147 research outputs found

    No stop codons in the antisense strands of the genes for nylon oligomer degradation.

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    Predictions of pressure-induced transition temperature increase for a variety of high temperature superconductors

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    A wide variety of superconducting oxides are used to test a general model of high pressure induced transition temperature (T c) changes. The T c 's vary from a low of 24 K to a high of 164 K. Although the model is capable of predicting both increases and decreases in T c with pressure, only superconductors that exhibit an increase are considered at this time. Predictions are made of the maximum T^ cP theo for 15 super-conductors as a function of their compressibilities. The theoretical results generally agree well with experiment. This model of T c as a function of pressure is derived from a recent successful phenomenological theory of short coherence length superconductivity.Comment: 9 pages. 1 table, 0 figure

    Coexistence of Superconductivity and Charge Density Wave in SrPt2As2

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    SrPt2As2 is a novel arsenide superconductor, which crystallizes in the CaBe2Ge2-type structure as a different polymorphic form of the ThCr2Si2-type structure. SrPt2As2 exhibits a charge-density-wave (CDW) ordering at about 470 K and enters into a superconducting state at Tc = 5.2 K. The coexistence of superconductivity and CDW refers to Peierls instability with a moderately strong electron-phonon interaction. Thus SrPt2As2 can be viewed as a nonmagnetic analog of iron-based superconductors, such as doped BaFe2As2, in which superconductivity emerges in close proximity to spin-density-wave ordering.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Experimental Rugged Fitness Landscape in Protein Sequence Space

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    The fitness landscape in sequence space determines the process of biomolecular evolution. To plot the fitness landscape of protein function, we carried out in vitro molecular evolution beginning with a defective fd phage carrying a random polypeptide of 139 amino acids in place of the g3p minor coat protein D2 domain, which is essential for phage infection. After 20 cycles of random substitution at sites 12–130 of the initial random polypeptide and selection for infectivity, the selected phage showed a 1.7Γ—10(4)-fold increase in infectivity, defined as the number of infected cells per ml of phage suspension. Fitness was defined as the logarithm of infectivity, and we analyzed (1) the dependence of stationary fitness on library size, which increased gradually, and (2) the time course of changes in fitness in transitional phases, based on an original theory regarding the evolutionary dynamics in Kauffman's n-k fitness landscape model. In the landscape model, single mutations at single sites among n sites affect the contribution of k other sites to fitness. Based on the results of these analyses, k was estimated to be 18–24. According to the estimated parameters, the landscape was plotted as a smooth surface up to a relative fitness of 0.4 of the global peak, whereas the landscape had a highly rugged surface with many local peaks above this relative fitness value. Based on the landscapes of these two different surfaces, it appears possible for adaptive walks with only random substitutions to climb with relative ease up to the middle region of the fitness landscape from any primordial or random sequence, whereas an enormous range of sequence diversity is required to climb further up the rugged surface above the middle region

    Transition from Positive to Neutral in Mutation Fixation along with Continuing Rising Fitness in Thermal Adaptive Evolution

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    It remains to be determined experimentally whether increasing fitness is related to positive selection, while stationary fitness is related to neutral evolution. Long-term laboratory evolution in Escherichia coli was performed under conditions of thermal stress under defined laboratory conditions. The complete cell growth data showed common continuous fitness recovery to every 2Β°C or 4Β°C stepwise temperature upshift, finally resulting in an evolved E. coli strain with an improved upper temperature limit as high as 45.9Β°C after 523 days of serial transfer, equivalent to 7,560 generations, in minimal medium. Two-phase fitness dynamics, a rapid growth recovery phase followed by a gradual increasing growth phase, was clearly observed at diverse temperatures throughout the entire evolutionary process. Whole-genome sequence analysis revealed the transition from positive to neutral in mutation fixation, accompanied with a considerable escalation of spontaneous substitution rate in the late fitness recovery phase. It suggested that continually increasing fitness not always resulted in the reduction of genetic diversity due to the sequential takeovers by fit mutants, but caused the accumulation of a considerable number of mutations that facilitated the neutral evolution

    Adaptive Response of a Gene Network to Environmental Changes by Fitness-Induced Attractor Selection

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    Cells switch between various stable genetic programs (attractors) to accommodate environmental conditions. Signal transduction machineries efficiently convey environmental changes to the gene regulation apparatus in order to express the appropriate genetic program. However, since the number of environmental conditions is much larger than that of available genetic programs so that the cell may utilize the same genetic program for a large set of conditions, it may not have evolved a signaling pathway for every environmental condition, notably those that are rarely encountered. Here we show that in the absence of signal transduction, switching to the appropriate attractor state expressing the genes that afford adaptation to the external condition can occur. In a synthetic bistable gene switch in Escherichia coli in which mutually inhibitory operons govern the expression of two genes required in two alternative nutritional environments, cells reliably selected the β€œadaptive attractor” driven by gene expression noise. A mathematical model suggests that the β€œnon-adaptive attractor” is avoided because in unfavorable conditions, cellular activity is lower, which suppresses mRNA metabolism, leading to larger fluctuations in gene expression. This, in turn, renders the non-adaptive state less stable. Although attractor selection is not as efficient as signal transduction via a dedicated cascade, it is simple and robust, and may represent a primordial mechanism for adaptive responses that preceded the evolution of signaling cascades for the frequently encountered environmental changes
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