9 research outputs found

    Importance of preoperative total colonoscopy and endoscopic resection after self-expandable metallic stent placement for obstructive colorectal cancer as a bridge-to-surgery

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    Abstract Background and aim Colonic self-expandable metallic stent (SEMS) placement enables preoperative total colonoscopy (TCS) in patients with obstructive colorectal cancer. Following SEMS placement, it is possible to assess the presence or absence of synchronous proximal colon cancers and perform preoperative endoscopic resection (ER) for neoplastic lesions proximal to the primary lesion. The objective of this study was to determine the usefulness and safety of preoperative TCS and ER after SEMS placement in patients with obstructive colorectal cancer. Methods From April 2016 to March 2022, we enrolled 100 patients with obstructive colorectal cancer who underwent SEMS placement, including 86 patients who underwent preoperative TCS after SEMS placement. Complications associated with preoperative TCS and ER after SEMS placement and the characteristics of the neoplastic lesions were assessed. Results The success rate of SEMS placement as bridge-to-surgery was 98.0%; six patients had associated complications. Preoperative TCS was performed 8 (range: 1–30) days after SEMS placement. Four patients had synchronous advanced cancers. Nine non-advanced synchronous cancers, 116 adenomas, and 18 sessile-serrated lesions were treated by preoperative TCS and ER after SEMS placement. No procedure-related complications, namely stent migration, bleeding, and perforation were observed. Forty-five patients underwent follow-up TCS 1 year after surgery. Only one patient with submucosal invasive cancer required a second surgery. Conclusions Preoperative TCS and ER after SEMS placement was performed with no complications. This approach allows preoperative evaluation of the entire colon and the treatment of precancerous lesions. (240 words

    A novel prediction tool for mortality in patients with acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding requiring emergency hospitalization: a large multicenter study

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    Abstract The study aimed to identify prognostic factors for patients with acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding and to develop a high-accuracy prediction tool. The analysis included 8254 cases of acute hematochezia patients who were admitted urgently based on the judgment of emergency physicians or gastroenterology consultants (from the CODE BLUE J-study). Patients were randomly assigned to a derivation cohort and a validation cohort in a 2:1 ratio using a random number table. Assuming that factors present at the time of admission are involved in mortality within 30 days of admission, and adding management factors during hospitalization to the factors at the time of admission for mortality within 1 year, prognostic factors were established. Multivariate analysis was conducted, and scores were assigned to each factor using regression coefficients, summing these to measure the score. The newly created score (CACHEXIA score) became a tool capable of measuring both mortality within 30 days (ROC-AUC 0.93) and within 1 year (C-index, 0.88). The 1-year mortality rates for patients classified as low, medium, and high risk by the CACHEXIA score were 1.0%, 13.4%, and 54.3% respectively (all P < 0.001). After discharge, patients identified as high risk using our unique predictive score require ongoing observation

    Two Cases of Acute Large Bowel Obstruction Caused by Advanced Cancer Treated with Stenting as \u22Bridge to Surgery\u22 Procedure

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    大腸癌イレウスは全大腸癌の3.1~15.8%に認められ,決して稀な病態ではない.大腸癌に伴う狭窄に対して従来経肛門的イレウス管の留置あるいは緊急人工肛門造設術が施行されてきたが,2012年より本邦において大腸ステント留置術が保険収載され臨床において使用可能となった.大腸ステント留置術は十分な術前検索や腸管の術前プレパレーションを施行したうえで待機的な手術が可能であり,臨床的有効性が高い.われわれは大腸癌イレウスに対するステント留置後一期的に根治術を施行した2例を経験したので報告する.Obstructive colorectal cancer accounts for 3.1-15.8% of total colorectal cancer cases, therefore it is not a rare condition. Formerly, it has been often treated with emergent operation such as colostomy or trans-anal tube decompression. Since 2012, revision of the medical payment system, it has become possible to be treated with elective operation when using endoscopic metal stent placement that enable to decompress enlarged intestine by transanal approach. This procedure provides safe elective surgery with sufficient preoperative inspection and conventional bowel preparation. We report two cases of acute large bowel obstruction due to colon cancer treated with endoscopic stent placement as a \u22bridge to surgery\u22