10 research outputs found


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    本研究では,パン用の小麦粉であるハルユタカ,パン用内麦粉,麺用の中力粉であるニシホナミと農林61号の合計4種の国産小麦粉の製パン性を市販の外国産強力粉であるうたまろおよび1CWと比較した。さらに4種の国産小麦と外国産のうたまろを50%ずつブレンドして製パン性の改善を試みた。その結果,1)国産のパン用小麦粉2種は単独でも製パン性は優れていたが,中力粉であるニシホナミと農林61号はやや製パン性が劣った。2)国産小麦粉にうたまろを50%ブレンドするとニシホナミ,農林61号の製パン性はうたまろ100%と遜色ないまでに改善された。The bread-making quality of four domestic flours, Haruyutaka, Naibaku, Nishihonami and Nourin-61 were compared with foreign-made flour, Utamaro. In addition, the improvement of the bread-making quality through the Utamaro blending was tested. In Japan, Haruyutaka and Naibaku are semi-strong flours and Nishihonami and Nourin-61 are representative middle-strong flours. The results were as follows: (1) The specific volume of Haruyutaka and Naibaku showed equivalent value to Utamaro. However the specific volume of Nishihonami and Nourin-61 showed a bigger value than that of Utamaro. The crumb texture of these two flours were rough and there were large bubbles. (2) It was proven that the domestic flours, Nishihonami and Nourin-61 with poor bread-making quality could be improved by 50% blending the foreign-made flour Utamaro


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    本研究ではアミノカラムを用いたHPLC分析によりペクチン質を構成するガラクツロン酸と中性糖類を同時に分離する方法を検討した。その結果,ショウデックスアサヒパックNH2P-50 4Eカラムの温度を40℃とし,1.75%燐酸を含む95%アセトニトリル溶液で溶出し,示差屈折計で検出することによりガラクツロン酸と中性糖類であるグルコース,ガラクトース,アラビノース,マンノース,ラムノース,キシロース,フコース,リボース,および内部標準物質のグリセロールを完全に分離,検出することができた。The method for simultaneous analysis of galacturonic acid and neutral sugars which constitute pectic substances was examined by HPLC analysis using the amino column (Shodex Asahipak NH2P-50). The temperature of column was 40℃ and the refractive index detector was used. This method using 95% acetonitrile solution including 1.75% phosphoric acid allowed to clearly separate galacturonic acid, glucose, galactose, arabinose, mannose, rhamnose, xylose, fucose and ribose with glycerol as an internal standard


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    The aim of this research was to evaluate effects of washing, heating and vinegar treatment on bacterial contamination level of a cucumber using the model experiment of cooking process. The samples were extracted from cucumbers before and after washing with tap water, acidified sodium chlorite, acidic electrolyzed water, a solution of diluted vinegar. In the fresh cucumbers the aerobic plate counts (APC) was 5--6 log CFU/g and Coliforms count was 1-3 log CFU/g. After washing with tap water the APC and Coliforms was 4-6 log CFU/g and 1-2 log CFU/g respectively, which did not significantly reduce the contamination level of the cucumber. The APC decreased significantly after washing with acidified sodium chlorite, and acidic electrolyzed water. On the other hand, the APC and Coliforms were not detected after heating at over 75 degree C. The APC and Coliforms decreased significantly after 3 different vinegar treatment (vinegar, vinegar with salt, vinegar with salt and sugar) for 24 to 48 h. This study suggests that heating is the most effective method in the reduction of bacterial contamination of cucumbers and vinegar treatment is also effective after 24 to 48 h preparation for a vinegard dish with cucumber本研究では,きゅうりの酢の物の調理過程を実験モデルとし,洗浄,加熱,食酢の添加による調理操作がきゅうりの一般生菌数,大腸菌群数に及ぼす影響を検討した。 原材料に使用したきゅうりの一般生菌数,大腸菌群数は10^5~10^6CFU/g,10~10^3CFU/gであった。水道水,次亜塩素酸ナトリウム溶液,強酸性電解水,酢水による洗浄処理のうち,水道水による洗浄では,きゅうりの一般生菌数,大腸菌群数はそれぞれ10^4~10^6CFU/g,10~10^2CFU/gであり,有意な減少は見られなかった。一方,次亜塩素酸ナトリウム溶液および強酸性電解水による洗浄によりきゅうりの一般生菌数は有意に減少した。中心温度75℃ 以上の加熱処理を行ったきゅうりでは,一般生菌数及び大腸菌群数に有意な減少が見られた。酢(食酢),二杯酢(食酢・塩),三杯酢(食酢・塩・砂糖)を添加したきゅうりでは,24時間から48時間後に一般生菌数及び大腸菌群数の有意な減少が見られた。 以上のことから,きゅうりを加熱処理することは細菌数を減らすのに最も効果的であった。未加熱のきゅうりを用いた調理では,食酢を添加して24時間から48時間保存すれば静菌効果が期待できることが示唆された


