4 research outputs found


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    「神経難病患者の療養生活の受けとめ尺度」を開発し、その信頼性と妥当性を検証することを目的とした。本研究における「受けとめ」とは、神経難病によってもたらされた状況や問題に対する認知や情動的反応と定義した。インタビューに基づいて、24項目5件法の質問紙を作成・郵送し、難病患者243名から有効回答が得られた。統計的に不適切な項目を除外し、因子分析を行った。因子分析の結果、最終的に16項目4因子が精選され、「主導権の喪失」、「病気の脅威」、「疎外感」、「希望の喪失」と命名された。信頼性はCronbach\u27s α係数(0.86)と折半法のSpearman-Brownの信頼係数(0.82)によって確認した。また妥当性については、難病患者に共通の主観的QOL尺度、コーピング尺度、不確かさ尺度によつて確認された。以上の結果から、本尺度の信頼性と妥当性がおおむね確保されており、実用可能な尺度であると判断した。 This study aims to develop a scale to measure the emotional state of patients with intractable neurological diseases and to examine the reliability and validity of that scale. "Emotional state" is defined as "awareness of problems brought about by the intractable neurological disease and emotional reaction to such problems." Based on a qualitative study, we developed a multiple-response questionnaire consisting 24 questions, each question having five choices. Questionnaires were completed and returned by 243 of the 388 survey subjects. Their responses were subjected to factor analysis, which statistically identified 16 appropriate questions. Factor analysis of responses to those 16 questions identified four factors : "loss of control," "threat of disease," "sense of alienation" and "loss of hope." Reliability was confirmed by Cronbach\u27s a coefficient (0.86) and by the reliability coefficient of the Spearman-Brown split-half method (0.82). Validity was confirmed by comparison with subjective QOL scale for patients with intractable diseases, coping scale, and uncertainty scale. The reliability and validity of the scale are satisfactory, and the scale was judged to be practicable


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    本研究の目的はパーキンソン病患者の療養生活の受けとめと症状・日常生活動作との関連を明らかにすることである.パーキンソン病患者152名に自己記入式質問紙郵送調査を行った.調査内容は基本属性,重症度,症状,ADL,療養生活の受けとめで,療養生活の受けとめについては療養生活の受けとめ尺度を用いた.療養生活の受けとめ尺度の総得点は最小値24、最大値68,平均値49.0(SD=9.0)であった.ステップワイズ重回帰分析(p<0.05)を行った結果,療養生活の受けとめの要因として有意な関連がみられたのは「幻覚・妄想の程度」(β=.361)「排泄の自立度」(β=.289)であり,これらの2変数で分散の24.5%が説明された.また,下位尺度「主導権の喪失」の要因として有意な関連がみられたのは「不随意運動の出現時間」(β=.360)「入浴の自立度」(β=.266)であり,2変数で分散の26.2%が説明された.This study examined the correlation between "emotional state" and "symptoms and activities of daily living" in patients with Parkinson\u27s Disease. A self-administered questionnaire survey including basic attributes, disease symptoms, disease severity, and daily emotional state was given to 152 patients. The responses were interpreted by the Scale of Daily Emotional State. Scores ranged from 24 to 68, with an average of 49.0. According to the result of Stepwise multiple regression analysis (p<0.05), the significant factors influencing daily emotional state were severity of hallucinations/delusions (β=.361) and ability to use the toilet independently (β=.289). These two factors indicated 24.5% of the variance. This study also identified additional factors of "loss of control" as the duration of bouts of involuntary movements (β=.360) and ability to bathe independently (β=.266) influencing the subscale value. These two factors indicated for 26.2 % of the variance

    P301S Mutant Human Tau Transgenic Mice Manifest Early Symptoms of Human Tauopathies with Dementia and Altered Sensorimotor Gating

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    Tauopathies are neurodegenerative disorders characterized by the accumulation of abnormal tau protein leading to cognitive and/or motor dysfunction. To understand the relationship between tau pathology and behavioral impairments, we comprehensively assessed behavioral abnormalities in a mouse tauopathy model expressing the human P301S mutant tau protein in the early stage of disease to detect its initial neurological manifestations. Behavioral abnormalities, shown by open field test, elevated plus-maze test, hot plate test, Y-maze test, Barnes maze test, Morris water maze test, and/or contextual fear conditioning test, recapitulated the neurological deficits of human tauopathies with dementia. Furthermore, we discovered that prepulse inhibition (PPI), a marker of sensorimotor gating, was enhanced in these animals concomitantly with initial neuropathological changes in associated brain regions. This finding provides evidence that our tauopathy mouse model displays neurofunctional abnormalities in prodromal stages of disease, since enhancement of PPI is characteristic of amnestic mild cognitive impairment, a transitional stage between normal aging and dementia such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), in contrast with attenuated PPI in AD patients. Therefore, assessment of sensorimotor gating could be used to detect the earliest manifestations of tauopathies exemplified by prodromal AD, in which abnormal tau protein may play critical roles in the onset of neuronal dysfunctions


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    P(論文)本研究の目的はパーキンソン病患者の療養生活の受けとめと症状・日常生活動作との関連を明らかにすることである.パーキンソン病患者152名に自己記入式質問紙郵送調査を行った.調査内容は基本属性,重症度,症状,ADL,療養生活の受けとめで,療養生活の受けとめについては療養生活の受けとめ尺度を用いた.療養生活の受けとめ尺度の総得点は最小値24、最大値68,平均値49.0(SD=9.0)であった.ステップワイズ重回帰分析(p<0.05)を行った結果,療養生活の受けとめの要因として有意な関連がみられたのは「幻覚・妄想の程度」(β=.361)「排泄の自立度」(β=.289)であり,これらの2変数で分散の24.5%が説明された.また,下位尺度「主導権の喪失」の要因として有意な関連がみられたのは「不随意運動の出現時間」(β=.360)「入浴の自立度」(β=.266)であり,2変数で分散の26.2%が説明された.This study examined the correlation between "emotional state" and "symptoms and activities of daily living" in patients with Parkinson's Disease. A self-administered questionnaire survey including basic attributes, disease symptoms, disease severity, and daily emotional state was given to 152 patients. The responses were interpreted by the Scale of Daily Emotional State. Scores ranged from 24 to 68, with an average of 49.0. According to the result of Stepwise multiple regression analysis (p<0.05), the significant factors influencing daily emotional state were severity of hallucinations/delusions (β=.361) and ability to use the toilet independently (β=.289). These two factors indicated 24.5% of the variance. This study also identified additional factors of "loss of control" as the duration of bouts of involuntary movements (β=.360) and ability to bathe independently (β=.266) influencing the subscale value. These two factors indicated for 26.2 % of the variance