218 research outputs found

    X-Ray bright optically faint active galactic nuclei in the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam wide survey

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    We construct a sample of X-ray bright optically faint active galactic nuclei by combining Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam, XMM-Newton, and infrared source catalogs. 53 X-ray sources satisfying i band magnitude fainter than 23.5 mag and X-ray counts with EPIC-PN detector larger than 70 are selected from 9.1 deg^2, and their spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and X-ray spectra are analyzed. 44 objects with an X-ray to i-band flux ratio F_X/F_i>10 are classified as extreme X-ray-to-optical flux sources. SEDs of 48 among 53 are represented by templates of type 2 AGNs or starforming galaxies and show signature of stellar emission from host galaxies in the optical in the source rest frame. Infrared/optical SEDs indicate significant contribution of emission from dust to infrared fluxes and that the central AGN is dust obscured. Photometric redshifts determined from the SEDs are in the range of 0.6-2.5. X-ray spectra are fitted by an absorbed power law model, and the intrinsic absorption column densities are modest (best-fit log N_H = 20.5-23.5 cm^-2 in most cases). The absorption corrected X-ray luminosities are in the range of 6x10^42 - 2x10^45 erg s^-1. 20 objects are classified as type 2 quasars based on X-ray luminsosity and N_H. The optical faintness is explained by a combination of redshifts (mostly z>1.0), strong dust extinction, and in part a large ratio of dust/gas.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in PAS

    Technetium-99m sestamibi single photon emission computed tomography findings correlated with P-glycoprotein expression in pituitary adenoma.

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate whether the technetium-99m sestamibi (99mTc-MIBI) single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) characteristics of pituitary adenomas might be correlated with cavernous sinus invasion, proliferative potential or the multidrug-resistance (MDR-1) gene product P-glycoprotein (Pgp) expression in pituitary adenomas. Fifteen patients with pituitary adenomas, including 10 nonfunctioning adenomas, two prolactinomas, two GH producing adenomas, and one ACTH producing adenomas was investigated for this study. SPECT images with 99mTc-MIBI were acquired 15 minutes (early) and 3 hours (delayed) after injection. The tumor-to-normal brain ratio was calculated both early (ER) and delayed (DR) images. Retention index (RI) was calculated using the following formula : (DR-ER)/ER×100%. The pituitary adenomas specimens were examined by immunohistochemistry using anti-Pgp and MIB-1 monoclonal antibodies. 99mTc-MIBI SPECT findings were not related to MIB-1 labeling index or cavernous sinus invasion. 99mTc-MIBI SPECT RI (-38.55±20.77) of the Pgp-positive group was significantly lower than that (-15.78±19.40) of Pgp-negative group (p=0.0494). No siginificant difference was observed in the ER and DR of 99mTc-MIBI SPECT between Pgp-positive and negative groups. Our study suggests that although99mTc-MIBI SPECT is not useful to evaluate the proliferative potential or cavernous sinus invasion of pituitary adenomas. 99mTc-MIBI SPECT could predict anti-cancer drug resistance related to the expression of Pgp in pituitary adenomas

    A Wide and Deep Exploration of Radio Galaxies with Subaru HSC (WERGS). II. Physical Properties derived from the SED Fitting with Optical, Infrared, and Radio Data

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    We present physical properties of radio galaxies (RGs) with f1.4GHz>f_{\rm 1.4 GHz} > 1 mJy discovered by Subaru Hyper Supreme-Cam (HSC) and VLA Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-Centimeters (FIRST) survey. For 1056 FIRST RGs at 0<z1.70 < z \leq 1.7 with HSC counterparts in about 100 deg2^2, we compiled multi-wavelength data of optical, near-infrared (IR), mid-IR, far-IR, and radio (150 MHz). We derived their color excess (E(BV)E (B-V)_{*}), stellar mass, star formation rate (SFR), IR luminosity, the ratio of IR and radio luminosity (qIRq_{\rm IR}), and radio spectral index (αradio\alpha_{\rm radio}) that are derived from the SED fitting with CIGALE. We also estimated Eddington ratio based on stellar mass and integration of the best-fit SEDs of AGN component. We found that E(BV)E (B-V)_{*}, SFR, and IR luminosity clearly depend on redshift while stellar mass, qIRq_{\rm IR}, and αradio\alpha_{\rm radio} do not significantly depend on redshift. Since optically-faint (iAB21.3i_{\rm AB} \geq 21.3) RGs that are newly discovered by our RG survey tend to be high redshift, they tend to not only have a large dust extinction and low stellar mass but also have high SFR and AGN luminosity, high IR luminosity, and high Eddington ratio compared to optically-bright ones. The physical properties of a fraction of RGs in our sample seem to differ from a classical view of RGs with massive stellar mass, low SFR, and low Eddington ratio, demonstrating that our RG survey with HSC and FIRST provides us curious RGs among entire RG population.Comment: 30 pages, 20 figures, and 4 tables, accepted for publication in ApJS. The catalog and SED template of radio galaxies will be accessible through an online servic

    A safe combined nephrectomy and right lobectomy using the liver hanging maneuver for huge renal cell carcinoma directly invading the right lobe of the liver: report of a case

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    We herein discuss a patient who underwent simultaneous combined right nephrectomy and right lobectomy of the liver. A 64-year-old male was diagnosed with a huge right renal cell carcinoma (RCC), 13 cm in diameter, which was invading directly into the right hepatic lobe. This type of RCC has been rarely reported, and an anterior approach using the liver hanging maneuver was extremely useful during hepatic parenchymal dissection. The liver parenchymal dissection was performed prior to mobilization of the liver, because the mobilization of the right lobe of the liver was impossible. During the hepatic parenchymal resection, the liver was suspended with the tape and transected, and thereafter, retroperitoneal dissection, nephrectomy and right lobectomy of the liver were completed. The patient was discharged from the hospital on the 12th postoperative day with an uneventful clinical course. The anterior approach using the liver hanging maneuver during hepatic parenchymal resection can be safe and feasible for huge RCC invading the right hepatic lobe