85 research outputs found

    Modeling and computation of an integral operator Riccati equation for an infinite-dimensional stochastic differential equation governing streamflow discharge

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    We propose a linear-quadratic (LQ) control problem of streamflow discharge by optimizing an infinite-dimensional jump-driven stochastic differential equation (SDE). Our SDE is a superposition of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes (supOU process), generating a sub-exponential autocorrelation function observed in actual data. The integral operator Riccati equation is heuristically derived to determine the optimal control of the infinite-dimensional system. In addition, its finite-dimensional version is derived with a discretized distribution of the reversion speed and computed by a finite difference scheme. The optimality of the Riccati equation is analyzed by a verification argument. The supOU process is parameterized based on the actual data of a perennial river. The convergence of the numerical scheme is analyzed through computational experiments. Finally, we demonstrate the application of the proposed model to realistic problems along with the Kolmogorov backward equation for the performance evaluation of controls

    Research on help-seeking behavior and inhibiting to consult with others of the junior high school students: A literature review

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    In this study, a literature research related to junior high school students’ help-seeking behavior and consulting behavior was conducted to clarify the factors inhibiting their consulting behaviors. The junior high school student’s troubles or consultations and the factors of inhibiting consulting behavior indicated in past research were classified into three categories: 1) junior high school student’s troubles; 2) junior high school students’ consultations; and 3) something to inhibit consulting behavior. After examining something to inhibit consulting behavior, the troubles or consultations that inhibit consulting behavior and the factors and reasons that influence it were compiled. Results revealed that junior high school students inhibit consulting behavior depending on the level of their troubles or consultations and that consulting behavior can differ according to gender. In addition, the findings indicated that for something to inhibit consulting behavior, multiple factors of inhibiting consulting behavior exist, including the formation of friendly relationships and parent–child relationships, both of which are influenced by other inhibitory factors such as the sense of self-affirmation and self-esteem


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    A questionnaire and interviews were conducted with male university students to study the relationship between their living styles and vegetable intake. Results from previous research and this study were compared; both in 1996 and 2014 showed that those living at home ate more bright red, green or yellow vegetables and light color vegetables than those living away from home. The 2014 students, when compared to the 1996 students, revealed increases in rarely eating vegetables, 25% among those living at home, and 55% among those living away from home. Also, 2014 students living away from home who rarely eat vegetables rose to 80%. Students who made their own meals rarely ate vegetables. Among students who ate out, 27% ate vegetables while the others need to consciously choose to eat vegetables.  When students proceed on to university their living styles change and 90% are living by themselves. Students living away from home skip meals and vegetable intake is low, therefore the frequency of well-balanced meals is low. Thus, nutritional education needs to respond to various living styles

    キャリア ケイセイ シエン キョウイク プログラム ノ カイハツ ト キョウイク コウカ ノ ヒョウカ : チーム イリョウ タイケン ガクシュウ ノ ジッセンテキ ケンキュウ オ トオシテ

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    我々は歯学部学生のキャリア形成支援のための教育プログラム「チーム医療体験学習」を開発し, 歯学部の2,3,4年次の学生を対象として実施した。本プログラムは,グループワークによる事前学 習とチーム医療の現場体験を2つの柱とし,学生の歯科医療職としてのキャリア意識を強化することを 目的とした。プログラム終了時のアンケートから,学生には歯科専門職としての将来の姿勢や目指す方 向性が具体化すると同時に幅広い知識を身につけたいといった学習に対する動機付が強化されるなど 明らかな教育成果が認められた。プログラム実施前後のアンケートの分析結果から, 「チーム医療体験 学習」が歯学部学生のキャリア形成支援教育の手法として有効なプログラムである可能性が示唆された。We prepared career advancement program “Experience learning in medical team treatment" towards the second,third and fouth year students of dental school. This program consits of prior learning concerned with 'Team treatment and Dental profession' and experience learning in medical team treatment at Tokushima University Hospital. The purpose of this program was to rouse career conciousness as a dental profession. This program provided students with career image which they want to be in the future. Besides,they were motivated to study more widely to approach their own image. In this paper,we evaluated the effects of the program“The experience learning in medical team treatment" on career advancement of dental school students. As a result,it is suggested that this program might be fruitful as career advancement on dental students


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    We investigated the present condition of fresh water fish (except carp) in dietary habits of high school students in eastern Nagano. 60% of the fresh water fish eaten was either eel, rainbow trout or fresh-water smelt. In addition, students whose parents were raised in Nagano showed a higher tendency to know about and have eaten rainbow trout, crucian carp and land locked salmon. The fish the students had eaten were all prepared in traditional dishes: eel grilled and broiled, rainbow trout grilled with salt, smelt in tempura, trout as sushi and sweet-fish and char grilled with salt. Citizens of Nagano, when compared with citizens of other prefectures, ate a higher ratio of fresh water fish, yet the frequency was 1-3 times a year. At the Nagano Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, Shinshu brand fresh water fish is developed and markets are planned. We want to assist increase of fresh water fish consumption by gathering data on traditional use of the fish and current information on fresh water fish


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