9 research outputs found

    Comparison of optical methods to characterize morphology and size distribution of model particles and mycelial transition of Yarrowia lipolytica

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    In: 10th European Congress of Chemical Engineering; 3rd European Congress of Applied Biotechnology and 5th European Process Intensification Conference (ECCE10+ECAB3+EPIC5). Submission-2649. Topic : Biochemical Engineering / ECAB3 / Bioproducts (or bio-based products). Nice, France, September 27th - October 1st 2015In: 10th European Congress of Chemical Engineering; 3rd European Congress of Applied Biotechnology and 5th European Process Intensification Conference (ECCE10+ECAB3+EPIC5). Submission-2649. Topic : Biochemical Engineering / ECAB3 / Bioproducts (or bio-based products). Nice, France, September 27th - October 1st 2015Comparison of optical methods to characterize morphology and size distribution of model particles and mycelial transition of [i]Yarrowia lipolytica[/i] . 10. European Congress of Chemical Engineering - ECCE 201

    Dynamic behavior of Yarrowia lipolytica to well-controlled pH and oxygen perturbations: dependence of the stress response on the culture mode

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    Yarrowia lipolytica, a non-conventional yeast with a promising biotechnological potential, is able to undergo metabolic and physiological changes in response to environmental stressor

    ProBio3 project: how to achieve scientific and technological challenges to boost the sustainable microbial production of lipids as biojet fuel and chemical compounds

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    International audienceThe deal of ProBio3 project is to develop the microbial conversion on specific fatty acids of carbon substrates from renewable resources and industrial by-products. The main application fields are BiojetFuels and green chemistry. The objectives focus on the identification of renewable feedstock suitable for microbial nutritional requirements, the development of an intensive bioprocess, the proof of feasibility at pilot scale (m3) with the evaluation of environmental, economic and societal impacts. During 8 years, 16 French partners (9 research units LISBP, MICALIS, IJPB, IGM, IMFT, SQPOV, TSE, TWB, IFPen, 4 industries Airbus, EADS, Sofiproteol, Tereos et 3 technical centres ITERG, CVG, CREOL) associate their interdisciplinary competences from Life Sciences to Process Engineering including Economic and Social Sciences. With Investissement d’Avenir financial support, the expected impacts are increases of fundamental knowledge of lipid metabolism in oleaginous microorganisms, development of high-throughput tools to fasten industrial engineering strains and fermentation strategies, new extraction processes involving green solvents and realistic scale up studies towards an industrial pilot; with undeniable innovative aspects, the deal is to get competitive assets for leading international positions on a new biological route.Probio3 a pour ambition de dĂ©velopper la production microbienne d’acides gras spĂ©cifiques par conversion de substrats carbonĂ©s issus de ressources renouvelables et de co-produits industriels. Les champs d’application sont le biokĂ©rozĂšne et la chimie verte. Les objectifs de Probio3 concernent l’identification de ressources renouvelables adaptĂ©es aux exigences nutritionnelles des microorganismes, le dĂ©veloppement de bioprocĂ©dĂ©s intensifs, la preuve de faisabilitĂ© du concept Ă  l’échelle d’un pilote (m3) avec l’évaluation des impacts environnementaux, Ă©conomiques et sociĂ©taux. Durant 8 annĂ©es, 16 partenaires français (9 publics LISBP, MICALIS, IJPB, IGM, IMFT, SQPOV, TSE, TWB, IFPen, 4 industriels Airbus, EADS, Sofiproteol, Tereos et 3 centres techniques ITERG, CVG, CREOL) associent leurs compĂ©tences interdisciplinaires associant les Sciences de la Vie au GĂ©nie des ProcĂ©dĂ©s ainsi que les Sciences Economiques et Sociales. Avec le soutien financier des Investissements d’Avenir, les retombĂ©es attendues du projet sont des avancĂ©es dans la connaissance fondamentale du mĂ©tabolisme lipidique chez les microorganismes olĂ©agineux, l’accĂ©lĂ©ration du dĂ©veloppement de souches industrielles et de stratĂ©gies de fermentation par des technologies Ă  haut-dĂ©bit, des ruptures technologiques dans l’extraction des lipides et des Ă©tudes rĂ©alistes de changement d’échelle pour un pilote industriel; avec des aspects innovants indĂ©niables, il s’agit d’acquĂ©rir des atouts compĂ©titifs pour une position de leader international en production microbienne de lipides.’etitifs pour une position de leader en production microbienne de lipides

    Influence of oxygen availability on the metabolism and morphology of Yarrowia lipolytica: insights into the impact of glucose levels on dimorphism

