability Of Bacterial Methanol Extract Of Seaweed Eucheuma Cottonii Grown On Bacteria Escherichia Coli For In Vitro

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    This research was held from 1 to 31 August 2015. The samples were collected from Pasir Panjang coast of Karimun Island of Riau Islans Province. The seaweed Eucheuma cottonii is one of the marine commodities that has high economic value and as a source of non-oil income. seaweed contained organic materials such as polysaccharides, hormones, vitamins, minerals and bioactive compounds. Escherichia coli can cause digestive tract disease such as cholera, typhoid, dysentery, diarrhea and worm diseases. The aim of this study was to analyze differences of antibacterial activity of E. cottonii seaweed extract on the growth of E. coli bacteria. Inhibitory ability seaweed extract that is classified by obtaining the average value in the range of 6-8 mm. Antibacterial activity of E. cottonii seaweed extract tends to be bacteriostatic with an average value of 7.08 diameter with the highest obstacle in the extract concentration of 100%. The results showed that the extract of seaweed E. cottonii has the ability to inhibit the activity of E. coli bacterial growth

    Oil Content in Sediment and Its Relation with Abundance Macrozoobenthos in the Teluk Nibung Tanjung Balai Asahan North Sumatra

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    This study was conducted in November 2015. This study about Oil Content in Sediment and its Relation with Abundance Macrozoobenthos in the Teluk Nibung Tanjung Balai Asahan North Sumatra. The methodology that was used to research this is a method of survey, and divided into 3 station and in 1 station there are 3 points of sampling. Samples have been taken later incorporated to plastic and given sample macrozoobenthos solution formalin 10 % then taken and in Laboratorium analysis.The results of the analysis oil content in the Teluk Nibung during the survey obtained that oil content sediment station highest on 1 ( 600 ppm ) and oil content the lowest in 2 station (333,33 ppm ). Then the analysis identification Macrozoobenthos in may at these waters are 10 different species in this study there are several species dominating the Mitrela ligulla and N.Echinatus. The abundance of these species because the species is still can tolerate environmental stress at the base of the Teluk Nibung .Based on the linear regression simple , obtained the oil content with abundance of Makrozoobenthos strong correlation and have negative value that means the higher oil content and abundance Makrozoobenthos the lower

    Nitrate, Phosphate and Silicate Concentration with the Abundance of Diatoms on Suir Estuary Meranti Island

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    The research was conducted in December 2016 in the Suir Estuary Meranti Island. The purpose of this study was to analyze the correlations between the concentration of nitrate, phosphate and silicate as well as an abundance of diatoms, to provide information about fertility waters seen from the content of nitrate, phosphate and silicate as well as an abundance of diatoms in the water. The research was used purposive sampling method with 3 region and each region to be 10 station point. The results showed that the concentration of Nitrate, Phosphate and Silicate i.e; 0,122 mg/L ; 0,021 mg/L ;0,059 mg/L. Diatom species were found 10 species i.e; Isthmia, Ceralaulina dentata, Rhizosolenia indica, Skeletonema costatum, Bidulphia pulchella, Rhizosolenia alata, Aulacoseria granulate, Nitzschia serianata, Lepctocylindrus anmeus and Ceratium furca. An abundance of diatoms at region 1 , region 2 and region 3 as much as 86.1111Ind/L; 111.1111Ind/L; 112.50000 Ind/L. The results of Regression test showed that nitrate concentrations correlations with diatom abundance of very strong correlation with the value of r (correlation coefficient) = 0,606. Relations with the abundance of diatoms phosphate concentrations are very weak correlations with the value of r (correlation coefficient) = 0.239. Relations with the silicate concentration of diatom abundance of weak correlationss with the value of r (correlation coefficient) = 0,556

    The Effects of Concentration Probiotic Effervescent Tablets on the Growth of Vibrio SP.

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    The use of probiotics as an effort to improve the cultivation environment and suppress pathogenic disease proved can help some of the problems in the cultivation of shrimp ponds. This study aimed to determine the effect of the concentration of probiotics effervescent tablets on the growth of Vibrio sp. The method used in the study was an experimental method with 2 treatments, water pond with pond water treatment level is not sterile (non aseptic), pond water that has been sterilized (aseptic) and water pond with bacteria Vibrio sp. and the concentration of probiotics effervescent tablet with a level of treatment 20%, 30% and 40% maltodextrin with 2 repetitions. The ability of probiotics effervescent tablet on the growth of Vibrio sp. it is known to test the TPC (Total Plate Count). Based on the TPC tests have shown that probiotics contained in effervescent tablets with a concentration of 20% maltodextrin has the ability to be most effective in inhibiting or suppressing the growth of Vibrio sp. These indications prove extremely decreasing the amount of bacteria Vibrio sp. on pond water after 48 hours underway. Statistical test result, see from the effect of the concentration of probiotic effervescent tablets on the growth of Vibrio sp. on a shrimp pond water, showed no significant differences (P> 0.05)