6 research outputs found

    GPLSI-UH LETO V1.0: Learning Engine Through Ontologies

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    LETO es un marco de aprendizaje de ontologías diseñado para extraer conocimiento de una variedad de fuentes. Estas fuentes pudieran ser datos estructurados y no estructurados, y de ellas se podrá descubrir, actualizar continuamente, enriquecer e integrar información relevante como parte de un único conocimiento semántico. En la actual versión 1.0 se limita a la extracción de conocimiento desde datos no estructurados, i.e. textos en lenguaje natural, siguiendo el modelo semántico publicado en [EGM2018]. Entre sus funcionalidades está la extracción de entidades y relaciones semánticas desde fuentes textuales; la transformación de esta información en elementos interrelacionados mediante técnicas de agrupamientos; y finalmente generación de ontologías representativas del contenido procesado. Se proporciona un punto de acceso API, y una herramienta visual para la manipulación de procesos y visualización de las ontologías obtenidas [EMA2019].LETO is an ontology learning framework designed to extract knowledge from a variety of sources. These sources may be structured and/or unstructured data, and from them we can discover, continuously update, enrich and integrate relevant information as part of a single semantic knowledge resource. The current 1.0 version is limited to the extraction of knowledge from unstructured data, i.e. natural language texts, following the semantic model published in [EGM2018]. Among this version’s functionalities are the extraction of entities and semantic relations from textual sources; the transformation of such information into linked elements through clustering techniques; and finally, the generation of representative ontologies of the processed content. An API access point as well as a visual tool for the manipulation of processes and visualization of the obtained ontologies is provided [EMA2019].Universidad de Alicante; Universidad de La Habana(Cuba); Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) a través de los proyectos LIVING-LANG (RTI2018-094653-B-C22) e INTEGER (RTI2018-094649-B-I00); Gobierno de la Generalitat Valenciana a través del proyecto SIIA (PROMETEO/2018/089, PROMETEU/2018/089); se ha contado con el respaldo de las acciones COST: CA19134 - “Distributed Knowledge Graphs” y CA19142 - “Leading Platform for European Citizens, Industries, Academia and Policymakers in Media Accessibility

    Characterization of the status of postoperative patients with complications in an intensive care unite

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    Introduction: Critically ill care units report numerous cases of malnutrition. In order to estimate such statistics, it is necessary to use dietary, anthropometric, biochemical and immunological indicators. Objective: To characterize the nutritional status of postoperative patients admitted to an intensive care unit. Methods: A descriptive, prospective, cross-sectional study was carried out. The values were obtained from the indicators of the type anthropometric (average arm and calf circumference), biochemical (albumin, cholesterol, triglycerides and creatinine) and immunological (total lymphocyte count) of 98 patients admitted to the unit. The nutritional status was evaluated by independent variables. Results: Patients with 1-7 days of stay predominated (71.4%), mechanical ventilation was used in 33.6%, 19.3% of patients died, and the group of intra-abdominal conditions predominated (38.8%). Lymphopenia (68.3%) and hypoalbuminemia (62.2%) were more significant, followed by average arm circumference (AAC) in the malnutrition range (47.9%). There was no association of nutritional variables with the stay, nor the need for mechanical ventilation. All the variables were associated with the state at the time of discharge. Conclusions: A stay of about one week predominated, one third of the sample required ventilatory support, and mortality was low. Among all the nutritional variables studied, no association was found with the stay or the use of mechanical ventilation, but instead with the state at discharge. </span

    Asociación del virus herpes humano 8 y la hiperplasia linfoide nodular difusa del intestino delgado en la inmunodeficiencia variable común Association between the human herpesvirus 8 and the diffuse nodular lymphoid hyperplasia of the small intestine in common variable immunodeficiency

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    La inmunodeficiencia variable común (IDVC) es la inmunodeficiencia primaria más frecuente en el terreno clínico y sus formas de presentación son muy variables. Se describe una paciente con IDVC de adulto con síndrome diarreico crónico, pérdida de peso y linfoadenopatías difusas. Sus características inmunológicas más notables fueron una profunda hipogammaglobulinemia de las 3 clases mayores de inmunoglobulinas y la disminución numérica de las células B (CD19+) y células NK (CD3-CD56+) en sangre periférica. La biopsia del intestino delgado obtenida por panendoscopia asistida por video, reveló hiperplasia linfoide multinodular con atrofia parcial de las vellosidades. La inmunohistoquímica mostró que los nódulos consistían en centros germinales aumentados de tamaño con una distribución de células B (CD20+) y células T (CD3+), similar a la del folículo normal. No se encontró expresión diferencial de cadenas ligeras &#954; y &#955;. El método de la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa en tiempo real (QRT-PCR) detectó un número apreciable de copias del genoma del virus del herpes humano tipo 8 (VHH-8) (133 copias/µL de ADN) en el ADN del nódulo intestinal biopsiado. La infección con el VHH-8 puede ser un factor importante en la patogenia de los trastornos linfoproliferativos en pacientes con IDVC.<br>The common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is the more frequent primary immunodeficiency in clinical field and its presentation forms are very variable. We describe the case of a women presenting with adult CVID with chronic diarrhea syndrome, weight loss and diffuse lymphadenopathies, where the more marked immunologic features were a deep hypogammaglobulinemia of the three major kinds of immunoglobulins and numerical decrease of B cells (CD19+) and NK cells (CD3-CD56+) in peripheral blood. Biopsy of small intestine obtained by video-assisted panendoscope, showed the presence of a multinodular lymphoid hyperplasia with partial atrophy of hairinesses. Immunohistochemistry showed that nodules were high germinal centers with distribution of B cells (CD20+) and T cells (CD3+), similar to that of normal follicle. There was not differential expression of the K and &#955; light chains. The real time polymerase chain reaction (QRT-PCR) method detected many copies from the genome of type 8 human herpesvirus (VHH-8) (133 copies/µL of DNA) in biopsy of intestinal nodule DNA. VHH-8 infection may to be a significant factor in pathogenesis of lymphoproliferative disorders in patients presenting with CVID