142 research outputs found

    Institutional Transition and Local Self-Government in Russia

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    This paper includes the following parts: 1) "Vertical or Triangle? Local, regional and federal government in the Russian Federation after Law 131.", by Adrian Campbell, and 2) comments to the paper "Softness and hardness of the institutions in Russian ocal self-government" by Satoshi Mizobata, 3) "Local budget and local self-government in Russia" by Kazuho Yokogawa and 4) "The Struggle for Power in the Urals" by Adrian Campbell and Elena Denezhkina.

    A base pair at the bottom of the anticodon stem is reciprocally preferred for discrimination of cognate tRNAs by Escherichia coli lysyl- and glutaminyl-tRNA synthetases

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    Although the yeast amber suppressor tRNA(Tyr) is a good candidate for a carrier of unnatural amino acids into proteins, slight misacylation with lysine was found to occur in an Escherichia coli protein synthesis system. Although it was possible to restrain the mislysylation by genetically engineering the anticodon stem region of the amber suppressor tRNA(Tyr), the mutant tRNA showing the lowest acceptance of lysine was found to accept a trace level of glutamine instead. Moreover, the glutamine-acceptance of various tRNA(Tyr) transcripts substituted at the anticodon stem region varied in reverse proportion to the lysine-acceptance, similar to a ‘seesaw’. The introduction of a C31–G39 base pair at the site was most effective for decreasing the lysine-acceptance and increasing the glutamine-acceptance. When the same substitution was introduced into E.coli tRNA(Lys) transcripts, the lysine-accepting activity was decreased by 100-fold and faint acceptance of glutamine was observed. These results may support the idea that there are some structural element(s) in the anticodon stem of tRNA, which are not shared by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases that have similar recognition sites in the anticodon, such as E.coli lysyl- and glutaminyl-tRNA synthetases

    Mapping of an abandoned irrigation channel in the southern part of Saijo Basin, Higashi-Hiroshima city, Southwest Japan, and its significance

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    東広島市西条盆地南部に位置する柏原(かしょうばら)地区は,段丘面上に広がる近世後期の新田開発地である。柏原地区の農業用水を確保するために中の峠(たお)池(現深道池)が造築されたが,池の集水域が狭く慢性的に水不足であった。そのため,池の集水域と異なる小田山川の集水域内の山麓に用水路を築き,中の峠池に水をもたらしてきた。現在は別の導水トンネル(中の峠隧道)ができたため,この用水路は30 年以上前に放棄されている。本研究では,現地調査によって用水路の構造のマッピングを行い,さらに古文書の解読によって造築の経緯の一端を明らかにした。本研究は,郷土の発展の痕跡である歴史的な文化財を後世に伝えるだけでなく,今後増加すると考えられる放棄用水路のマッピングの先駆的な事例として意義があると考えられる。A village of Kashobara was established by new reclamation work for rice field in early 19th-century in the southern part of Saijo Basin, Higashi-Hiroshima City, Southwest Japan. Local villagers built a pond named "Nakanotao pond" for irrigation close to the village. Because its water was always little due to its too small catchment area, it was very difficult to crop rice properly. Then local villagers made an irrigation channel to put additional water into the pond from out of its catchment. As a newly tunnel for irrigation was made in 90 years ago, the channel has been abandoned over 30 years. The objects of this study are 1) mapping of the abandoned channel by geophysical field survey, and 2) analysis of historical record related the abandoned channel. This study contributes a record of local heritage of civil engineering, and is regarded as a pioneer study for mapping of abandoned channel, numbers of which will increase in Japan.本稿の内容の一部は,2018年度地理科学学会春季学術大会(2018年6月2日,於広島大学大学院文学研究科)にて口頭発表を行った

    An investigation of the Hachihonmatsu branch of the Hiroshima Army Weapon Supply Depot using US aerial photographs, and the proposal of a utilization method

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    本稿の目的は,戦争遺跡である広島陸軍兵器補給廠八本松分廠(以下,補給廠)の痕跡を空中写真の判読と現地調査から明らかにすると共に,戦争遺跡の活用に向けた情報の整理と活用方法を提案することである。空中写真の判読では,弾薬庫もしくは火薬庫と見られる構造物を36 棟確認した。現地調査では,刈又池周辺において陸軍の軍用地を示す石標13基,弾薬庫周辺を囲む土塁を確認した。本調査により,補給廠の構造物の分布状況や痕跡を示す戦争遺跡の存在が明らかになった。活用方法の提案については,学校教育と社会教育におけるそれぞれの活用法を検討し,地域に残された戦争遺跡を活用する上で求められる事と活用意義を提示した。学校教育においては,平和学習にとらわれない活用方法を提案し,社会教育については,戦争遺跡群として面的な理解を促すガイドマップを作製した。本稿は,これまで調査が十分にされてこなかった戦争遺跡の再調査と活用を促す一助になると期待される。This paper has two purposes. The first is to discover traces of the Hachihonmatsu branch of the Hiroshima Army Weapon Supply Depot (hereinafter referred to as the Depot), which is a war site, by identifying aerial photographs and conducting field surveys. The second is to propose a method for organizing and utilizing information on the war ruins for educational purposes. From aerial photographs we identified 36 facilities that appear to have been used for ammunition or gunpowder storage. Next, through our field surveys, we discovered 13 stone marks indicating the boundary of the land owned by the military around Karimata Pond and some banks surrounding the ammunition storage. This survey revealed the distribution and existence of storage in the Depot. We examined how to utilize each in both school and social education and showed what is required and the significance of utilizing the war remains left over in the area. For education at school, we proposed multi methods including learning about peacetime. Regarding social education, we created a map that promotes a comprehensive understanding of the war ruins for citizens and visitors alike. This article is expected to help promote the reinvestigation and utilization of war ruins that have thus far not been thoroughly investigated

