27 research outputs found

    AfCFTA and Digitalisation: The Role of Trade Facilitation Measures through the Electronic Single Window (ESW) in improving Intra-Africa Trade

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    International trade has increased significantly over the years and to enable this trend of increased volume of trade, there is a core focus on trade facilitation. Furthermore, customs play a key role in the movement of goods and have come to the spotlight as key role players in trade facilitation efforts. However, the problem that exists in modern international trends, specifically in Africa, is that the present customs administrations are inefficient to combat the increase in trade volumes and ensuring trade facilitation efforts are sufficiently implemented. With the current development of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) there is a potential for increased inter and intra-Africa trade and to strengthen regional integration. With such developments, African states must create an appropriate environment to advance and realise the trade objectives of AfCFTA. This thesis therefore aims to argue for an improved trading environment in Africa through a digitalised customs reformative tool, such as the Electronic Single Window (ESW), to ensure some beneficiation under the AfCFTA. The ESW is a trade facilitation tool aimed at easing and improving trade, and as this thesis argues, it can be a significant tool to realise the objectives of the AfCFTA. This thesis carried out desktop research based on literature to assess and provide the usefulness of the ESW in improving inter and intra-Africa trade. This was done by providing for key regional theories and approaches to integration efforts, assessing international trade facilitation regulatory frameworks, providing for the conditions of customs in Africa, the analysis of the ESW, and the implementation of the ESW in two African countries. Conclusively, this paper found that African states have several international and regional commitments to reform their customs and facilitate trade, and importantly, with the current era of digitalisation and a sound trade regulatory environment, the implementation of the ESW is achievable. Highlighting that digitalisation and a sound legal environment maximise the benefits of the ESW, which help improve inter and intra-Africa trade

    Documenting Pressures Used for Manual Diagnosis and Treatment of Cervical Spine Somatic Dysfunction

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    Background: Palpatory assessment of free or restricted motion patterns is part of the diagnosis of spinal somatic dysfunction (SD). Diagnostically, local soft tissues are compressed (pre-loaded) over the structure of interest followed by one or more test impulses to assess the quality of the “end-feel” motion in several planes. These barrier sensations are often described qualitatively but have not been objectively quantified. Noninvasive, tactile pressure sensors built into a digital palpation monitoring system (IsoTOUCH®; Neuromuscular Engineering; Nashville TN, USA) were used to document loading and impulse pressures for palpatory segmental diagnosis and to first engage and then quickly move through a restrictive SD barrier using an osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) technique


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    The objective of this study was to determine the effect of testicular size on spermatozoa quality from landrace pigs and duroc pigs that had mature with age ranging 2-4 years. The macroscopic and microscopic data obtained from this study will be analyzed descriptively and for the effect of testicular size on spermatozoa quality tested using complete randomized design (RAL) using ANOVA. The results showed the average of the observations of landrace pig cement on macroscopic basis as follows: volume obtained 236.7 ml, consistency dilute, milk white, pH 7 and has the smell of a pig. Based on the variance test, the average of spermatozoa is 82.5%, spermatozoa viability is 88.6%, 12.9% abnormality and spermatozoa concentration of 215 x 106 cells / ml. The mean size of testes of landrace pig and duroc pig is calculated using excel application and testicular area calculated using PxL formula. The results obtained were as follows: left testis length of landrace pork 12.66 ± 3cm, right testis length 14 ± 1cm, left testis pavement landrace 7.66 ± 2.081cm, right testis width 8 ± 0cm with left testis area and right testis of landrace pigs respectively 96.97cm and 112cm. Duroc pigs have a length of left and right testis respectively 16.66 ± 5.507cm and 13.66 ± 3.21cm, the left and right testis widths of 83 ± 2.020cm and 8.5 ± 1.5cm respectively and the size of the left and right testis respectively are 147.1cm and 116.11cm. So tu sum up the testicular size significantly affected the semen volume produced by a pig and the size of the testes had no significant effect on motility, viability, concentration, abnormality, color, consistency, pH and odor

    Pengaruh pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode simulasi terhadap pemahaman konsep matematika siswa

