2,567 research outputs found

    Federal farm program payments (1990 – 2001): an analysis of changing dependency and the distribution of farm payments in South Dakota

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    The growing dependence of the state and local economy and the farm sector on Federal farm program payments is highlighted in this South Dakota case study. The concentration and distribution of farm program payments to recipients at the county, regional and state level from 1996 – 2001 is examined. Reasons for and implications of growing inequality of farm program payments are discussed.Federal farm payments, farm policy, South Dakota

    Prevalence of syphilis among Ethiopian blood donors

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    Abstract: The study was performed to asses the prevalence and distribution of syphilis among Ethiopian blood donors. Serological data of 21,846 blood donors obtained over two years peroid (1987-89) from five blood transfusion centers were analayzed. Syphilis testing was done using the rapid plasma reagin (RPR) test. Overall RPR reactivity of 3% to over 1 2% and sex specific rates of about 3% in females and over 4.5% in males were obtained following prior health screening, including information on risk factors such as sexually transmitted diseases, in the five regions studied. The male to female ratio was 1.5: 1. Distinct low and high seroprevalence centers, with overall rates of 3.0% -4.1% and 10.1 % -12.2%, respectively, were also observed. There was a statistically significant difference (P = 0.0004) in the RPR rate between the two sexes. There is a high prevalence of syphylis in Ethiopian blood donors who underwent prior health screening. Thus, universal syphilis screening of blood intended for transfusions in Ethiopia and Syphilis serostatus notification of blood donors are recommended. [Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 1995;9(2):91-103

    Federal farm program payments (1990 - 2001): an analysis of changing dependency and the distribution of payments in South Dakota

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    The growing dependence of the state and local economy and the farm sector on federal farm program payments is highlighted in this South Dakota case study. The concentration and distribution of farm program payments to recipients at the county, regional and state level from 1996 - 2001 is examined. Reasons for an implications of growing inequality of farm program payments are discussed.farm program payments, regional analysis, federal payments, distributional equity, commodity policy, Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Rural Credit for Resource-Poor Entrepreneurs: Lessons from the Eritrean Experience

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    Developing countries' small-scale farmers lack access to financial services. In the Eritrean Savings and Micro- Credit program (SMCP), solidarity groups are jointly responsible for individual members' loans; this reduces transaction costs, improves repayment and substitutes for collateral. Performance of SMCP (1996 to 2002) indicates low arrears and good repayment, but not satisfactory saving mobilization. SMCP service reached many people previously without access to financial services, thus materially improving individuals' economic self-confidence and independence, cash holdings and household living standards. It has had favourable social spin-offs; a well-designed village-banking model can help solve economic problems of the poor.Agricultural Finance,

    Dependency on the Ethanol Industry

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    The year 2008 will long be remembered as a year when corn based ethanol has seen tremendous change. The Energy Independence and Security Act, which passed in late 2007, gave a huge boost to the industry as it mandated an increase in biofuel production and use. In 2008, the industry witnessed record high prices on corn and crude oil. Ultimately, a big ethanol and distiller’s grain company--Vera Sun Energy-- filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy leaving farmers with contracts wondering what will happen next. South Dakota is a major corn growing and ethanol producing state and this article assesses the relative magnitude of corn based ethanol on the local economy in terms of distribution of ethanol plants and corn disappearance ratios.ethanol, south dakota, farm policy

    The 2005/06 South Dakota Grain Marketing Patterns Study: A Grain Elevator Survey Report

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    This study reports the results of a survey of grain elevators in South Dakota completed in 2007 and focuses on the marketing patterns for spring wheat, winter wheat, oats, barley, corn, soybeans and sunflower seeds for the marketing year 2005/06. During the year, elevators’ market share in South Dakota was 54%, 83%, 91% and 83% for corn, soybeans, spring wheat, and winter wheat, respectively. Contrary to reports for Iowa and Indiana, the increase in ethanol production in the state did not have an adverse impact on elevators’ market share for corn in South Dakota. In terms of volume, cash purchase, delayed pricing, cash forward contracts, and hedge to arrive contracts, collectively, accounted for more than 95% of each of the grain and oilseed purchased by the responding elevators during the year. The three most commonly used methods for grain sales were cash sales, cash forward contracts and basis contracts, collectively, accounting for more than 95% of each of the grain and oilseeds volume handled by the responding elevators during the year. Shipments to out-of-state locations accounted for 38% of the corn and 79% of soybean shipped by all Elevators in South Dakota. Both rail and trucks are important modes of transportation for shipping South Dakota grains.Grain Marketing, agricultural transportation,corn, soybeans, spring wheat, winter wheat, grain elevator market share

    Acceleration Of Charged Particles By Intense Electron Beams

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