119 research outputs found

    Kandungan Unsur Hara dan Bakteri Patogenik dalam Substrat dan Lumpur Buangan Biogas Feses Sapi Bali

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    Nutrients Content and Pathogenic Bacteria in Subtrates and Bio Gas-Sludge of Bali Cattle's Feces. The biogas processing is one approach to overcome this issue. Bali cattle's feces produce serious impacts on pollution and could be a source of infectious disease when treating worst. The objective of current research was to evaluate the nutrient content and pathogenic bacteria within biogas sludge from Bali cattle feces. The research was conducted from January to September 2014. The samples used were substrate and biogas sludge of Bali cattle feces taken from 10 biogas installations owned by farmers in Setanggor village Central Lombok District. The content of nutrient within the biogas sludge was analyzed from the samples using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Counting the number of colony method (Plate Count) in Nutrient Agar media was used to examine the total of bacteria colony and the Most Probable Number (MPN) in Mc. Conkey Agar media was used for counting the total of Coliform bacteria. The result showed that biogas sludge of Bali cattle feces contained nutrients such as N, P, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and organic C. The organic C nutrient was the highest (42.64%). It also proves that the biogas digester process can reduce the total bacteria up to 1.49% (P>0.05) and decrease the total of Coliform bacteria up to 38.2% (P>0.05). High nutrient content and drop in number of total pathogenic bacteria and Coliform bacteria could create the biogas sludge from Bali cattle feces that was environmentally safe and directly used as an organic fertilizer to substitute chemical fertilizers

    Analisis Aliran Daya Sistem Tenaga Listrik Pada Bagian Texturizing Di PT Asia Pasific Fibers Tbk Kendal Menggunakan Software ETAP Power Station 4.0

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    Analisis Aliran Daya Listrik (Load Flow) adalah suatu studi untuk merencanakan dan mengetahui besarnya daya dalam suatu sistem tenaga listrik. Dalam perkembangannya, industri membutuhkan tenaga listrik yang besar dan menggunakan peralatan listrik sebagai alat produksi. Manfaat dari adanya analisis aliran daya listrik adalah untuk mengetahui besarnya daya dalam sistem tenaga listrik apakah masih memenuhi batas-batas yang telah ditentukan, serta untuk mengetahui besar Losses yang ada, dan untuk memperoleh kondisi mula pada perencanaan sistem yang baru. Studi analisis aliran beban ini mengambil contoh pada implementasi sistem tenaga listrik di PT. Asia Pasific Fibers Tbk Kendal, dengan karakteristik beban terpusat (lumped load). Analisis aliran daya diawali menghitung daya aktif dan daya reaktif pada setiap simpul (bus) terpasang, pembebanan pada transformator, pembebanan pada saluran atau penghantar, nilai rugi daya (Losses), jatuh tegangan sistem, dan aliran daya pada jaringan sistem tenaga listrik terpasang. Dari hasil perhitungan aliran daya berbantuan program ETAP (Electrical Transient Analyzer Program) dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem jaringan listrik sudah baik. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah selisih rugi daya aktif dan rugi daya reaktif pada Bus Beban 4 terlalu besar. Sedangkan jatuh tegangan masih memenuhi standar menurut hasil Text Report pada ETAP

    Hubungan Kesiapan Belajar dengan Hasil Belajar Siswa di SMA

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    The aim of researchto determine the relationshipbetweenreadinessto learnthelearning outcomes of studentsof class XIIPSsemesteron the subjects ofsociologyatSMAN04SungaiRaya. It is a qualitative descriptive research. The results showedthatthere is apositive relationshipbetweenthe independent variable(X) isthe readinessto learnwith the dependent variable(Y) isstudyingin class XIIPSresultsfor0.417arecategorized asmoderate. While thedetermination coefficient(Kd) relationshipbetweenvariables X andYat17:38%, And the balance of 82.62% associated with other variables that are not included in this study. Having held hypothesis testing by comparing r count against r table obtained that r count is greater than the r table is 0.417> 0.378, so that Ha Ho accepted and rejected. Thus it can be said that there is a positive relationship between the independent variable (X) is the readiness to learn with the dependent variable (Y) is the result of studying in class XI IPS

    Kuasa Menjual Notariil sebagai Instrumen Pemenuhan Kewajiban Debitur yang Wanprestasi dalam Perjanjian Utang Piutang

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    The granting of power of attorney to sell the land rights as an instrument for the fulfillment of the obligations of the debtor in a loan agreement of a notarial deed may commonly be found in the everyday practice of the notaries. Power of Attorney to sell is used by the proxy to sell the land of the authorizer in the event that the authorizer (debtor) experienced defaults. The Civil Law Code and the Law No. 4 of 1996 on Mortgage do not stipulate the power attorney to sell as an instrument in the loan agreement. There are two legal contents analyzed from the vacancy of norms regarding the power of attorney to sell, namely: (1) how the arrangement of power of attorney to sell of the land  rights as an instrument for the fulfillment of obligations on the loan agreement in the legislation on the guarantee law and (2) the legal effect of power of attorney to sell the land rights as an instrument for the fulfillment of obligations of the debtor in case of default under the loan agreements in connection with the execution of the law of guarantee. The type of research used in this thesis is a normative legal research with the statutory, concept and case approaches. Based on the research results, it was revealed that the power of attorney to sell is based on the agreement of the parties which make the basis of the principle of freedom of contract. The Power of Attorney Deed shall be valid unless otherwise it is canceled by the judge with a court ruling that has the binding legal force. The use the deed of power of attorney to sell is considered weak because the power of attorney to sell can not be used as a basis for executing security object between the grantor and the recipient of the power of attorney. Deed of power of attorney to sell is deemed not obtain legal certainty because at the time of registration of  transfer of land rights, the power of attorney to sell can not be accepted by the local Land Registry Office. Responsibility for the grantor and the recipient of power of attorney  is related to the obligations and rights of the grantor and the recipient of the power of attorney. As for the responsibility of the notary who made the deed of power of attorney to sell can be studied from three aspects, namely: (1). Civil responsibility; (2). Administrative responsibility; and (3). Criminal responsibility. Legal remedies that can be taken if the debtor is experiencing defaults can be done by way of a summons in advance without selling the rights of the land owned by the grantor of the power of attorney to sell (the debitor)
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