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran Simulasi terhadap pemahaman konsep matematika siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode quasi eksperimen. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMP Negeri 3 Tangerang Selatan Ciputat dari tanggal 8 November 2010 sampai dengan tanggal 8 Desemberi 2010 pada siswa kelas VII. Sampel yang digunakan adalah 38 siswa kelas VII-1 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan 38 siswa kelas VII-2 sebagai kelompok kontrol. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan sebagai tes hasil belajar matematika adalah 17 butir soal berbentuk essay. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan uji � t untuk menguji hipotesis yang diajukan. Dari hasil perhitungan yang telah dilakukan ternyata diperoleh thitung sebesar 3,07 kemudian dikonsultasikan dengan taraf signifikansi sebesar 0,05 dan derajat kebebasan 74 diperoleh nilai ttabel sebesar 1,66. Dari hasil nilai rata-rata menurut pemahaman Bloom, didapat bahwa pada kelas eksperimen nilai rata-rata pada kategori translasi sebesar 67,9, pada kategori interpretasi, yaitu sebesar 71,1 dan pada kategori ekstrapolasi sebesar 67,2. Sedangkan pada kelas kontrol nilai rata-rata pada kategori translasi sebesar 61,7, pada kategori Interpretasi, yaitu sebesar 73,5 dan pada kategori ekstrapolasi sebesar 50,1. Karena thitung > ttabel (3,07 > 1,6667) maka H0 ditolak. Pada proses pembelajaran dengan metode simulasi ini juga membuat siswa lebih aktif karena siswa dapat merasakan sendiri dengan melibatkan inderanya sebanyak mungkin dalam memainkan peran pemain dalam mensimulasikan suatu keadaan, sehingga terdapat perbedaan pemahaman konsep matematika siswa antara kelas yang diajarkan dengan menggunakan Metode Simulasi dengan siswa yang diajarkan dengan menggunakan metode Konvensional. Sehingga dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa terdapat pengaruh pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode simulasi terhadap pemahaman konsep matematika siswa

    Determining the position of the adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator and X-ray detector in the Micro-X sounding rocket payload

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    Abstract The purpose of this study was to design and build a position alignment system that would monitor the position and orientation of the adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator (ADR) and detector front-end assembly inside the Micro-X sounding rocket payload. A testing prototype was designed and constructed in the lab to simulate the movement the ADR and the detector will experience in flight. This paper also discusses the method for determining the change in the ADR's position during the mission. Although the final position of the sensors on the ADR has not been determined, this study provides a basis for future study

    Sapi Perah dan Pemberian Makanan

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    Experimental modal analysis, DDS system identification, and forecasting compensatory control of a color laser printer.

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    This dissertation presents a structural vibration analysis, a system identification, and an active vibration control of a mechanical structure based on the experimental modal analysis, the dynamic data system (DDS), and the forecasting compensatory control (FCC) methods. This approach was applied to a color laser printer which occasionally produces a blurred image presumably caused by structural vibrations. By applying the experimental modal analysis technique with both the conventional frequency response function method and the DDS method, it has been identified that the main structure of the color laser printer has three dominant modes under 1,000 Hz, and the laser scanning motor has three excitation frequencies very close to those dominant modes. This strongly indicates possible structural resonance. The experimental modal analysis results were also used to decide where the actuator and the sensor need to be placed to achieve the maximum control efficiency. The DDS method has been applied successfully to identify the system dynamics between the exciter and the sensor locations. The estimated models were used in the development of controllers. In preliminary experimental tests, a linear quadratic (LQ) controller combined with the DDS model was used to control the printer structural vibrations due to impulse and random excitations. The variance of acceleration response of the first mode at 308 Hz was reduced by 46%. The FCC method was used to control the structural vibrations. However, in the simulation and experiment, the control input frequently went into saturation because the FCC method needed a large control force. A new generalized FCC (GFCC) method has therefore been developed by incorporating the concept of the prediction horizon and a weighting function on control command in the object function. The stability robustness of this GFCC method due to the parameter perturbation is also analyzed. The GFCC has been shown very effective in both simulation and experiment. In the control of the beam's first mode at 15 Hz, a 81% variance reduction of random displacement response was achieved. For the vibration control of two modes at 15 and 88 Hz, random displacement response was reduced by a 67%.Ph.D.Mechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/105207/1/9116205.pdfDescription of 9116205.pdf : Restricted to UM users only

    Pembelajaran Ekstrakurikuler Musik di Sma Kanisius Yos Soedarso Pati

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    Kegiatan pendidikan di SMA Kanisius Yos Soedarso Pati mempunyai beberapa jenis kegiatan ekstrakurikuler, antara lain: ekstrakurikuler musik band, voli, basket, pramuka, dan barongsai. Dari beberapa jenis kegiatan ekstrakurikuler, kegiatan ekstrakurikuler musik band adalah kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang banyak diminati oleh siswa. Bentuk kegiatan ekstrakurikuler musik band yaitu pembelajaran vokal, gitar, bas, dan drum. Metode yang dipakai oleh guru pembina dalam proses pembelajaran musik band adalah metode demonstrasi yang mencakup melihat, mendengar, dan mempraktekkan sehingga siswa dapat memainkan alat musik dengan baik dan benar. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan model pembelajaran tersebut, siswa dapat memainkan lagu di dalam sebuah band