1 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Biji Kakao (Theobroma Cacao) Terhadap Jumlah Pigmen Melanin Kulit Tikus Wistar (Rattus Novergicus) Yang Dipapar Sinar Matahari

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    : Excessive exposure of sunlight may cause hyperpigmentation. Cocoa is a beneficial plant to the skin. This study was aimed to reveal the effect of cocoa bean extracts on the number of melanin pigments in rat skin after sun exposure. This was an experimental study using 25 Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) divided into one control group and four treatment groups. The treatment consisted of sunlight exposure for one hour/day and application of cocoa bean extract 1600 mg/day that varied among treatment groups. Group A was the negative control group (terminated at day 21). Group B, the treatment group 1, was exposed to sunlight for 30 days (terminated at day 31). Group C, the treatment group 2, was exposed to sunlight for 20 days (terminated at day 31). Group D, the treatment group 3, was divided into group D1 consisted of 2 rats and group D2 consisted of 3 rats. Group D1 was exposed to sunlight 30 minutes after the application of cocoa bean extract for 20 days (terminated at day 21). Group D2 was exposed to sunlight 30 minutes after the application of cocoa bean extract for 30 days (terminated at day 31). Group E was exposed to sunlight for 20 days and continued with the application of cocoa bean extract for the next 10 days (terminated at day 3). The results showed that sunlight exposure increased the number of melanin pigments in group B and C compared to group A. Group D showed fewer melanin pigments than group B and C. Group E showed fewer melanin pigments than group B, C, and D. Conclusion: Cocoa bean extract could reduce the number of skin melanin pigments in rats exposed to sunlight