240 research outputs found

    Differentially altered social dominance- and cooperative-like behaviors in Shank2- and Shank3-mutant mice

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    Background: Recent progress in genomics has contributed to the identification of a large number of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) risk genes, many of which encode synaptic proteins. Our understanding of ASDs has advanced rapidly, partly owing to the development of numerous animal models. Extensive characterizations using a variety of behavioral batteries that analyze social behaviors have shown that a subset of engineered mice that model mutations in genes encoding Shanks, a family of excitatory postsynaptic scaffolding proteins, exhibit autism-like behaviors. Although these behavioral assays have been useful in identifying deficits in simple social behaviors, alterations in complex social behaviors remain largely untested. Methods: Two syndromic ASD mouse models—Shank2 constitutive knockout [KO] mice and Shank3 constitutive KO mice—were examined for alterations in social dominance and social cooperative behaviors using tube tests and automated cooperation tests. Upon naïve and salient behavioral experience, expression levels of c-Fos were analyzed as a proxy for neural activity across diverse brain areas, including the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and a number of subcortical structures. Findings: As previously reported, Shank2 KO mice showed deficits in sociability, with intact social recognition memory, whereas Shank3 KO mice displayed no overt phenotypes. Strikingly, the two Shank KO mouse models exhibited diametrically opposed alterations in social dominance and cooperative behaviors. After a specific social behavioral experience, Shank mutant mice exhibited distinct changes in number of c-Fos+ neurons in the number of cortical and subcortical brain regions. Conclusions: Our results underscore the heterogeneity of social behavioral alterations in different ASD mouse models and highlight the utility of testing complex social behaviors in validating neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorder models. In addition, neural activities at distinct brain regions are likely collectively involved in eliciting complex social behaviors, which are differentially altered in ASD mouse models. © 2020, The Author(s).1

    Receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase delta is not essential for synapse maintenance or transmission at hippocampal synapses

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    Abstract Members of the leukocyte common antigen-related receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase (LAR-RPTP) family, comprising PTPσ, PTPδ and LAR, are key hubs for presynaptic assembly and differentiation in vertebrate neurons. However, roles of individual LAR-RPTP members have not been investigated using member-specific conditional knockout mice. Here, we show that loss of PTPδ had no overt effect on synapse development in mouse cultured hippocampal neurons. Moreover, loss of PTPδ in presynaptic CA1 hippocampal neurons did not influence neurotransmitter release in subicular pyramidal neurons, suggesting that PTPδ is not critical for presynaptic function in vivo. Our results demonstrate that PTPδ is not essential for synapse maintenance or transmission, at least in the mouse hippocampus, and underscore the importance of using sophisticated genetic approaches to confirm the roles of synaptic proteins

    The antioxidant and chemopreventive potentialities of Mosidae (Adenophora remotiflora) leaves

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    Our study focused on the antioxidant activities of Mosidae leaf ethanol extract (MLE) and included measurements of reducing power, total phenolic compounds, DPPH radical scavenging activity, and hydroxyl radical scavenging activity. In order to determine whether or not MLE evidences any chemopreventive activities, experimental lung metastasis was induced via the i.v. inoculation of colon26-M3.1 carcinoma cells into BALB/c mice. Additionally, we attempted to characterize any possible cytotoxic effects in murine normal splenocytes and tumor cells (B16-BL6 and colon26-M3.1). The total phenolic content and reducing capacity were measured at 39 mg/100 mL and 1.24, respectively, whereas the DPPH and hydroxyl radical scavenging activities of MLE were measured to be 88.89% and 22.10%, respectively. Prophylactic i.v. treatment with MLE resulted in a dose-dependent and significant inhibition of lung metastasis. Specifically, a MLE dose of 200 ug per mouse resulted in an 88.90% inhibition of lung metastasis. For the cytotoxicity assay, MLE doses up to 100 ug/mL were not shown to affect the growth of normal murine splenocytes. Additionally, the survival of normal cells was not affected at MLE doses below 500 ug/mL. However, MLE doses up to 500 ug/mL reduced the percentage of tumor cell growth for B16BL6 (67% alive) and colon26-M3.1 (62% alive) cells