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    Dynamic behavior of Yarrowia lipolytica W29 strain under conditions of fluctuating, low, and limited oxygen supply was characterized in batch and glucose-limited chemostat cultures. In batch cultures, transient oscillations between oxygen-rich and -deprived environments induced a slight citric acid accumulation (lower than 29 mg L−1). By contrast, no citric acid was detected in continuous fermentations for all stress conditions: full anoxia (zero pO2 value, 100% N2), limited (zero pO2 value, 75% of cell needs), and low (pO2 close to 2%) dissolved oxygen (DO) levels. The macroscopic behavior (kinetic parameters, yields, viability) of Y. lipolytica was not significantly affected by the exposure to DO fluctuations under both modes of culture. Nevertheless, conditions of oxygen limitation resulted in the destabilization of the glucose-limited growth during the continuous cultivations. Morphological responses of Y. lipolytica to DO oscillations were different between batch and chemostat runs. Indeed, a yeast-to-mycelium transition was induced and progressively intensified during the batch fermentations (filamentous subpopulation reaching 74% (v/v)). While, in chemostat bioreactors, the culture consisted mainly of yeast-like cells (mean diameter not exceeding 5.7 ÎŒm) with a normal size distribution. During the continuous cultures, growth at low DO concentration did not induce any changes in Y. lipolytica morphology. Dimorphism (up to 80.5% (v/v) of filaments) was only detected under conditions of oxygen limitation in the presence of a residual glucose excess (more than 0.75 g L−1). These data suggest an impact of glucose levels on the signaling pathways regulating dimorphic responses in Y. lipolytica

    ProBio3 project: how to achieve scientific and technological challenges to boost the sustainable microbial production of lipids as biojet fuel and chemical compounds

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    The deal of ProBio3 project is to develop the microbial conversion on specific fatty acids of carbon substrates from renewable resources and industrial by-products. The main application fields are BiojetFuels and green chemistry. The objectives focus on the identification of renewable feedstock suitable for microbial nutritional requirements, the development of an intensive bioprocess, the proof of feasibility at pilot scale (m3) with the evaluation of environmental, economic and societal impacts. During 8 years, 16 French partners (9 research units LISBP, MICALIS, IJPB, IGM, IMFT, SQPOV, TSE, TWB, IFPen, 4 industries Airbus, EADS, Sofiproteol, Tereos et 3 technical centres ITERG, CVG, CREOL) associate their interdisciplinary competences from Life Sciences to Process Engineering including Economic and Social Sciences. With Investissement d’Avenir financial support, the expected impacts are increases of fundamental knowledge of lipid metabolism in oleaginous microorganisms, development of high-throughput tools to fasten industrial engineering strains and fermentation strategies, new extraction processes involving green solvents and realistic scale up studies towards an industrial pilot; with undeniable innovative aspects, the deal is to get competitive assets for leading international positions on a new biological route

    Dynamic behavior of Yarrowia lipolytica in response to pH perturbations: dependence of the stress response on the culture mode

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    Yarrowia lipolytica, a non-conventional yeast with a promising biotechnological potential, is able to undergo metabolic and morphological changes in response to environmental conditions. The effect of pH perturbations of different types (pulses, Heaviside) on the dynamic behavior of Y. lipolytica W29 strain was characterized under two modes of culture: batch and continuous. In batch cultures, different pH (4.5, 5.6 (optimal condition), and 7) were investigated in order to identify the pH inducing a stress response (metabolic and/or morphologic) in Y. lipolytica. Macroscopic behavior (kinetic parameters, yields, viability) of the yeast was slightly affected by pH. However, contrary to the culture at pH 5.6, a filamentous growth was induced in batch experiments at pH 4.5 and 7. Proportions of the filamentous subpopulation reached 84 and 93 % (v/v) under acidic and neutral conditions, respectively. Given the significant impact of neutral pH on morphology, pH perturbations from 5.6 to 7 were subsequently assayed in batch and continuous bioreactors. For both process modes, the growth dynamics remained fundamentally unaltered during exposure to stress. Nevertheless, morphological behavior of the yeast was dependent on the culture mode. Specifically, in batch bioreactors where cells proliferated at their maximum growth rate, mycelia were mainly formed. Whereas, in continuous cultures at controlled growth rates (from 0.03 to 0.20 h-1) even closed to the maximum growth rate of the stain (0.24 h-1), yeast-like forms predominated. This pointed out differences in the kinetic behavior of filamentous and yeast subpopulations, cell age distribution, and pH adaptive mechanisms between both modes of culture

    Biocatalytic production of energetic molecules from renewable resources for aviation fuel

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    In: Proceeding of Eucass European Conference for Aerospace Sciences (St Petersburg, Russia ), July 4-7 2011.Biocatalytic production of energetic molecules from renewable resources for aviation fuel. Eucass European Conference for Aerospace Science