286 research outputs found

    Hadron spectroscopy from lattice QCD

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    I present recent developments in the lattice QCD calculations of the light hadron spectrum. Emphasis is placed on the limitation of the quenched approximation in reproducing the observed spectrum and indications that the discrepancy is reduced by introducing two flavors of light dynamical quarks.Comment: Talk presented at KEK-Tanashi symposium on "Physics of Hadrons and Nuclei", 14-17 Dec. 1998, Tokyo, Japan. To be published in Nucl. Phys. A. 8 pages, 10 figure

    Progress in building an International Lattice Data Grid

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    We report on progress in setting up the International Lattice Data Grid. We describe the aims and objectives of the ILDG, what has been achieved during its first year of activity and invite feedback from the community.Comment: Lattice2003(activity), 5 pages 2 figures. Edinburgh address correcte

    Quantum Chromodynamics with Many Flavors

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    We investigate the phase structure of lattice QCD for general number of flavors NFN_F. Based on numerical data combined with the results of the perturbation theory we propose the following picture: When NF≥17N_F \ge 17, there is only one IR fixed point at vanishing gauge coupling, i.e., the theory in the continuum limit is trivial. On the other hand, when 16≥NF≥716 \ge N_F \ge 7, there is a non-trivial fixed point. Therefore, the theory is non-trivial with anomalous dimensions, however, without quark confinement. Theories which satisfy both quark confinement and spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in the continuum limit exist only for NF≤6N_F \le 6.Comment: Talk presented by K. Kanaya at the 1997 Yukawa International Seminar (YKIS'97) on ``Non-Perturbative QCD --- Structure of the QCD Vacuum ---'', YITP, Kyoto, Japan, 2--12 Dec. 1997. To be published in the proceedings [Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl.

    Scaling of the critical temperature and quark potential with a renormalization group improved SU(3) gauge action

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    We study the scaling property of the ratio of the critical temperature TcT_c to the square root of the string tension σ\sigma in the SU(3) pure gauge theory using a renormalization group improved action. We first determine the critical coupling βc\beta_c on lattices with temporal extension Nt=4N_t=4 and 6, and then calculate the static quark potential at the critical couplings on lattices at zero temperature. The values of Tc/σT_{c}/\sqrt{\sigma} in the infinite volume limit are identical within errors, while they are slightly larger than the value extrapolated to the continuum limit with the standard action. We also note that the rotational invariance of the static quark potential is remarkably restored in the both cases, and that the potential V(R)V(R) in physical units scales in the whole region of RR investigated.Comment: 3 pages of Latex, 5 PostScript figures, Talk presented at LATTICE96(finite temperature

    Quantum chromodynamics with various number of flavors

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    The phase structure of QCD with various number of flavors is studied for Wilson quarks. For the case of NF=3N_F=3 we find that the finite temperature deconfining transition is of first order in the chiral limit on an Nt=4N_t=4 lattice. Together with our previous results that the deconfining transition in the chiral limit is continuous for NF=2N_F=2 and is first order for NF=6N_F=6, the order of the transition is found to be consistent with a prediction of universality. The case of SU(2)SU(2) QCD is also studied in the strong coupling limit and the phase structure is found to be quite similar to the case of SU(3)SU(3): There exists a critical number of flavors NF∗N_F^* and for NF≥NF∗N_F \geq N_F^* the confinement is broken even in the strong coupling limit for light quarks. NF∗=3N_F^*=3 corresponding to 7 for SU(3)SU(3).Comment: 3 pages with 5 PS figures, LaTeX (espcrc2.sty required), UTHEP-26
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