3 research outputs found

    Keunggulan Kompetitif Spesial sebagai Strategi Keberlanjutan UKM di Era New Normal

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    In the current pandemic era, the challenges are increasingly heavier. The community is directed to live side by side with a pandemic, which is leading a New Normal life. It needs to be anticipated and dealt with, to prevent the business from going down even need to strengthen the business foundation. The SME business has a very strategic role in the Indonesian economy. Where when the national economy fades, SMEs do have the opportunity to save the deterioration of the national economy. The limitations are still owned by the SMEs, such as product quality, limited capital, network marketing, and so on. One solution is to strengthen special competitive advantages. Competitive advantage is to provide more value to customers and produce profits above the average. A conducive environment for SMEs is needed, ensuring optimal collaboration with stakeholders in government, diverse business entities, and the world of education. Collaboration is directed to think strategically in creating competitive advantage, namely how to compete to be the best, to compete for uniqueness. SMEs must also focus on the level of integrity of their business units. All competitive advantages are in the optimized value chain through the application of excellent value chain management. So SMEs can be directed to have superior performance through the application of the principles of effective supply chain management operations and appropriate strategic positioning in the value chain in order to have special competitive advantages in order to survive and even lead in these pandemic crisis conditions

    Sustainable SCM Approach as a Branding Strategy on the Hutan Bambu Tourism Object in Bekasi City

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    This study was aimed at analyzing the implementation of the Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) approach as a branding strategy of tourism development of Hutan Bambu in Bekasi city. This study employed a descriptive research method using a qualitative approach. The data sources were primary and secondary data. The techniques of data collection were observation, interviews, and documentation. The interviews were conducted with six informants representing the manager, visitors, local communities, and food sellers in the Hutan Bambu area of Bekasi city. Furthermore, the data were analyzed by using the SSCM approach. The results of the study showed that the branding strategy for developing the Hutan Bambu tourism object can apply several ways. First, it considered SSCM concerns, especially sustainability, marketing-logistics empowerment, market-driven SCM, synchronous SCM, fast response logistics, and network-based resource management. Second, the tourism development was carried out by creating strong branding with the advantages of the Hutan Bambu tourism object, namely by marketing through social media to local and national communities. Third, the development can be done by holding attractive soft skills programs regularly by collaborating with training studios or certain institutions, so they can bring in visitors on a more regular and programmed basis. Fourth, this can also be done by modifying the management system, so the tourists can find alternative tourism objects in the city. Finally, the SSCM approach could be implemented in the development of the Hutan Bambu tourism object, Bekasi by strengthening branding and interesting soft-skills, as well as modifying the management system

    Strategies for Maintaining Tax Compliance of SMEs During Covid-19 Pandemic by Using Supply Chain Management Integration Approach

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    The new normal life of Covid-19 pandemic has brought a new life pattern which is more strict health protocols in the interaction among each other. In the normal time, although the level of tax revenue shows a rising trend, the tax ratio hasn’t shown any significant increase. Also, it is still left behind other developing countries. Related to the pandemic effect, the world economy is decreasing and resulting to the decline of the Indonesian tax revenue. The concerns of this study are on how to optimize the compliance level of tax payment from Small-Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and the efforts of optimization needed to be done including in helping SMEs for being able to survive and or to be improved in terms of its business performance. Thus, they can contribute to maintaining their tax compliance at the same time from getting worse. This study employed a descriptive research method using a qualitative approach. The data sources were primary and secondary data. In this study, an operational management tool which is the approach of Supply Chain Management (SCM) integration will be implemented as the solution. It is found that the gradual application of the concept of SCM integration will give several significant impacts on the SMEs’ performance including their compliance with the existed tax regulations. Also, this will encourage the optimal taxation authority in managing the tax participation of the SMEs sector