28 research outputs found

    The microbiome composition of <i>Aedes aegypti</i> is not critical for <i>Wolbachia</i>-mediated inhibition of dengue virus

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>Dengue virus (DENV) is primarily vectored by the mosquito <i>Aedes aegypti</i>, and is estimated to cause 390 million human infections annually. A novel method for DENV control involves stable transinfection of <i>Ae</i>. <i>aegypti</i> with the common insect endosymbiont <i>Wolbachia</i>, which mediates an antiviral effect. However, the mechanism by which <i>Wolbachia</i> reduces the susceptibility of <i>Ae</i>. <i>aegypti</i> to DENV is not fully understood. In this study we assessed the potential of resident microbiota, which can play important roles in insect physiology and immune responses, to affect <i>Wolbachia</i>-mediated DENV blocking.</p><p>Methodology/Findings</p><p>The microbiome of <i>Ae</i>. <i>aegypti</i> stably infected with <i>Wolbachia</i> strain <i>w</i>Mel was compared to that of <i>Ae</i>. <i>aegypti</i> without <i>Wolbachia</i>, using 16s rDNA profiling. Our results indicate that although <i>Wolbachia</i> affected the relative abundance of several genera, the microbiome of both the <i>Wolbachia-</i>infected and uninfected mosquitoes was dominated by <i>Elizabethkingia</i> and unclassified <i>Enterobacteriaceae</i>. To assess the potential of the resident microbiota to affect the <i>Wolbachia-</i>mediated antiviral effect, we used antibiotic treatment before infection with DENV by blood-meal. In spite of a significant shift in the microbiome composition in response to the antibiotics, we detected no effect of antibiotic treatment on DENV infection rates, or on the DENV load of infected mosquitoes.</p><p>Conclusions/Significance</p><p>Our findings indicate that stable infection with <i>Wolbachia</i> strain <i>w</i>Mel produces few effects on the microbiome of laboratory-reared <i>Ae</i>. <i>aegypti</i>. Moreover, our findings suggest that the microbiome can be significantly altered without affecting the fundamental DENV blocking phenotype in these mosquitoes. Since <i>Ae</i>. <i>aegypti</i> are likely to encounter diverse microbiota in the field, this is a particularly important result in the context of using <i>Wolbachia</i> as a method for DENV control.</p></div

    Relative abundance of bacterial genera corrected for <i>Wolbachia</i>.

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    <p>Relative abundance of genera from 19 (- antibiotics) or 20 (+ antibiotics) <i>w</i>Mel mosquitoes after OTU assigned to <i>Wolbachia</i> were removed; ‘unclassified’ indicates OTU that were not classified at the genus level.</p

    Infection rate and DENV genome copy number are unaffected by manipulation of the microbiome using antibiotic treatment.

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    <p>(A) Percent of infected mosquitoes as determined by qRT-PCR; total numbers of mosquitoes tested per group are listed below each chart. (B) Total number of DENV genome copies per body for all mosquitoes identified as DENV-positive in (A). Statistical analysis was performed using a one-way ANOVA, only the effect of <i>Wolbachia</i> was significant. Data shows median and interquartile range.</p

    Microbiome composition of wt and <i>w</i>Mel <i>Ae</i>. <i>aegypti</i> mosquitoes.

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    <p>Relative abundance of microbiota present in wt (A) or <i>w</i>Mel (B) <i>Ae</i>. <i>aegypti</i> lines as determined by sequencing of 16s rDNA following a DENV-infectious blood-meal. Where indicated (+ antibiotics) mosquitoes were treated with a combination of penicillin-streptomycin-kanamycin for 3 generations before profiling. Each bar represents a single mosquito. OTU are grouped by genus; ‘unclassified’ indicates OTU that were not classified at the genus level.</p

    The effect of <i>Wolbachia</i> infection and antibiotic treatment on the relative abundance (<i>Wolbachia</i>-corrected) of specific genera.

