60 research outputs found

    Arginine Relieves the Inflammatory Response and Enhances the Casein Expression in Bovine Mammary Epithelial Cells Induced by Lipopolysaccharide

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    As one of functional active amino acids, L-arginine holds a key position in immunity. However, the mechanism that arginine modulates cow mammary inflammatory response in ruminant is unclear. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the effects of L-arginine on inflammatory response and casein expression after challenging the bovine mammary epithelial cells (BMECs) with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The cells were divided into four groups, stimulated with or without LPS (10 g/mL) and treated with or without arginine (100 g/mL) for 12 h. The concentration of proinflammatory cytokines, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), and Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) signaling pathways as well as the casein was determined. The results showed that arginine reduced the LPS-induced production like IL-1 , IL-6, TNF-, and iNOS. Though the expression of NF-B was attenuated and the mTOR signaling pathway was upregulated, arginine had no effect on TLR4 expression. In addition, our results show that the content of -casein and the total casein were enhanced after arginine was supplemented in LPS-induced BMECs. In conclusion, arginine could relieve the inflammatory reaction induced by LPS and enhance the concentration of -casein and the total casein in bovine mammary epithelial cells

    Numerical pressure transient analysis for unfilled-caved carbonate reservoirs based on Stokes-Darcy coupled theory

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    Caved carbonate reservoirs are very special because of the strong heterogeneity. The pressure transient behavior of the caved carbonate reservoirs is quite different from the conventional homogeneous or dual medium reservoirs because of the presence of large-scale cavities. There are two types of cavities: filled and unfilled, which dominated the production of the reservoirs. Fluid flow in the unfilled cavity should be described by Stokes' equation rather than Darcy's law. It is needed to better understand the role of the unfilled cavities plays in the pressure transient analysis. The objective of this work is to analyze the pressure transient behavior of the unfilled cavities. A coupled Stokes-Darcy pressure transient model is developed and the finite element method is applied in the solutions of the mathematical models. Then, the numerical pressure transient model is used in the analysis of two typical cases: a well drilled into the unfilled cavity (WIC) and a well not drilled into the unfilled cavity (WOC). The type curves of the WIC model indicate that flow in the unfilled cavity is an oscillated pressure-drop rather than a radial flow. The unfilled cavity that the well drilled into would be considered as an enlarged wellbore which is equivalent to a negative skin factor, as a consequence the wellbore storage coefficient will increase. Main characteristics of type curves for WOC model are the valley on the pressure derivative. A cavity with a larger size and smaller distance from the wellbore would give rise to a deeper valley. Comparative results indicate that unfilled cavities described by the Stokes' equation are not the limit of the filled cavities with extremely large mobility, which was predicted by previous work

    Analysis of Influencing Factors of Thermal Management System for LiFePO4 Lithium Battery under High Power Charging

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    During the high-power charging process, the heat generated by the power battery is significantly increased, resulting in a significant temperature rise, which will bring safety hazards and worsens capacity degradation. In this study, we focus on the energy storage system composed of LiFePO4 pouch battery cells whose capacity is 30Ah. The coupling calculation between the one-dimensional electro-chemical model and the 3D heat generation model is realized. The accuracy of the model is verified by charging the battery at different rates. The results show that the inlet flow rate and the cooling channel size within a certain range has a great influence on the cooling effect of the battery pack during high power charging process. Comparing the temperature distribution of the battery pack under different charging rates, the electrochemical-heating coupling model established in this study can truly reflect the heat generation of the battery. Through the calculation of the heat generation of the battery pack, the boundary conditions of the cooling system design can be found, which provides a basis for the optimal design of the conditional cooling system for battery high-power charging

    Integrated All-Climate Heating/Cooling System Design and Preheating Strategy for Lithium-Ion Battery Pack

