6 research outputs found

    Breast Cancer in Italy: Stage and Region Distribution

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    PURPOSE: Describe breast cancer in Italy by age, geographical area, stage and sites of metastases. In addition, incident and prevalent cases by region are provided. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This population-based study included all female patients with histologically confirmed breast cancer diagnosed in Italy between 2013 and 2019 in the eight participating Cancer Registries. Cases were described by geographic area (north, center, south), age group (<50, 50–69 and 70+) and site of metastases. In addition, the study also provided an estimate of the cases of metastatic breast cancer per single region. RESULTS: Of the total 5731 cases, the number of unknown stage cases (eliminated from our analyses) was 545 (10.5% of cases); therefore, the study was conducted on 5186 cases. Overall, 333 (6.5%) of tumors were metastatic at diagnosis but the distribution by geographical area was different: 5.1% in the north, 7.4% in the center and 7.8% in the south. Related to age, 5.6% were diagnosed before the age of 50 and 5.6% within the screening target group (50–69 years), while in elderly women the percentage rose to 8.1%. As regards the site of the metastases, 27.1% developed metastasis to the bone, 12.4% to the liver, 8.6% to the lung and 2.6% to the brain; in 34.9%, multiple sites were already present at the beginning of the cancer. Overall, 3520 cases of incident mBC are estimated in Italia every year (520 in Lombardy in northern Italy, 350 in Lazio in the center, followed by 330 in Campania in the south), and finally they are out of 52,000 prevalent cases. CONCLUSION: A greater possibility of treating and living with the disease for a long time now requires careful monitoring of these tumors

    Molecular Subtypes, Metastatic Pattern and Patient Age in Breast Cancer: An Analysis of Italian Network of Cancer Registries (AIRTUM) Data

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    Breast cancer stage at diagnosis, patient age and molecular tumor subtype influence disease progression. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationships between these factors and survival in breast cancer patients among the Italian population using data from the AIRTUM national database. We enrolled women with primary breast cancer from 17 population-based cancer registries. Patients were subdivided into older (&gt;69 years), middle (50&ndash;69 years) and younger age groups (&lt;50 years) and their primary tumors categorized into four molecular subtypes based on hormone receptor (HR) and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) status. There were 8831 patients diagnosed between 2010 and 2012 included. The most represented age group was 50&ndash;69 years (41.7%). In 5735 cases the molecular subtype was identified: HER2&ndash;/HR+ was the most frequent (66.2%) and HER2+/HR&minus; the least (6.2%). Of the 390 women with metastases at diagnosis, 38% had simultaneous involvement of multiple sites, independent of age and molecular profile. In women with a single metastatic site, bone (20% of cases), liver (11%), lung (7%) and brain (3%) were the most frequent. In the studied age groups with different receptor expression profiles, the tumor metastasized to target organs with differing frequencies, affecting survival. Five-year survival was lowest in women with triple-negative (HER2&minus;/HR&ndash;) tumors and women with brain metastases at diagnosis

    Patient presentation, skin biopsy utilization and cutaneous malignant melanoma incidence and mortality in northern Italy: Trends and correlations

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    Background: The global increase in incidence of cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) occurring in the past decades has been partly attributed to increased diagnostic scrutiny of early lesions, with a potential phenomenon of overdiagnosis. The reported positive linear relation between skin biopsy rate and incidence of early CMM is compatible with this hypothesis. Objectives: We explored the ecological association between the trends in annual dermatologic office visit rates, skin biopsy rates, incidence rates of in situ and invasive CMM by tumour thickness category, and CMM mortality rates in the Emilia-Romagna Region (northern Italy). Methods: Four cancer registries covering a population of 2,696,000 provided CMM incidence data for the years 2003-2017. Dermatologic office visit rates and skin biopsy rates were calculated using the Regional outpatient care database. All rates were age-standardized. Trends were described with the estimated average annual per cent change (EAAPC). Correlations were tested with the Spearman correlation coefficient. Results: Incidence increased significantly. The increase was steeper for in situ CMM (EAAPC: men, 10.2; women, 6.9) followed by CMM &lt;0.8 mm thick (9.1; 5.2), but the rates grew significantly for most subgroups of CMMs ≥0.8 mm thick. Mortality decreased significantly among women (-2.3) and non-significantly among men. For dermatologic office visit rate and skin biopsy rate the EAAPC were, respectively, 1.7 and 1.8 for men and 1.2 and 0.9 for women. Annual dermatologic office visit rate correlated with skin biopsy rate in both sexes. However, the proportion of skin biopsies out of dermatologic office visits was constant across the years (range: men, 0.182-0.216; women, 0.157-0.191). Conclusions: In Italy, the increasing CMM incidence trend is, at least in part, genuine. Overdiagnosis-if any-is due to an increased patient presentation at dermatologic offices and not to a lower dermatologic threshold to perform biopsy

    The relative contribution of the decreasing tumour thickness trend to the 2010s increase in net survival from cutaneous malignant melanoma in Italy: a population-based investigation