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    <p>The effect of <i>Wolbachia</i> infection and antibiotic treatment on the relative abundance (<i>Wolbachia</i>-corrected) of specific genera.</p

    <i>Wolbachia</i>-Associated Bacterial Protection in the Mosquito <i>Aedes aegypti</i>

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    <div><p>Background</p><p><i>Wolbachia</i> infections confer protection for their insect hosts against a range of pathogens including bacteria, viruses, nematodes and the malaria parasite. A single mechanism that might explain this broad-based pathogen protection is immune priming, in which the presence of the symbiont upregulates the basal immune response, preparing the insect to defend against subsequent pathogen infection. A study that compared natural <i>Wolbachia</i> infections in <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i> with the mosquito vector <i>Aedes aegypti</i> artificially transinfected with the same strains has suggested that innate immune priming may only occur in recent host-<i>Wolbachia</i> associations. This same study also revealed that while immune priming may play a role in viral protection it cannot explain the entirety of the effect.</p><p>Methodology/Findings</p><p>Here we assess whether the level of innate immune priming induced by different <i>Wolbachia</i> strains in <i>A. aegypti</i> is correlated with the degree of protection conferred against bacterial pathogens. We show that <i>Wolbachia</i> strains <i>w</i>Mel and <i>w</i>MelPop, currently being tested for field release for dengue biocontrol, differ in their protective abilities. The <i>w</i>MelPop strain provides stronger, more broad-based protection than <i>w</i>Mel, and this is likely explained by both the higher induction of immune gene expression and the strain-specific activation of particular genes. We also show that <i>Wolbachia</i> densities themselves decline during pathogen infection, likely as a result of the immune induction.</p><p>Conclusions/Significance</p><p>This work shows a correlation between innate immune priming and bacterial protection phenotypes. The ability of the Toll pathway, melanisation and antimicrobial peptides to enhance viral protection or to provide the basis of malaria protection should be further explored in the context of this two-strain comparison. This work raises the questions of whether <i>Wolbachia</i> may improve the ability of wild mosquitoes to survive pathogen infection or alter the natural composition of gut flora, and thus have broader consequences for host fitness.</p></div

    Median (with interquartile range) fold change in pathogen density variable hours post infection (hpi) in mosquitoes.

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    <p>Five pairs of individuals were used for <i>E. carotovora</i> (A), <i>B. cepacia</i> (B), <i>S. typhimurium</i> (C) and <i>M. marinum</i> (D). (Mann-Whitney U-test; * P-value&lt;0.05, ** P-value&lt;0.01).</p

    Immune transcript analyses in <i>D. melanogaster</i> infected with <i>w</i>MelPop and <i>w</i>Mel.

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    <p>Transcripts are ranked by biological process and/or molecular function. Gene identifiers (Gene ID), Description and Symbol were compiled from Flybase. AFC, Absolute Fold Change, ND, No Detection. Asterisks indicate a statistically significant difference (n = 10, Mann-Whitney <i>U</i> test with q-value adjustment, *: q<0.05, **: q<0.01).</p

    Dengue blocking in <i>D. melanogaster</i> and <i>A. aegypti</i> infected by <i>Wolbachia</i> strain <i>w</i>Mel.

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    <p>69 µl of 10<sup>7</sup> pfu/ml of DENV2 strain 92T (grey circles) and DENV2 strain ET300 (black circles) were injected into flies (<i>w<sup>1118</sup>w</i>Mel) and mosquitoes (MGYP2) infected by <i>w</i>Mel and their tetracycline-treated uninfected counterparts (<i>w<sup>1118</sup></i>tet and MGYP2tet). Dengue levels in individual insects were determined 8 days post-infection by RT-PCR using a TaqMan assay specific to dengue in 1 µg of total RNA. The fraction of flies that had detectable dengue infections is shown above each set of data points. (n = 15, Mann-Whitney <i>U</i> test, **: p<0.01, ***:p<0.001, ****:p<0.0001).</p