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    The continuous low temperature in winter is the main factor limiting the popularity of electric vehicles in cold regions. The best way to solve this problem is by preheating power battery packs. Power battery packs have relatively high requirements with regard to the uniformity of temperature distribution during the preheating process. Aimed at this problem, taking a 30 Ah LiFePO4 (LFP) pouch battery as the research object, a three-sided liquid cooling structure that takes into account the preheating of the battery module was designed. On the basis of analyzing the influence of the cooling plate arrangement, cooling liquid flow rate, liquid medium, and inlet temperature on the temperature consistency of the battery module, the orthogonal simulation method was used to formulate the optimal combination of factors for different cooling objectives. Using the designed preheating structure, a combined internal and external preheating strategy based on the available battery power is proposed. The research results show that the cooling plate arrangement scheme and the inlet temperature have obvious influences on the preheating effect, while the increase in the flow velocity of the preheating effect is saturated. The optimized external preheating structure can maintain the preheating temperature difference of the battery module at less than 5 °C. On this basis, the proposed combined internal and external preheating strategy saves 50% of the preheating time compared with three-sided preheating


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    Large-scale fractures and cavities cause difficulties of geological modeling, which in turn makes the fluid flow simulation difficult. In this paper, a geological modeling process based on three-dimensional (3D) seismic characterization is proposed to model real reservoirs, and then a 3D pressure transient analysis model is developed to model the fluid flow in the fractured-caved reservoirs. In this model, the reservoir is characterized as three types of media explicitly: cavities simplified as irregular polyhedrons, fractures represented by slabs, and the matrix of the rest. A finite-element method is implemented to obtain the solutions of the governing equations. Two idealized cases of fractures and cavities are presented using the model. The results show fractures and cavities play the dominant role in the fluid flow. In the fractures case, the log-log type curves can be divided into six stages, and the bilinear flow is the main feature. A larger permeability of fractures causes a longer period of bilinear flow. The log-log type curves of the cavity case are also divided into six stages. The larger permeability of cavities, the lower the horizontal line of the pressure derivative, but the influence of cavities not connected with the wellbore is limited. Comparison with the radial-composite model shows that the radial-composite model gets a volume-equivalent radius of the cavity, but a higher permeability and a negative skin factor. The developed model is also applied for the well test analysis of a field case, which shows a significant ability to characterize the fluid flow of fractured-caved reservoirs

    Integrated All-Climate Heating/Cooling System Design and Preheating Strategy for Lithium-Ion Battery Pack

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    The continuous low temperature in winter is the main factor limiting the popularity of electric vehicles in cold regions. The best way to solve this problem is by preheating power battery packs. Power battery packs have relatively high requirements with regard to the uniformity of temperature distribution during the preheating process. Aimed at this problem, taking a 30 Ah LiFePO4 (LFP) pouch battery as the research object, a three-sided liquid cooling structure that takes into account the preheating of the battery module was designed. On the basis of analyzing the influence of the cooling plate arrangement, cooling liquid flow rate, liquid medium, and inlet temperature on the temperature consistency of the battery module, the orthogonal simulation method was used to formulate the optimal combination of factors for different cooling objectives. Using the designed preheating structure, a combined internal and external preheating strategy based on the available battery power is proposed. The research results show that the cooling plate arrangement scheme and the inlet temperature have obvious influences on the preheating effect, while the increase in the flow velocity of the preheating effect is saturated. The optimized external preheating structure can maintain the preheating temperature difference of the battery module at less than 5 °C. On this basis, the proposed combined internal and external preheating strategy saves 50% of the preheating time compared with three-sided preheating

    Residents’ perspectives.

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    Globally, old urban neighborhood transformation has become a new urban sustainability focus for its significant contribution to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal 11. A regeneration-oriented approach is particularly important for Chinese cities with a dwindling land supply, obsoleting infrastructure, and inadequate standard of living. Using a mixed-methods approach informed by BREEAM Communities, we examined two Chinese initiatives—old urban neighborhood renewal (OUNR) and sponge city development (SCD)—through a comprehensive study of pilot project sustainability, policy emphases and gaps, and broader governance implications. We found that SCD’s top-down technocratic management was highly efficient in enhancing neighborhood hydrological functions and physical environment. However, successes were undermined by the lack of climate considerations and civic participation. Besides actionable recommendations for applied scholarship and policymaking in China, we provide insight into how the OUNR/SCD initiatives may broadly inform worldwide urban regeneration practices through project and policy experimentations that build adaptive capacity.</div
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