24 research outputs found

    Sequence alignment of seven sequenced cp genomes in the Asteraceae family.

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    <p>Sequences of chloroplast genomes were aligned and compared using mVISTA program. A cut-off of 70% identity was used for the plot and the Y-scale represents the percent identity ranging from 50–100%. Blue represents exons, green-blue represents tRNA and rRNA genes, and pink represents conserved non-coding sequences (CNS). Grey arrows the direction of transcription; horizontal blue lines indicate the position of IRa and IRb; horizontal red lines indicate the position of Inv1 and Inv2.</p

    Genes present in <i>Artemisia frigida</i> chloroplast genome.

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    a<p>Gene containing two introns.</p>b<p>Gene containing a single intron.</p>c<p>Two gene copies in IRs.</p>d<p>Gene divided into two independent transcription units.</p

    The map of the chloroplast genome of <i>Artemisia frigida</i>.

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    <p>IR, inverted repeat; LCS, large single copy region; SSC, small single copy region; Inv1, inverted sequence region 1; Inv2, inverted sequence region 2. Genes containing introns are marked with *.</p

    Repeat sequence analysis in seven sequenced Asteraceae chloroplast genomes.

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    <p>REPuter was used to identify repeat sequences with length ≥30 bp long and sequence identity ≥90% in the cp genomes. F, P, R, and C indicate that the repeats matching in forward, palindrome, reverse, and complement orientations, respectively. Different repeat unit lengths are indicted with different color.</p

    The distribution and frequency of simple sequence repeats in the <i>Artemisia frigida</i> cp genome.

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    <p>The SSR length is implied by the number of repeat for each SSR type in the Y-axes The percentage of a repeat with specific length from the total number of repeats is indicated above the bars.</p

    Comparison of the SSC region among different Asteraceae species.

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    <p>Gene sequences in the SSR region were annotated and indicated along the green lines. Genes above the green lines indicate their transcriptions in forward direction and genes below the green lines represent their transcriptions in reverse direction.</p

    The picture shows the primer design results of sequence ID (rs16791736) for tetra-primer ARMS PCR

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    <p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "BatchPrimer3: A high throughput web application for PCR and sequencing primer design"</p><p>http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/9/253</p><p>BMC Bioinformatics 2008;9():253-253.</p><p>Published online 29 May 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2438325.</p><p></p