    Carbon nanotube/Co3O4 composite for air electrode of lithium-air battery

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    A carbon nanotube [CNT]/Co3O4 composite is introduced as a catalyst for the air electrode of lithium-air [Li/air] batteries. Co3O4 nanoparticles are successfully attached to the sidewall of the CNT by a hydrothermal method. A high discharge capacity and a low overvoltage indicate that the CNT/Co3O4 composite is a very promising catalyst for the air electrode of Li/air batteries

    Loss of Autophagy Diminishes Pancreatic β Cell Mass and Function with Resultant Hyperglycemia

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    SummaryAutophagy is a cellular degradation-recycling system for aggregated proteins and damaged organelles. Although dysregulated autophagy is implicated in various diseases including neurodegeneration, its role in pancreatic β cells and glucose homeostasis has not been described. We produced mice with β cell-specific deletion of Atg7 (autophagy-related 7). Atg7 mutant mice showed impaired glucose tolerance and decreased serum insulin level. β cell mass and pancreatic insulin content were reduced because of increased apoptosis and decreased proliferation of β cells. Physiological studies showed reduced basal and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and impaired glucose-induced cytosolic Ca2+ transients in autophagy-deficient β cells. Morphologic analysis revealed accumulation of ubiquitinated protein aggregates colocalized with p62, which was accompanied by mitochondrial swelling, endoplasmic reticulum distension, and vacuolar changes in β cells. These results suggest that autophagy is necessary to maintain structure, mass and function of pancreatic β cells, and its impairment causes insulin deficiency and hyperglycemia because of abnormal turnover and function of cellular organelles

    Identification of a novel merozoite surface antigen of Plasmodium vivax, PvMSA180

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    Background: Although a number of Plasmodium vivax proteins have been identified, few have been investigated as potential vaccine candidates. This study characterized the Plasmodium vivax merozoite surface antigen 180 (PvMSA180, PVX_094920), a novel P. vivax antigenic protein. Methods: The target gene was amplified as four overlapping domains (D1, D2, D3 and D4) to enable expression of the recombinant protein using cell-free and bacterial expression systems. The recombinant PvMSA180 proteins were used in protein microarrays to evaluate the humoral immune response of 72 vivax-infected patients and 24 vivax-naive individuals. Antibodies produced in mice against the PvMSA180-D1 and -D4 domains were used to assess the subcellular localization of schizont-stage parasites with immunofluorescence assays. A total of 51 pvmsa180 sequences from 12 countries (41 sequences from PlasmoDB and 6 generated in this study) were used to determine the genetic diversity and genealogical relationships with DNAsp and NETWORK software packages, respectively. Results: PvMSA180 consists of 1603 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 182 kDa, and has a signal peptide at the amino-terminus. A total of 70.8% of patients (51/72) showed a specific antibody response to at least one of the PvMSA180 domains, and 20.8% (15/72) exhibited a robust antibody response to at least three of the domains. These findings suggest that PvMSA180 is targeted by the humoral immune response during natural infection with P. vivax. Immunofluorescence analysis demonstrated that PvMSA180 is localized on the merozoite surface of schizontstage parasites, and pvmsa180 sequences originating from various geographic regions worldwide showed low genetic diversity. Twenty-two haplotypes were found, and haplotype 6 (Hap_6, 77%) of pvmsa180 was detected in isolates from six countries. Conclusions: A novel P. vivax surface protein, PvMSA180, was characterized in this study. Most of P. vivax-infected patients had specific antibodies against particular antigenic domains, indicating that this protein is immunogenic in naturally exposed populations. Genetic analysis of worldwide isolates showed that pvmsa180 is less polymorphic than other well-known candidates and that some haplotypes are common to several countries. However, additional studies with a larger sample size are necessary to evaluate the antibody responses in geographically separated populations, and to identify the function of PvMSA180 during parasite invasion.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe