3 research outputs found

    Transplantation of HSCs and hematopoietic progenitors.

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    <p>(A) LSKs or CD34<sup>−</sup>LSKs were purified by FACS from Lin<sup>−/low</sup>c-Kit<sup>+</sup> BM fraction of GFP mice. GFP and Lineage+propidium iodide (PI) expression of unfractionated BM cells is shown as a control. (B) Total myeloid progenitors (My-P) and CLPs were purified by FACS from Lin<sup>−/low</sup>Thy1.2<sup>−/low</sup>MNCs of GFP mice. (C-E) Correlational analyses between injected cell numbers and the numbers of GFP<sup>+</sup> cardiomyocytes per a recipient mouse in recipients transplanted with Lin<sup>−/low</sup>Sca-1<sup>+</sup> cells (C), LSKs (D), and CD34<sup>−</sup>LSKs (E). (F) Comparison of the number of GFP<sup>+</sup> cardiomyocytes at the same injected cell dose in Lin<sup>−/low</sup>Sca-1<sup>+</sup> cells, LSKs, and CD34<sup>−</sup>LSKs recipients. The means of the number of GFP<sup>+</sup> cardiomyocytes in recipients transplanted with each injected cell number are plotted. In the transplantation of LSKs, injected cell number of 1–1.8×10<sup>5</sup> cells is plotted at 10<sup>5</sup>, that of 1–4×10<sup>4</sup> cells is plotted at 10<sup>4</sup>, and that of 1–2×10<sup>3</sup> cells is plotted at 10<sup>3</sup>. The greater cardiomyogenic ability existed in CD34<sup>−</sup>LSKs than LSKs, and in LSKs than Lin<sup>−/low</sup>Sca-1<sup>+</sup> cells.</p

    Characterization of donor BM-derived GFP<sup>+</sup> cells in injured heart.

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    <p>(A) Representative image of CD11b-expressing GFP<sup>+</sup> myeloid cells. GFP<sup>+</sup> hematopoietic cells in recipient cardiac tissue appeared in small and round shape. Cardiac section was stained with anti-CD11b (red, Cy3) and DAPI (blue). Inset: high magnification of GFP<sup>+</sup>CD11b<sup>+</sup> cells. (B) Representative image of a vimentin-expressing GFP<sup>+</sup> fibroblast. Cardiac section was stained with anti-vimentin (red, Cy3). The fibroblast was present adjacent to striated cardiomyocytes in differential interference contrast (DIC) image. (C and D) Representative images of a TnI- (C) or Cx43- (D) expressing GFP<sup>+</sup> striated cardiomyocyte. Cardiac sections were stained with anti-TnI (C; red, Cy3), anti-Cx43 (D; yellow, Cy5), and DAPI (blue). Cardiac sections are from recipients transplanted with unfractionated BM cells. All merged images were obtained from the same confocal plane. Scale bars = 50 µm, (A)-inset 10 µm.</p

    The number of donor-derived cardiomyocytes after transplantation of purified BM cells.

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    a<p>P = 0.0095 by Mann-Whitney U test, Lin<sup>−/low</sup>CD45<sup>+</sup> versus Lin<sup>−/low</sup>CD45<sup>−.</sup></p>b<p>P = 0.0021 by Mann-Whitney U test, Myeloid progenitor versus CLP.</p>c<p>P = 0.0004 by Mann-Whitney U test, CMP versus CLP.</p>d<p>P = 0.1142 by Mann-Whitney U test, Myeloid progenitor versus CLP.</p>*<p>GFP<sup>+</sup> cardiomyocytes were counted in 40 contiguous sections from apex of the heart per a mouse. Detailed information of histological analysis is described in Materials and Methods, <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0062506#pone.0062506.s008" target="_blank">Materials and Methods S1</a>.</p><p>Abbreviations. BM: bone marrow, PB: peripheral blood, HSC: hematopoietic stem cell, LSK: Lin<sup>−</sup>Sca-1<sup>+</sup>c-Kit<sup>+</sup>, CMP: common myeloid progenitor, GMP: granulocyte/monocyte progenitor, CLP: common lymphoid progenitor.</p