13 research outputs found

    Frequency distributions.

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    <p>a) Frequency distribution of bottom depth across all seals (n  =  3,269) based on the number of dive locations obtained from the SRDL tags. b) Frequency distribution of maximum dive depth across all seals (n  =  3,269) based on number of dive locations obtained from the SRDL tags.</p

    Dive duration model results.

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    <p>Predicted results for a) FPT (h), b) Month (blue columns represent approximate fasting periods) and c) Bottom depth (m) for male (n = 18) and female (n = 33) hooded seals. Solid black line represents males and hashed line represents females. Thin black lines represent standard error.</p

    Predicted GAM results of the deviation from the mean daily change in drift rate (cm/s) over time, where the mean is at 0.

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    <p>Data from males and females were here run in seperate models: males: solid black line (n = 17) and females: dashed line (n = 30). Thin lines represent the standard error and red columns represent the annual fasting periods (breeding/whelping in March and moulting in July).</p

    Map over the study area.

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    <p>Moulting area is located in southeast Greenland and breeding areas in Davis Strait (DS), off Labrador and Newfoundland (Front) and in the Gulf og St. Lawrence (Gulf). Bathymetry of the study area is presented as backdrop in grey scale. Dashed white line is the 1,000 meter contour.</p

    Fitted values from the best habitat model (Geographic location, Month, Bottom depth) for a) males (n = 18) and b) females (n = 33). Track is plotted on the 80 km ARS scale. Filled circles represent FPT from < 20 hours − > 60 hours (light to dark). The dashed white line is the 1,000 m contour line and the bathymetry is represented by the grey scale backdrop.

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    <p>Fitted values from the best habitat model (Geographic location, Month, Bottom depth) for a) males (n = 18) and b) females (n = 33). Track is plotted on the 80 km ARS scale. Filled circles represent FPT from < 20 hours − > 60 hours (light to dark). The dashed white line is the 1,000 m contour line and the bathymetry is represented by the grey scale backdrop.</p