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    Background: We determined the relative contribution of decreased tumour thickness to the favourable trend in survival from cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) in Italy. Methods: Eleven local cancer registries covering a population of 8 056 608 (13.4% of the Italian population in 2010) provided the records of primary CMM cases registered between 2003 and 2017. Age standardized 5-year net survival (NS) was calculated. Multivariate analysis of 5-year NS was done by calculating the relative excess risk of death (RER). The relative contribution of the decrease in tumour thickness to the RER was evaluated using a forward stepwise flexible parametric survival model including the available prognostic factors. Results: Over the study period, tumour thickness was inversely associated with 5-year NS and multivariate RER in both sexes. The median thickness was 0.90 mm in 2003-2007, 0.85 mm in 2008-2012 and 0.75 mm in 2013-2017 among men, and 0.78 mm, 0.77 mm and 0.68 mm among women, respectively. The 5-year NS was 86.8%, 89.2% and 93.2% (men), and 91.4%, 92.0%, and 93.4% (women). In 2013-2017, thus, men exhibited the same survival as women despite still having thicker lesions. For them, the increasing survival trend was more pronounced with increasing thickness, and the inclusion of thickness into the forward stepwise model made the RER in 2013-2017 versus 2003-2007 to increase from 0.64 (95% confidence interval, 0.51-0.80) to 0.70 (0.57-0.86). This indicates that thickness trend accounted for less than 20% of the survival increase. For women, the results were not significant but, with multiple imputation of missing thickness values, the RER rose from 0.74 (0.58-0.93) to 0.82 (0.66-1.02). Conclusions: Especially for men, the decrease in tumour thickness accounted for a lesser part of the improvement in survival observed in 2013-2017. The introduction of targeted therapies and immune checkpoint inhibitors in 2013 is most likely to account for the remaining component

    Epidemiology of Soft Tissue Sarcoma and Bone Sarcoma inItaly: Analysis of Data from 15 Population-Based Cancer Registries

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    Sarcomas are a heterogeneous group of rare cancers of mesenchymal origin. In this study, we provide updated, world age-standardised incidence rate (ASR) and European age-standardised incidence rate for malignant soft tissue sarcoma (ICD-O-3 topographic code C47–C49) and bone sarcoma (C40, C41) in Italy, by area (north, centre, and south) and by cancer registry. We also assess morphology in relation to site and area and assess metastases at diagnosis. We analysed 1,112 cases, with incidence 2009–2012, provided by 15 cancer registries (CRs) affiliated to the Association of Italian Cancer Registries (AIRTUM). Overall, ASR was 1.7/100,000/year for soft tissue sarcoma and 0.7 for bone sarcoma. Central Italy had the highest (2.4) ASR and south Italy had the lowest (1.6) ASR for soft tissue sarcoma. Central Italy had the highest (1.1) ASR and north Italy had the lowest (0.7) ASR for bone sarcoma. By CR, ASRs ranged from 1.1 to 2.6 for soft tissue sarcoma and from 0 to 1.4 for bone sarcoma. The most frequent soft tissue sarcomas were sarcoma not otherwise specified (NOS) (29.4%) and liposarcoma (22.2%); the most common bone sarcoma was chondrosarcoma (37.6%). Soft tissue sarcomas occurred most frequently (35.6%) in lower limb connective tissue; bone sarcomas arose mainly (68.8%) in long bones. The frequencies of morphologies arising at different sites varied considerably by Italian area; for example, 20% of hemangiosarcomas occurred in the head and neck in south Italy with 17% at this site in the centre and 6% in the north. For soft tissue sarcoma, the highest ASRs of 2.6 and 2.4 contrast with the lowest ASRs 1.1 and 1.3, suggesting high-risk hot spots that deserve further investigation. The marked variations in morphology distribution with site and geography suggest geographic variation in risk factors that may also repay further investigation particularly since sarcoma etiology is poorly understood

    Long-term survival and cure fraction estimates for childhood cancer in Europe (EUROCARE-6): results from a population-based study

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    Background: The EUROCARE-5 study revealed disparities in childhood cancer survival among European countries, giving rise to important initiatives across Europe to reduce the gap. Extending its representativeness through increased coverage of eastern European countries, the EUROCARE-6 study aimed to update survival progress across countries and years of diagnosis and provide new analytical perspectives on estimates of long-term survival and the cured fraction of patients with childhood cancer. Methods: In this population-based study, we analysed 135 847 children (aged 0–14 years) diagnosed during 2000–13 and followed up to the end of 2014, recruited from 80 population-based cancer registries in 31 European countries. We calculated age-adjusted 5-year survival differences by country and over time using period analysis, for all cancers combined and for major cancer types. We applied a variant of standard mixture cure models for survival data to estimate the cure fraction of patients by childhood cancer and to estimate projected 15-year survival. Findings: 5-year survival for all childhood cancer combined in Europe in 2010–14 was 81% (95% CI 81–82), showing an increase of three percentage points compared with 2004–06. Significant progress over time was observed for almost all cancers. Survival remained stable for osteosarcomas, Ewing sarcoma, Burkitt lymphoma, non-Hodgkin lymphomas, and rhabdomyoscarcomas. For all cancers combined, inequalities still persisted among European countries (with age-adjusted 5-year survival ranging from 71% [95% CI 60–79] to 87% [77–93]). The 15-year survival projection for all patients with childhood cancer diagnosed in 2010–13 was 78%. We estimated the yearly long-term mortality rate due to causes other than the diagnosed cancer to be around 2 per 1000 patients for all childhood cancer combined, but to approach zero for retinoblastoma. The cure fraction for patients with childhood cancer increased over time from 74% (95% CI 73–75) in 1998–2001 to 80% (79–81) in 2010–13. In the latter cohort, the cure fraction rate ranged from 99% (95% CI 74–100) for retinoblastoma to 60% (58–63) for CNS tumours and reached 90% (95% CI 87–93) for lymphoid leukaemia and 70% (67–73) for acute myeloid leukaemia. Interpretation: Childhood cancer survival is increasing over time in Europe but there are still some differences among countries. Regular monitoring of childhood cancer survival and estimation of the cure fraction through population-based registry data are crucial for evaluating advances in paediatric cancer care. Funding: European Commission