2,242 research outputs found

    Systematic Approach to Processing and Analysis Diagnostic Indicators of Electrocardiograms Based on Labview

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    Introduction. Cardiovascular disease occupies an important place throughout the world, which necessitates the development of more effective modern means of diagnosis and treatment. The primary diagnosis of heart disease is based on analysis and processing of an electrocardiogram (ECG). Despite the fact that there are many methods and algorithms for ECG analysis and processing, one of the urgent problems of cardiology remains to obtain the most complete information about heart electric potential, respectively, the behavior of the waves P, Q, R, S and T.Aim. Development of algorithms and software for processing and analysis of electrocardiograms (ECGs), as well as calculation of heart rate and detection of arrhythmias based on Labview.Materials and methods. The methods for removing noise using the wavelet transform method to eliminate baseline deviation ,to extract ECG signs ,to calculate heart rate and to detect arrhythmias based on Labview have been adopted as a mathematical apparatus for processing and analyzing ECGs.Results. Organizing of the ECG database, developing algorithms for converting the ECG file of the database into a useful format for Labview, processing of the ECG signal with removing noise from the original ECG signal, extracting signs for obtaining ECG diagnostic indicators, calculating heart rate and detecting arrhythmias.Conclusion. An analysis of the results demonstrates that systematic approaches to evaluating ECG signals allow to avoid one-way decisions and to integrate different methods into an integrated system of ideas of the state. The implementation of the proposed algorithms using Labview programming system ensures the removal of noise and artifacts, the extraction of the necessary ECG signs, the calculation of heart contractions and the detection of arrhythmias.Introduction. Cardiovascular disease occupies an important place throughout the world, which necessitates the development of more effective modern means of diagnosis and treatment. The primary diagnosis of heart disease is based on analysis and processing of an electrocardiogram (ECG). Despite the fact that there are many methods and algorithms for ECG analysis and processing, one of the urgent problems of cardiology remains to obtain the most complete information about heart electric potential, respectively, the behavior of the waves P, Q, R, S and T.Aim. Development of algorithms and software for processing and analysis of electrocardiograms (ECGs), as well as calculation of heart rate and detection of arrhythmias based on Labview.Materials and methods. The methods for removing noise using the wavelet transform method to eliminate baseline deviation ,to extract ECG signs ,to calculate heart rate and to detect arrhythmias based on Labview have been adopted as a mathematical apparatus for processing and analyzing ECGs.Results. Organizing of the ECG database, developing algorithms for converting the ECG file of the database into a useful format for Labview, processing of the ECG signal with removing noise from the original ECG signal, extracting signs for obtaining ECG diagnostic indicators, calculating heart rate and detecting arrhythmias.Conclusion. An analysis of the results demonstrates that systematic approaches to evaluating ECG signals allow to avoid one-way decisions and to integrate different methods into an integrated system of ideas of the state. The implementation of the proposed algorithms using Labview programming system ensures the removal of noise and artifacts, the extraction of the necessary ECG signs, the calculation of heart contractions and the detection of arrhythmias

    On Use of the Correction Coefficients at Assessment of Anthropogenic Trans-formation of the Water Bodies

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    Оцінюючи рівень трансформації водних об’єктів, приймаємо стан природних підсистем – лісу, луків, боліт як ідеальний непорушений. Водночас під впливом господарської діяльності вони частково деградовані. З врахуванням ступеня цієї деградації коефіцієнт трансформації басейнів зростає, неврахування яких може дати негативні наслідки. At assessment of the water bodies’ transformation state of the natural subsystems (forests, meadows, wetlands etc.) is usually accepted as ideal, undisturbed. At the same time they are to a certain extent degraded because of the human economic activity. Fail of account of this degradation rate coefficient can result in incorrect assessment of the basins’ transformation, this can have unfavorable consequences.Роботу виконано в Інституті гідробіології НАН Україн

    Gravitational Wavetrains in the Quasi-Equilibrium Approximation: A Model Problem in Scalar Gravitation

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    A quasi-equilibrium (QE) computational scheme was recently developed in general relativity to calculate the complete gravitational wavetrain emitted during the inspiral phase of compact binaries. The QE method exploits the fact that the the gravitational radiation inspiral timescale is much longer than the orbital period everywhere outside the ISCO. Here we demonstrate the validity and advantages of the QE scheme by solving a model problem in relativistic scalar gravitation theory. By adopting scalar gravitation, we are able to numerically track without approximation the damping of a simple, quasi-periodic radiating system (an oscillating spherical matter shell) to final equilibrium, and then use the exact numerical results to calibrate the QE approximation method. In particular, we calculate the emitted gravitational wavetrain three different ways: by integrating the exact coupled dynamical field and matter equations, by using the scalar-wave monopole approximation formula (corresponding to the quadrupole formula in general relativity), and by adopting the QE scheme. We find that the monopole formula works well for weak field cases, but fails when the fields become even moderately strong. By contrast, the QE scheme remains quite reliable for moderately strong fields, and begins to breakdown only for ultra-strong fields. The QE scheme thus provides a promising technique to construct the complete wavetrain from binary inspiral outside the ISCO, where the gravitational fields are strong, but where the computational resources required to follow the system for more than a few orbits by direct numerical integration of the exact equations are prohibitive.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figure

    Ethnic ties, organized opposition and voter defection in authoritarian elections

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    Existing studies of ethnic voting mainly focus on democratic elections. In electoral autocracies, politically subordinate ethnicity can help citizens coordinate against the incumbent. However, we argue that collective action will be constrained when the group grows large, as it becomes costly for its members to form common behavioural norms and carry out effective sanctions through shared ethnic ties under authoritarian repression. Drawing on unique historical surveys in Taiwan, we study how Taiwanese ethnicity and local ethnic demography jointly induced voters’ defection against the hegemonic KMT regime. We find that the pro-defection or anti-incumbent effect of Taiwanese ethnicity fell as the share of Taiwanese citizens in a township increased. However, the relative size of the Taiwanese group no longer undermined pro-defection ethnic voting after the KMT lifted the ban on opposition parties. Our results illustrate that formal organizations play a critical role in sustaining the informational salience of ethnicity in the elections