26 research outputs found

    Perancangan Media Promosi Sas Cafe and Resto Surabaya Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Brand Loyalty

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    SAS Cafe and Resto is an undertaking engaged in the culinary in Surabaya East which has considerable potential. SAS Cafe and Resto has traditional features as there are gazebos made of gelugu wood so that rural atmosphere feels more real and is surrounded by paddy fields around the Cafe and Resto. With the potential that is owned by SAS Cafe and Resto, the culinary field in this enterprise is still lacking in terms of promoting its products. Promotional activities are very important to market a product/brand, so the brand remains and can do approach to customers through these promotional activities. Promotional activities carried out by SAS Cafe and Resto very less because until now, promotional activities carried out was just a promo event, social media and website, so typical and products from SAS Cafe and Resto not yet seen in any promotional media campaign that has been done up to this point. The problem is, although the advantages owned by SAS Cafe and Resto are big enough, but the drop in visitors due to lack of activity can happen promotion conducted by SAS Cafe and Resto and the lack of innovation in the promotion as well as a multitude of culinary business that sprung up in Surabaya who approach customers through promotional programs. Therefore, it takes some effort to maintain customer loyalty, one of them is designing the right promotion media and innovative that can increase brand loyalty SAS Cafe and Resto

    Perancangan Buku Komik Ludruk Berbasis Ilustrasi Digital Guna Mengenalkan Kembali Kesenian Tradisional Kepada Remaja

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    Ludruk art heritage of the ancestors, is the wealth of the local art and culture should be kept and preserved from extinction, a traditional theater arts that originated in East Java. Ludruk arts as an icon of Surabaya city already does not have the allure in the eyes of the youth, the development of technology and the rapid influx of television media making artistry Ludruk increasingly abandoned. Therefore, it is required a medium that can provide information about the arts, in order to re-introduce ludruk to teenagers. The method used was to create a comic book that gives information about art history include Ludruk Ludruk in Surabaya, Ludruk figures influential in Surabaya, the structure of the staging as well as presenting the paper and supported Ludruk media promotions such as keychains, bookmarks, stickers, x-banners, and posters. Through comic books is expected to increase the interest of teens against Arts Ludruk in Surabaya

    Rebranding P.o Eka-mira sebagai Upaya Mempertahankan Brand Loyalty

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    Public transportation or public transport is a means of transportation when the passengers not traveling use his own vehicle. Public transportation deliberately provided for residents to fulfill transportation they do daily needs. With using a public transportation, many benefits that can be obtained the community. Business competition that is more strict now this caused many companies involved in the fulfillment of the needs and consumer advocacy. It is means that each companies should put orientation in customer satisfaction as the main objective of. Po Eka-Mira is the company that moves in transportation service, especially transport service passengers that provides armada-armada good in economy class and executive class. To the specifications bus, the economy class bus named Mira and an executive class bus named Eka. The research was done by using the method the qualitative study is by applying interview, Observation , documentation , and the literature study to get the data used as a support making the concept of design rebranding. The result of design rebranding this is to anticipate consumers who move ( brand loyalty ) to a product competitors because products competitors who has experienced reform in the design and services . Design for that rebranding it is certainly are also to be used to getting a new consumer

    Perancangan Buku Pedoman Konsumen Cerdas dengan Teknik Komik Strip sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Kesadaran Remaja di Kota Surabaya

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    The habit of teenagers to follow the new trend, make them more interested to buy somethings outside their needs buy by desire. This attitude fosters a consumption culture in the adolesecents, which not careful before buy somethings. Therefore, many sellers use it to commit fraud. In order not always to be victim, teenagers need to be closer with media which can invite them to be aware to become smarth consumer trough a smart consumer handbook

    Perancangan Buku Komik City Guide Pariwisata Kota Surabaya Berbasis Ilustrasi Digital Guna Menganalkan Wisata Surabaya

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    The purpose of the design a comic book City Surabaya tourism guide is to introduce and promote tourism. Further research is done using qualitative research methodsthat do interviews, observation, and literature to obtain data that is used in the creation of design concepts to support the comic book city Surabaya tourism guide. The data were analyzed by using multiple stage, apply the reduction of data, data presentation, and conclusion. After analyzing the data, the found discuss the design concepts or keywords "Modern". The complaint is the latest, cutting edge, attitude andway of thinking and acting in accordance with the demands of the times. The concept of "Modern" aims to show that Surabaya is a city that has developed technology.Acting, the concept of the menu-the menu is served to infuse the public perceptionthat the public Surabaya willing to learn and thrive in the new stuff. The result of designing a comic book City of Surabaya tourism guide is to introduce and promote tourism city of Surabaya Surabaya and so that people outside the city could've known tourism in Surabaya