258 research outputs found


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    Aspek yang terpenting dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan ialah kurikulum yang digunakan dalam lembaga pendidikan tersebut. kurikulum menjadi masalah yang mengambil banyak perhatian terutama dalam dunia pesantren. Dalam bukunya yang berjudul “Manajemen Kurikulum” Rusman menyatakan bahwa manajemen kurikulum merupakan suatu sistem pengelolaan kurikulum yang kooperatif, sistemik, dan sistematik dalam rangka mewujudkan ketercapaian tujuan kurikulum.Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis manajemen kurikulum di pesantren nihayatul amal Rawamerta, selain itu penelitian juga difokuskan pada aspek manajemen kurikulum pendidikan seperti perencanaan sampai evaluasi.Sedangkan pendekatan penelitian ini didasarkan pada pendekatan kualitatif, karena data yang diperoleh banyak disajikan dalam bentuk verbal. Dalam penelitian ini, ada tiga teknik yang digunakan dalam menggali data yang dibutuhkan, yaitu observasi langsung ke pesantren nihayatul amal untuk mengamati langsung, wawancara terhadap sekretaris pesantren guna mendapat peryataan langsung dari lapangan, dan juga dilakukan penggalian data melalui dokumentasi terkait kurikulum yang dilaksanakan. Hasil kajian yang dipaparkan diatas maka secara umum dapat ditarik sebuah kesimpulan bahwa perencanaan manajemen kurikulum yang ada di Pesantren Nihayatul Amal Rawamerta yang dilakukan dengan analisa, observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi dalam hal ini sudah menunjukan upaya yang baik selama perencanaan nya dan aktualisasi nya walaupun masih ada beberapa kelemahan yang harus diperbaiki agar berjalan optimal

    Learning Concise Models from Long Execution Traces

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    Abstract models of system-level behaviour have applications in design exploration, analysis, testing and verification. We describe a new algorithm for automatically extracting useful models, as automata, from execution traces of a HW/SW system driven by software exercising a use-case of interest. Our algorithm leverages modern program synthesis techniques to generate predicates on automaton edges, succinctly describing system behaviour. It employs trace segmentation to tackle complexity for long traces. We learn concise models capturing transaction-level, system-wide behaviour--experimentally demonstrating the approach using traces from a variety of sources, including the x86 QEMU virtual platform and the Real-Time Linux kernel

    Development and Characterization of Wear Properties of Aluminum 8011 Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites

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    The objective of present investigation is to study the effect of reinforcements on the wear properties of E-Glass short fibers and Flyash reinforced Al 8011 hybrid metal matrix composites. The alloy of Al 8011 reinforced with E-glass and fly ash particulates are prepared by simple stir casting method. The MMC is obtained for different composition of E-glass and flyash particulates (varying E-glass with constant fly ash and varying flyash with constant E-glass percentage). The wear results of ascast hybrid composites with different compositions of reinforcements at varying sliding speeds and different loads are discussed. The results reveals that as the percentage of reinforcement increases wear rate will decrease

    Impact of Feeding Selected Mulberry Germplasm Varieties on Silkworm Bombyx Mori L.through Bioassay Techniques for Commercial Exploitation

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    A critical evaluation study comprising five mulberry varieties viz., S1708, MS5, C10, C6 and M5 was conducted for their leaf quality through silkworm moulting and rearing using crossbreed (PMxNB4D2) silkworms. Results revealed that, in moulting tests, silkworm larvae reared on S1708 mulberry leaves recorded highest larval weight (25.03mg) and moulting ratio (84.96%) and lowest larval weight (17.04mg) and moulting ratio (71.06%) recorded in silkworms reared on C6 leaves during II moult. Silkworms reared on S1708 leaves recorded highest larval weight (39.08mg), cocoon weight (1.90g), shell weight (0.41g), shell percentage (21.66%), filament length (957.57mts), reelability (86.88%), renditta (6.06), denier (2.08) and E.R.R (88.31%), whereas lower larval weight (26.20g), cocoon weight (1.30g), shell weight (0.19g), shell percentage (16.18%), filament length (722.60mts), reelability (56.12%), renditta (8.30), denier (2.62) and E.R.R (78.86%) were observed in C6 mulberry leaves. It is clear from the results that, mulberry variety S1708 turns out to be superior in bioassay tests compared to other varieties studied

    Induction of Useful Mutation in Mulberry (Morus) Variety S54 by Gamma Irradiation in M1 Generation

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    Aims: Plentiful mulberry varieties available in nature, they lack one or the other important economic trait required for silkworm Bombyx mori L. as food. Efforts have been made to induce phytomorphological variability in mulberry variety S54 using gamma rays. Experimental Design: RBD Method with three replications/treatment was followed. Place and Duration of Study: Mulberry garden, Department of Sericulture, Jnana Bharathi, Bangalore University and Mist chamber, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR), Bangalore, Karnataka, India between 2006-2011. Methodology: Gamma ray (1kR-10Kr) was used to induce variability in juvenile twigs of mulberry for various agro-botanical characters viz., sprouting, rooting, internodal distance, leaf area, plant height etc. and leaves were subjected to biochemical analysis. Results: Mulberry variety S54 showed linear decrease in growth parameters with the increased gamma ray dosage and plants exhibited variability with increased rooting (81.33%), plant height (147.86cm) and leaf area (146.22cm2) when compared to control in M1 generation at 7kR. Mutants showing favourable characters were grown for M2 generation which exhibited marked improvement in growth and yield parameters. Biochemical constituents in S54 mutant leaves recorded at 7kR showed increased proteins, carbohydrate, chlorophyll a and b. Conclusion: Mulberry cuttings irradiated with gamma ray (7kR) exhibited favourable traits in rooting, plant height and leaf area over the control in M1 generation and mutants were grown for M2 generation and marked improvement in growth, yield and bio-chemical parameters were observe