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    Spelt (Triticum spelta) is an ancient species of wheat, which has been drawn attention as a healthy food in Europe and the United States. The food chemical, immunological and baking qualities of spelt flour were compared with those of hermes flour as representative of common wheat flour. There was no significant difference in their contents of the major nutrients between them. The bread made of spelt flour was slightly more watery than that of hermes. The antisera against hermes proteins gave a similar profile to that obtained against spelt proteins on Western blotting.Although further analyses are necessary, we could not find a conspicuous advantage for spelt flour over ordinary wheat flour


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    The effects of adding 2-10% (w/w) low calorie sweeteners such as erythritol and hydrogenated maltose instead of sugars on texture and palatability of blanc mange were examined. The results obtained were as follows 1) The hardness of blanc mange with 8-10% sugars increased 1.6-1.8 times with no addition (0%), however with the addition of sweeteners, it increased 1.3-1.5 times. 2) Hardness and adhesiveness of blanc mange with sweetener was lower than that with sugars, while there was no difference in cohesiveness. 3) Evaluation for texture of blanc mange with erythritol was better than that with sugars using a sensory test. These results suggest that erythritol effects texture and palatability of blanc mange not only in sweetness but also softnes


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    大根の糖とミネラルの季節変動と乾燥操作による変化を明らかにすることを目的に実験を行った。大根の糖類の組成と含有量の季節変動は,気温の低下に伴い糖の含有量が増加することから,一般的に冬の大根は甘みが増しおいしいといわれることの科学的根拠であることが示唆された。また,切干大根でも同様の変化が見られた。生の大根,切干大根,切干大根を水戻ししたものでは糖の含有量に違いがあることが明らかになった。これは乾燥操作中のアミノ-カルボニル反応,酵素反応等,水戻し操作中の浸漬水への溶出,大根中のオリゴ糖や多糖からのフルクトース,グルコース等の生成が主な原因であると考えられる。乾燥,水戻し操作によるミネラルの変化については,Ca,Mg,Feに比べNa,K,Pの含有量が大きく減少するということが明らかとなった。乾燥,水戻し操作後のミネラルは糖に比べて残存量が多いことから乾燥はミネラル,特にCa,Mg,Feの有効な摂取方法のひとつであるといえる。以上の結果から,冬収穫される大根は糖の含有量が多く,乾燥操作はミネラルの効率よい摂取を促す方法として適しているということが明らかになった。The Japanese white radish (Raphanus sativus, cv. aokubi) is very popular and the most consumed vegetables in Japan. Dried strip of radish (Kiriboshi-daikon) is also one of the traditional preserved foods. In recent years, Kiriboshi-daikon attracts not only a great deal of attention that is rich in dietary fiber and minerals, but also a useful material for our healthy diet. In this study, the first of all, seasonal variations of constitutional sugars of fresh radish were investigated. Secondly, changing in nutrients of dry-processed radish was investigated. Sucrose (0.09g/100g f.wt.) is least of three sugars, fructose (1.21g/100g f.wt.) and glucose (1.30g/100g f.wt.) are similar amounts of raw radish. Sucrose is increased more 5 times, and fructose and glucose are more 2 times after dry-processing than raw materials. On minerals, calcium is 23mg/100g f.wt., magnesium is 11mg/100g f.wt., sodium is 9.0mg/100g f.wt, potassium is 330mg/100g f.wt., phosphorus is 8.8mg/100g f.wt. and iron is 0.2mg/100g f.wt. in raw radish. Calcium is increased 15 times and iron is increased 20 times after dry-processing. The results indicate that ratio between monosaccharides and disaccharides of radish varies through seasons, and drying is an effective processing for keeping qualities and improving flavor and texture of radish. Kiriboshi-daikon is useful for ingesting minerals, especially