2 research outputs found

    Transverse striation needling for 30 cases of cervical spondylosis

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    目的:观察横纹针法治疗颈型颈椎病的临床疗效。方法:30例颈型颈椎病患者于2013年7月 ~; 2015年3月在厦大医院中山附属演武分院国医堂确诊并纳入。对该30名患者进行横纹针法治疗,即平刺颈椎间横纹处,并配合针刺常规穴位风池(双)、肩井; (双)和肩中俞(双),1次/天,2次/周,共6次。之后进行两个月后的随访。结果:30名患者中,显著有效率为70.0%(21/30),有效率为30; .0% (9/30),总有效率为100.0%。两个月内无复发病情。结论:横纹针法对颈型颈椎病有很好的治疗效果。Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of transverse striation; needling in treatment of cervical spondylosis. Method Thirty patients; were diagnosed with cervical spondylosis in Guoyitang Clinic, Yanwu; Branch of Zhongshan Hospital, Xiamen University from July, 2013 to; March, 2015, and were included into this study. Transverse striation; needling, i.e. transverse insertion into the transverse striation of the; cervical vertebra, was adopted for the 30 patients, and conventional; acupuncture at Fengchi(风池GB 20, bilateral), Jianjing(肩井GB 21,; bilateral)and Jianzhongshu(肩中俞SI 15, bilateral)was combined. The; treatment was conducted for once a day, twice a week, and 6 times were; needed in total. Follow-up visit was performed two months after the; treatment. Result Among the 30 patients, the markedly effective rate was; 70.0%(21/30), effective rate was 30.0%(9/30), and the total effective; rate was 100.0%. There was no relapse during two months after the; treatment. Conclusion The therapeutic eff ect of transverse striation; needling in treatment of cervical spondylosis was good

    Tuina combined with moxibustion for 28 cases of lung-wei insecurity-type sweating syndrome in children

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    目的:探讨推拿配合艾灸治疗肺卫不固型小儿汗症的临床疗效。方法:采用小儿推拿结合艾灸治疗28例肺卫不固型小儿汗症患儿,推拿隔日一次,艾灸隔三日一次; ,治疗4周后观察临床疗效。结果:推拿配合艾灸治疗肺卫不固型小儿汗证的总有效率为92.85%。结论:推拿配合艾灸治疗肺卫不固型小儿汗证疗效肯定,值; 得临床上推广应用。Objective To explore the clinical efficacy of tuina combined with; moxibustion for treatment of lung-wei insecurity-type sweating syndrome; in children. Methods Infantile tuina combined with moxibustion was; conducted for 28 cases of lung-wei insecurity-type sweating syndrome in; children. Tuina was carried out for once every other day, and; moxibustion was conducted for once every other three days. Clinical; efficacy was observed after treatment for 4 weeks. Results The total eff; ective rate of tuina combined with moxibustion for treatment of lung-wei; insecurity-type sweating syndrome in children was 92.85%. Conclusion The; efficacy of tuina combined with moxibustion for treatment of lung-wei; insecurity-type sweating syndrome in children is definite, which is; worthy of being popularized clinically.Supported by Inheritance venation and academic idea study of Huxiang; five meridians combination acupuncturemoxibustion and tuina academic; schoo