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    Bendung Cipero terletak di Kabupaten Tegal, bendung tersebut didirikan pada tahun 1888 difungsikan untuk mencukupi kebutuhan air Daerah Irigasi Rambut. Kondisi Bendung Cipero sekarang sudah tidak mampu untuk memenuhi seluruh kebutuhan air Daerah Irigasi Rambut. Kondisi ini disebabkan oleh beberapa sebab yaitu berkurangnya daerah catchment area di bagian hulu bendung, selain itu sedimentasi di hulu bendung menyebabkan Bendung Cipero tidak dapat berfungsi maksimal. Sebagai solusinya maka perlu dilakukan perencanaan untuk membangun sebuah bangunan Long storage Cipero. Long storage Cipero merupakan suatu bangunan memanjang yang terletak di Sungai Cipero yang nantinya dapat meningkatkan ketersediaan air untuk Daerah Irigasi Rambut. Analisis yang dilakukan dalam perencanaan Long storage Cipero terdiri dari 3 bagian pokok yaitu yang pertama adalah analisis hidrologi, tahap perhitungan hidrolika dan tahap desain bangunan. Tahap analisis hidrologi bertujuan untuk menentukan debit banjir, debit andalan, dan kebutuhan air di Daerah Irigasi Rambut. Tahap kedua adalah tahap perhitungan hidrolika, tahap ini bertujuan untuk menentukan dimensi dari bangunan Long storage. Tahap ketiga adalah tahap desain, ini adalah tahapan perhitungan anggaran biaya dari perencanaan Long storage Cipero. Dalam studi ini diperoleh hasil bahwa Long storage Cipero dapat memenuhi kebutuhan air sebesar 40.835.047,680 m3 pertahun. Sehingga diambil kesimpulan bahwa Long Storage Cipero dapat meningkatkan jumlah ketersediaan air untuk Daerah Irigasi Rambut. Kata kunci: Bendung Cipero, Long storage Cipero, Ketersediaan ai


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    Money as payment tools has developed rapidly over time. The development of money is also affected by the development of information technology, that created electronic money. Transaction volume and transaction value of electronic money has increase recently with the increasing of customer needs on payment tools. Many factors influence the consumer's desire to use electronic money. This research’s objectives are to test the effect of perceived benefits, perceptions of ease of use, trust and perceptions of risk to interest in using electronic money instruments. Taking a sample of 120 respondents from selected enrolled student of the school year 2016/2017 from Management Department Faculty of Economics and Business Diponegoro University. This research using nonprobability sampling technique for selecting respondents. The method of data analysis used is multiple regression analysis, where the analysis consist of validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression test, t test, and F test. The result shows that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and trust have positive and significant effect to intention to use, while perceived risk has negative and not significant effect to intention to use


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    Objective: Asthma is a chronic airway inflammatory disease in which many cells and cellular elements play a role often arising from allergies, subsequently cause shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing it affects children in different ways. To study the sociodemographic characteristics of asthmatic children and compare the predisposing factors of asthma in children.Methods: A Community based Case control study in selected schools in chitradurga for a period of 6 mo. A total of 90 children, among which 30 asthma children and 60 non asthma children were participated. Odds ratio will be calculated to know the strength of association. chi square test will be calculated to the significance.Results: A total of 90 children aged<14 y data. Female children are more exposed to asthma than male. In childhood asthma age group between 10-14years the age group of 10 y(26.7%) and 12 y (26.7%) were more exposed to the asthma.Conclusion: In Chitradurga city, the study area, is of no exception with regard to case control. From the total of 90 children selected for the study majority were found risk factors affected. It was due to their family history, exposure to pet animals, allergy, age group, BMI and sex

    Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination in Green Leafy Vegetables Grown in Bangalore Urban District of Karnataka

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    Randomly collected waste water, soil and green leafy vegetable samples were from five stations of Bangalore urban district were analysed for the heavy metals namely Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr, Cd and Mn using Atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Present study explains the extent of heavy metal contamination in two leafy vegetables viz., palak (Beta vulgaris) and coriander (Coriandrum sativum). Results showed that, palak leaves contain Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr and Mn in all the sampling points. Cr at S1, S2 and S5 stations crossed safe value limit recommended by FAO/WHO. In coriander leaves Cu, Zn and Mn found in all stations. Pb concentration was exceedingly high in palak (28.43ppm to 149.50ppm) and coriander (54.69ppm to 75.50ppm) in all sampling stations. Cd was detected only at two stations in S2 (0.81ppm) and S4 (1.50ppm). Cr was detected at S1, S2 and S3 stations and at S2 station, Cr content in palak (70.79ppm) and coriander (127.27ppm) was alarmingly exceeding the allowable limit. Cytological studies indicated the formation of anaphase bridge, irregular metaphase, chromosome stickiness, precocious chromosome at anaphase and vagrant chromosomes. Soil samples do not revealed any appreciable increase in the concentration of heavy metals and found within the permissible limits but values were higher than control that shows contamination was mainly due to automobile exhaust, pesticides and industrial exhaust. Pb was detected in all the waste water samples and in S1 (<0.05PPM) and S2 (<0.05ppm) traces of Cd was detected. Physico-chemical parameters of waste water were also determined and factors such as pH, EC, TDS and DO found to exceed the drinking and irrigation water standards. Key Words: Heavy metals, leafy vegetables, palak, coriander, waste water, soil, chromosome