18 research outputs found

    Heavy WIMP through Higgs portal at the LHC

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    LHC constraints on Higgs-portal WIMPs are studied. Scalar, vector and anti-symmetric tensor fields are considered. They are assumed to be heavier than a half of the Higgs boson mass. We investigate 8 TeV LHC results on signatures of the vector boson fusion, mono-jet and associated production of the ZZ boson, which proceed via virtual exchange of the Higgs boson. We show that Higgs-portal interactions of the vector and tensor WIMPs are constrained to be less than 0.43 and 0.16, respectively, while those for the scalar are very weak. Prospects of the 14 TeV LHC are also discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Generating QCD amplitudes in the color-flow basis with MadGraph

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    We propose to make use of the off-shell recursive relations with the color-flow decomposition in the calculation of QCD amplitudes on MadGraph. We introduce colored quarks and their interactions with nine gluons in the color-flow basis plus an Abelian gluon on MadGraph, such that it generates helicity amplitudes in the color-flow basis with off-shell recursive formulae for multi-gluon sub-amplitudes. We demonstrate calculations of up to 5-jet processes such as gg5ggg\rightarrow 5g, uuˉ5gu\bar{u}\rightarrow 5g and uuuuggguu\rightarrow uuggg. Although our demonstration is limited, it paves the way to evaluate amplitudes with more quark lines and gluons with Madgraph.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figure

    ATLAS on-Z Excess Through Vector-Like Quarks

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    We investigate the possibility that the excess observed in the leptonic-Z+Z +jets +\slashed{E}_T ATLAS SUSY search is due to pair productions of a vector-like quark UU decaying to the first-generation quarks and ZZ boson. We find that the excess can be explained within the 2σ\sigma (up to 1.4σ\sigma) level while evading the constraints from the other LHC searches. The preferred range of the mass and branching ratio are 610<mU<760610 < m_{U} < 760 GeV and Br(UZq)>0.3{\rm Br}(U \rightarrow Z q) > 0.3-0.450.45, respectively.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Studying 750 GeV Di-photon Resonance at Photon-Photon Collider

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    Motivated by the recent LHC discovery of the di-photon excess at the invariant mass of ~ 750 GeV, we study the prospect of investigating the scalar resonance at a future photon-photon collider. We show that, if the di-photon excess observed at the LHC is due to a new scalar boson coupled to the standard-model gauge bosons, such a scalar boson can be observed and studied at the photon-photon collider with the center-of-mass energy of ~ 1 TeV in large fraction of parameter space.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures. v2:Fig.1 corrected, discussions and references added. v3: version published in PL

    Revisiting T2KK and T2KO physics potential and νμ\nu_\mu - νˉμ\bar{\nu}_\mu beam ratio

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    We revisit the sensitivity study of the Tokai-to-Kamioka-and-Korea (T2KK) and Tokai-to-Kamioka-and-Oki (T2KO) proposals where a water Cerenkov detector with the 100 kton fiducial volume is placed in Korea (L=1000L = 1000 km) and Oki island (L=653L = 653 km) in Japan, respectively, in addition to the Super-Kamiokande for determination of the neutrino mass hierarchy and leptonic CP phase (δCP\delta_{CP}). We systematically study the running ratio of the νμ\nu_\mu and νˉμ\bar{\nu}_\mu focusing beams with dedicated background estimation for the νe\nu_e appearance and νμ\nu_\mu disappearance signals, especially improving treatment of the neutral current π0\pi^0 backgrounds. Using a νμ\nu_\mu - νˉμ\bar{\nu}_\mu beam ratio between 3 : 2 and 2.5 : 2.5 (in unit of 102110^{21}POT with the proton energy of 40 GeV), the mass hierarchy determination with the median sensitivity of 3 - 5 σ\sigma by the T2KK and 1 - 4 σ\sigma by the T2KO experiment are expected when sin2θ23=0.5\sin^2\theta_{23} = 0.5, depending on the mass hierarchy pattern and CP phase. These sensitivities are enhanced (reduced) by 30%30\% - 40%40\% in Δχ2\Delta \chi^2 when sin2θ23=0.6(0.4)\sin^2\theta_{23} = 0.6\, (0.4). The CP phase is measured with the uncertainty of 2020^\circ - 5050^\circ by the T2KK and T2KO using the νμ\nu_\mu - νˉμ\bar{\nu}_\mu focusing beam ratio between 3.5 : 1.5 and 1.5 : 3.5. These findings indicate that inclusion of the νˉμ\bar{\nu}_\mu focusing beam improves the sensitivities of the T2KK and T2KO experiments to both the mass hierarchy determination and leptonic CP phase measurement simultaneously with the preferred beam ratio being between 3 : 2 - 2.5 : 2.5 (×1021\times 10^{21}POT).Comment: 33 pages, 16 figures, 5 table

    Revisiting Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis Constraints on Dark-Matter Annihilation

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    We study the effects of dark-matter annihilation during the epoch of big-bang nucleosynthesis on the primordial abundances of light elements. We improve the calculation of the light-element abundances by taking into account the effects of anti-nucleons emitted by the annihilation of dark matter and the interconversion reactions of neutron and proton at inelastic scatterings of energetic nucleons. Comparing the theoretical prediction of the primordial light-element abundances with the latest observational constraints, we derive upper bounds on the dark-matter pair-annihilation cross section. Implication to some of particle-physics models are also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure