297 research outputs found

    The Change of Children through the Continuous Activities with Goals in the Friendship Program at Hiroshima University (2): Focusing on Students’ Facilitation

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    The purposes of the current study were: 1) to clarify the changes among children through continuous activities with goals in the Friendship Program at Hiroshima University based on goal setting theory, and 2) to clarify effective students’ facilitation through these activities. These activities aimed to help children think and act for themselves, and improve their attitudes toward forming relationships. Surveys were conducted after programs were held in 2017 and 2018. Changes in the ability to think and act for oneself and attitudes toward forming relationships, motivation, degree of difficulty and specificity of goals, self-efficacy, goal commitment, relationships with other members, and students’ facilitation were measured. Data were collected from 98 school children. The following results were obtained: 1) the ability to think and act for oneself and attitudes toward forming friendships appeared to improve if motivation was high during the activities; 2) motivation during the activities tended to be high when the goal was specific and relatively difficult, self-efficacy was high, goal commitment was high, and the relationship was good for communication; and 3) students’ facilitation, including feedback or encouragement for children to achieve their goals by themselves, had a positive relationship with children’s motivation

    Sodium enrichment on glass surface during heating of heavy-metal-containing glasses under a reductive atmosphere

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    AbstractSodium enrichment occurs on the surface of the glass that is in contact with the gas phase during the heat treatment of lead-containing glass under a reductive atmosphere. This technique was previously found to promote lead recovery in waste-glass treatment, and may be potentially applied to glasses containing other heavy metal oxides. Thus, the efficiencies of sodium enrichment were compared among glasses with different heavy metal species (PbO, CuO, and ZnO) in the heat-treatment under a CO-containing atmosphere. The sodium enrichment efficiencies in the treatment of the PbO- and CuO-containing glasses were higher than that in the treatment of the ZnO containing glass. This was because the efficiencies were related to the reduction of the heavy metal oxides. The mass ratio of Na to Si on the glass surface increased as the PbO concentration decreased via reduction of PbO. The sodium-rich phase was separated together with a copper-concentrated phase that was generated via the reduction of CuO. However, ZnO in the glass is thermodynamically more difficult to reduce in the CO-containing atmosphere used in the study, resulting in the lower efficiency of the sodium enrichment

    A Research on School Principals’ Recognition of Current Situations and Issues in Regard to the Promotion of ICT Use at Schools

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     本稿の目的は,校長を対象とした調査研究を通じて,教育の情報化の現状と課題に関する校長の認識を把握し,教育の情報化の推進に寄与しうる基礎的知見を得ることである。そのために,具体的には以下の点について検討した。① ICT の利用に関する現任校や自身の現状に対する校長の認識,②学校全体としてICT の活用を進めていくための改善の必要性に対する校長の認識,③ ICT の利用に関する現状認識の差異による改善の必要性に関する認識の差異,④教育の情報化を進めたり,ICT を活用したりするなかで,当初予想していなかった成果・効果,⑤教育の情報化を進めたり,ICT を活用したりするなかで,当初予想していなかった課題・問題

    Comprehensively Structured Teaching Method for an Adult Individual with Autism

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    In this study, the effectiveness of a comprehensively structured teaching method for an adult with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) (age 37) complicated with severe intellectual disability (ID) who had `refusal\u27 and `deviate\u27 behaviors during his tasks at the institution was discussed. The main components in this study were 1) physical structure, 2) structured work, 3) schedule systems, 4) positive behavior support (PBS), and 5) setting support guidance for staff. The number of `one-day tasks\u27 and `refusal\u27 and `deviate\u27 behaviors a day before and after intervention were compared. Prior to the intervention, the number of `one-day tasks\u27 was 3 to 7. After the intervention, 10 to 27 were observed (SD=5.96) and they were increasing. The number of `refusal\u27 and `deviate\u27 behaviors was 3 to 5 before intervention, and after it became 7.67 to 2 (SD=1.34) and they were decreasing. As a result, we clarified that a comprehensively structured teaching method was effective in increasing for an adult individual with ASD those task performances and reducing those inappropriate behaviors. In addition, it is assumed that these approaches to the comprehensively structured teaching method could be helpful for weak central coherence and executive dysfunction well known as ASD\u27s cognitive developmental disorder

    Experiential Pre-service Teacher-Training Program to Promote Students’ Independent Learning : Case Study of the Hiroshima University Friendship Project

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    This study sought to investigate the ways that an experiential pre-service teacher-training program promotes students’ independent learning by examining the Hiroshima University Friendship Project (HUFP). The results revealed several transitions in the history of the HUFP. It was initially expected that students’ independent learning would be deepened through activities administered as initiatives of university teachers. However, some students felt that these arranged activities were childish, and did not promote their independent learning. Several years later, the establishment of a student organization changed the program to an alternative format, in which students are the central administrators, promoting their independent learning. Thus, the results demonstrate the importance of striking a balance between student-led administration and support from university teachers to promote students’ independent learning

    Development and Operation of the Handbooks for Initial Teachers and Mentors (Ⅱ): The Results and Issues through the Use by Initial Teachers and Mentors

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    The purposes of this research are: (1) develop tools to innovate the learning environments of initial primary school teachers to grow as continuous learners, (2) examine their effectiveness to clarify the ways of initial teacher training. There are still many problems remaining e.g. the ability difference between mentors; connection of teacher trainings at on-site and out-side schools; learning environments for initial teachers. In response, we designed a standard of teaching competencies consists of eight categories and developed some tools accordingly: two handbooks for initial teachers and mentors; a teaching competencies rubric. We distributed these tools to all initial teachers and their mentors in Hiroshima prefecture to try them. Then we examined their effectiveness, possible uses, and development potential through a questionnaire survey targeting at only those who provided their consent its concept and method. The data from free descriptions was analyzed and considered by applying subject classification which is one of the text-mining approaches. As a result, we could extract their usage based on each teacher’s practice task and experience, effectiveness, and improvement potential. Our findings are beneficial as a fundamental material to consider about an effective support for initial teachers and their required competencies in contemporary world.本研究は,平成25−26年度独立行政法人教員研修センター委嘱事業「教員研修モデルカリキュラム開発プログラム」終了後も継続して取り組んだ成果の一部である。なお,本稿はWERA Focal Meeting & HKERA International Conference(2017年11月30日,香港)での発表内容(Innovations of Learning Environments for Novice Primary Teachers in Contemporary Japan: Towards Fostering Teachers as Continuous Learners)を加筆・修正したものである。 本研究は,JSPS科学研究費補助金基盤研究(B)(一般)「「学び続ける教員」を支えるアクティブ・ラーニング型教員研修プログラムの開発」(JP16H03765)の助成を受けている

    Development of a Teacher Educator Training Program Aiming to Improve the Planning and Conducting Skills in In-service Teacher Training: Through the Trial in the Graduate-level Course

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    This study aimed to develop a teacher educator training program trying to improve the planning and conducting skills in in-service teacher training. We tested out the teacher educator training program in two graduate-level courses. One of them, “Special Lecture on Teacher Education,” took up the theories relating to human resource development and adult education and knowledge needed for planning and conducting in-service teacher training programs. In another course, “Seminar on Teacher Education,” the students developed and conducted the simulated in-service teacher training program. This study assumed that these two programs of teacher educator training program could contribute to improving the students’ planning and conducting skills in in-service teacher training.本研究では,JSPS科学研究費補助金基盤研究(B)(一般)「「学び続ける教員」を支えるアクティブ・ラーニング型教員研修プログラムの開発」(JP16H03765)の助成を受けています

    A Study of the Relationship between Students' Sense of “Ibasho” and the Abilities Developed in Special Activities

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    The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between the sense of “Ibasho” and the ability to develop a sense of “Ibasho” in special activities. A questionnaire was administered to 412 junior high school students to measure the relationship between a sense of “Ibasho” and the ability to develop a sense of “Ibasho” in special activities. The results showed that the sense of “Ibasho” consisted of two factors, “sense of authenticity” and “sense of self-usefulness”, and the ability developed in special activities consisted of three factors, “ability to contribute”, “ability to cooperate”, and “attachment to the class”. Multiple regression analyses revealed that all three factors, contribution, cooperation, and attachment to the classroom, had significant positive effects on the “sense of authenticity”. These same three factors also had significant positive effects on the “sense of self-usefulness”. These results indicate that the ability developed in special activities has a positive effect on the sense of “Ibasho”.井上弥先生・樋口聡先生退職記念特集

    Survey Study about Shokuinshitsu (Faculty Room) Culture (Ⅱ)

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    The purpose of this paper is to identify the characteristics of "Shokuinshitsu (faculty room) culture" that contribute to the nurturing of competence among faculty members, through an analysis of efforts and results to develop the competence of teachers at their schools. We focused our analysis on 2,434 responses to questions regarding effective efforts to develop the competence of teachers at their schools and quoted some actual comments in writing this paper. As a result, the following two characteristics were identified. 1) Based on the points of view regarding the nurturing of competence among faculty members, we identified the following: Teacher training and organizational efforts at schools, and developments in educational activities involving collaboration & cooperation with parents/guardians and local residents were identified as effective efforts at the teachers' schools. In other words, we learned that continuous, creative efforts at each school contributed to the nurturing of competence among faculty members. 2) Based on the points of view regarding the development of schools, we identified the following: Lesson study & in-service training that create a sense of unity within the school, and organizational efforts at schools were identified as effective efforts for developing schools, as well as nurturing competence among faculty members.本研究は,科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)「特色ある開かれた学校づくりに資する職員室文化の発掘と継承に関する研究」(研究課題番号:23531060,研究代表者:林孝),科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)「『職員室文化』の継承による学校づくり推進のための力量形成に関する研究」(研究課題番号:15k04299,研究代表者:林孝)の継続的な研究成果の一部である

    Teacher Education as a High-quality Learning Environment

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    In this paper, we discuss what a high-quality learning environment in teacher education may look like from the perspective of Biesta’s three characteristics of good education: the qualification, socialization, and subjectification functions of education. Through critical investigation of our own classroom practices, we identify indicators of high-quality learning environments as well as several areas that could be improved. First, we offer a short outline of what quality education can be. Second, we describe three snapshots of teacher education activities, one from each of the authors. The two first examples are from Japan and the third is from Norway. Finally, we discuss characteristics of these snapshots that can be considered quality learning environments, ways in which these three particular learning environments can be improved, and possible ways forward for teacher education in general