    Structural basis for recognition of cognate tRNA by tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase from three kingdoms

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    The specific aminoacylation of tRNA by tyrosyl-tRNA synthetases (TyrRSs) relies on the identity determinants in the cognate tRNATyrs. We have determined the crystal structure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae TyrRS (SceTyrRS) complexed with a Tyr-AMP analog and the native tRNATyr(GΨA). Structural information for TyrRS–tRNATyr complexes is now full-line for three kingdoms. Because the archaeal/eukaryotic TyrRSs–tRNATyrs pairs do not cross-react with their bacterial counterparts, the recognition modes of the identity determinants by the archaeal/eukaryotic TyrRSs were expected to be similar to each other but different from that by the bacterial TyrRSs. Interestingly, however, the tRNATyr recognition modes of SceTyrRS have both similarities and differences compared with those in the archaeal TyrRS: the recognition of the C1-G72 base pair by SceTyrRS is similar to that by the archaeal TyrRS, whereas the recognition of the A73 by SceTyrRS is different from that by the archaeal TyrRS but similar to that by the bacterial TyrRS. Thus, the lack of cross-reactivity between archaeal/eukaryotic and bacterial TyrRS-tRNATyr pairs most probably lies in the different sequence of the last base pair of the acceptor stem (C1-G72 vs G1-C72) of tRNATyr. On the other hand, the recognition mode of Tyr-AMP is conserved among the TyrRSs from the three kingdoms

    Effects of radiation on spinal dura mater and surrounding tissue in mice

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    Purpose Spinal surgery in a previously irradiated field carries increased risk of perioperative complications, such as delayed wound healing or wound infection. In addition, adhesion around the dura mater is often observed clinically. Therefore, similar to radiation-induced fibrosis- a major late-stage radiation injury in other tissue-epidural fibrosis is anticipated to occur after spinal radiation. In this study, we performed histopathologic assessment of postirradiation changes in the spinal dura mater and peridural tissue in mice. Materials and Methods The thoracolumbar transition of ddY mice was irradiated with a single dose of 10 or 20 Gy. After resection of the irradiated spine, occurrence of epidural fibrosis and expression of transforming growth factor beta 1 in the spinal dura mater were evaluated. In addition, microstructures in the spinal dura mater and peridural tissue were assessed using an electron microscope. Results In the 20-Gy irradiated mice, epidural fibrosis first occurred around 12 weeks postirradiation, and was observed in all cases from 16 weeks postirradiation. In contrast, epidural fibrosis was not observed in the nonirradiated mice. Compared with the nonirradiated mice, the 10- and 20-Gy irradiated mice had significantly more overexpression of transforming growth factor beta 1 at 1 week postirradiation and in the late stages after irradiation. In microstructural assessment, the arachnoid barrier cell layer was thinned at 12 and 24 weeks postirradiation compared with that in the nonirradiated mice. Conclusion In mice, spinal epidural fibrosis develops in the late stages after high-dose irradiation, and overexpression of transforming growth factor beta 1 occurs in a manner similar to that seen in radiation-induced fibrosis in other tissue. Additionally, thinning of the arachnoid barrier cell layer was observed in the late stages after irradiation. Thus, consideration should be given to the possibility that these phenomena can occur as radiation-induced injuries of the spine. Copyright © 2015 Yokogawa et al

    Repeated total en bloc spondylectomy for spinal metastases at different sites in one patient

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    Purpose: Total en bloc spondylectomy (TES) is accompanied by preoperative embolization of segmental arteries, which is limited to three consecutive levels to avoid the risk of spinal cord ischemia. We retrospectively examined the efficacy and safety of repeated TES with embolization of more than three levels of segmental arteries. Methods: Seven patients underwent TES twice for spinal metastases at different levels. Every patient underwent embolization of the bilateral segmental arteries before each surgery. We assessed the total number of segmental arteries embolized, the existence of Adamkiewicz arteries during the embolization procedure, intraoperative blood loss, and the motor function of the lower limbs, using the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) motor score. Results: No patient experienced any motor deficit after embolization. During the embolization procedure, an Adamkiewicz artery was depicted in five patients, which precluded embolization at that level. The median number of segmental arteries embolized in total was 9 (9–11). Intraoperative blood loss (median, IQR) was 480 (420–630) ml during the first surgery and 520 (280–600) ml during the second surgery. The ASIA motor scores (median, IQR) were as follows; 100 (98–100) (first admission), 100 (100–100) (first discharge), 100 (98–100) (second admission), and 97 (94–100) (second discharge). No patients had developed statistically significant neurological deterioration, and there had been no local recurrence after a median follow-up of 17.8 months (range 1–51 months). Conclusion: Repeated TES procedures can be performed safely even if more than three levels of segmental arteries are embolized. © 2015, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.Embargo Period 12 month

    Progress in the beginning stage of new reclamation work in early 19th-century Kashobara, in the southern part of Saijo Basin, Higashi-Hiroshima City, southwestern Japan: Analysis of “Kokugunshi-goyo-kakiagecho, Kamo-gun Kashobara”

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    本稿は,「国郡志御用書上帳 賀茂郡柏原 ひかへ」の分析を通して,19世紀初頭の東広島市西条盆地南部,柏原における新田開発初期の進捗過程の詳細を明らかにすることを目的とする。本史料は,1825(文政8)年に広島藩の地誌書として完成した『芸藩通誌』の編纂材料として,領内各郡村から藩へ提出された調査報告書である。開発の特徴として,1)入植を伴う新田開発は,広島藩からの指示によって始まったが,水利施設の増築という入植者からの要望が,割庄屋を通して藩へ申し入れられ,それが叶えられていること,2)入植者を増やす方策として,藩が入植者を経済的に支援し,年貢の免除や軽減を認めていることなど,入植者に配慮した藩の手厚い対応が垣間見られた。また,本稿では,水利施設に関する記載内容の合理的な解釈を,絵図や現実の地形条件に基づいて行った。文献史料と絵図・地形図などを組み合わせて活用する方法をとることで,当時の様子を精緻に再現できたところに,分野横断型の研究手法の意義を見出すことができた。We discuss progress during the beginning stage of new reclamation work in early 19th-century Kashobara, in the southern part of Saijo Basin, Higashi-Hiroshima City, through interpretation of the historical document “Kokugunshigoyo-kakiagecho, Kamo-gun Kashobara.” The document is a copy of a report wherein county leaders (Warijoya) wrote geographical descriptions of each village in their county as of the early 19th century, at the order of the Hiroshima Domain; then, in 1825, the Domain compiled the reports as a book entitled “Geihantushi.” This study highlights that 1) the Domain ordered local villagers to engage in reclamation work in local neighborhoods, while villagers demanded through the county leaders that the Domain build irrigation facilities for growing rice (such as ponds and canals), which the Domain agreed to and provided financial support for; and 2) the Domain further supported poor newcomers by reducing their taxes. This case reveals that the Domain treated the local people in the county with kindness, whereas many other Domains were well-known to have ruled farmers heavy-handedly. Although it is difficult to understand some complicated descriptions in the document, such as concerning embankments of the irrigation ponds, we can arrive at reasonable reconstructions by interpreting old drawings and considering the actual topography. This research is a good example of the advantages of cross-disciplinary methods

    Motor function of the upper-extremity after transection of the second thoracic nerve root during total en bloc spondylectomy

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    Background: In total en bloc spondylectomy (TES) of upper thoracic spine including the second thoracic (T2) vertebra, T2 nerve roots are usually transected. In this study, we examined the association between transection of the T2 nerve roots and upper-extremity motor function in patients with upper thoracic TES. Copyright:Methods: We assessed 16 patients who underwent upper thoracic TES with bilateral transection of the T2 nerve roots. Patients were divided into three groups: 3 patients without any processing of T1 and upper nerve roots (T2 group), 7 with extensive dissection of T1 nerve roots (T1-2 group), and 6 with extensive dissection of T1 and upper nerve roots (C-T2 group). Postoperative upper-extremity motor function was compared between the groups.Results: Postoperative deterioration of upper-extremity motor function was observed in 9 of the 16 patients (56.3%). Three of the 7 patients in the T1-2 group and all 6 patients in the C-T2 group showed deterioration of upper-extremity motor function, but there was no deterioration in the T2 group. In the T1-2 group, 3 patients showed mild deterioration that did not affect their activities of daily living and they achieved complete recovery at the latest follow-up examination. In contrast, severe dysfunction occurred frequently in the C-T2 group, without recovery at the latest follow-up.Conclusions: The transection of the T2 nerve roots alone did not result in upper-extremity motor dysfunction; rather, the dysfunction is caused by the extensive dissection of the T1 and upper nerve roots. Therefore, transection of the T2 nerve roots in upper thoracic TES seems to be an acceptable procedure with satisfactory outcomes