5,957 research outputs found

    Dimerized and trimerized phases for spin-2 Bosons in a one-dimensional optical lattice

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    We study the phase diagram for spin-2 bosons loaded in a one-dimensional optical lattice. By using non-Abelian density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method we identify three possible phases: ferromagnetic, dimerized, and trimerized phases. We sketch the phase boundaries based on DMRG. We illustrate two methods for identifying the phases. The first method is based on the spin-spin correlation function while in the second method one observes the excitation gap as a dimerization or a trimerization superlattice is imposed. The advantage of the second method is that it can also be easily implemented in experiments. By using the scattering lengths in the literature we estimate that 83^{83}Rb, 23^{23}Na, and 87^{87}Rb be ferromagnetic, dimerized, and trimerized respectively.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Add acknowledgemen

    Quantum Critical Spin-2 Chain with Emergent SU(3) Symmetry

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    We study the quantum critical phase of a SU(2) symmetric spin-2 chain obtained from spin-2 bosons in a one-dimensional lattice. We obtain the scaling of the entanglement entropy and finite-size energies by exact diagonalization and density-matrix renormalization group methods. From the numerical results of the energy spectrum, central charge, and scaling dimension we identify the conformal field theory describing the whole critical phase to be the SU(3)1_1 Wess-Zumino-Witten model. We find that while in the whole critical phase the Hamiltonian is only SU(2) invariant, there is an emergent SU(3) symmetry in the thermodynamic limit

    Supercurrent tunneling between conventional and unconventional superconductors: A Ginzburg-Landau approach

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    We investigate the Josephson tunneling between a conventional and an unconventional superconductor via a Ginzburg-Landau theory. This approach allows us to write down the general form of the Josephson coupling between the two superconductors, and to see which terms are forbidden or allowed by spatial symmetries. The time-reversal symmetry is also considered. We discuss the current-phase relationships, magnetic, and ac effects if we just include this direct coupling to the unconventional superconductor. In addition we consider the Josephson coupling between two short-coherence-length superconductors, extending the work of Deutscher and Müller (DM) to a finite-current calculation. We find that the critical current is suppressed below the DM value due to the fact that the coupling between the two superconductors across the junction depends on the phase difference and hence the current itself. Finally we investigate the possibility of the proximity effect, in particular the possibility that the conventional-type pairing is induced and hence coexists with the unconventional pairing near the junction. This would give the dominant contribution to the tunneling current if the direct tunneling to the unconventional pairs are suppressed for some reason. We point out that there is no possibility of dissipationless tunneling above the transition temperature of the unconventional superconductor. Even in the case in which the unconventional superconductor is below its transition temperature, we find that, for the possibility of a dissipationless current, it is crucial to have a coupling between the induced s wave and the unconventional superconductor that depends on their phase difference, which allows the conversion of the supercurrent from one type to the other. The behavior of this current, in particular as a function of temperature, is discussed. We also discuss the magnetic and time-dependent effects of the junction in the presence of this proximity effect. We see that, while some of these remain unaffected, some, in particular the time-dependent processes, are affected in a rather nontrivial manner

    Stationary Josephson effect in a weak-link between nonunitary triplet superconductors

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    A stationary Josephson effect in a weak-link between misorientated nonunitary triplet superconductors is investigated theoretically. The non-self-consistent quasiclassical Eilenberger equation for this system has been solved analytically. As an application of this analytical calculation, the current-phase diagrams are plotted for the junction between two nonunitary bipolar ff-wave superconducting banks. A spontaneous current parallel to the interface between superconductors has been observed. Also, the effect of misorientation between crystals on the Josephson and spontaneous currents is studied. Such experimental investigations of the current-phase diagrams can be used to test the pairing symmetry in the above-mentioned superconductors.Comment: 6 pages and 6 figure

    Creation of Skyrmions in a Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    We propose a scheme for the creation of skyrmions (coreless vortices) in a Bose-Einstein condensate with hyperfine spin F=1. In this scheme, four traveling-wave laser beams, with Gaussian or Laguerre-Gaussian transverse profiles, induce Raman transitions with an anomalous dependence on the laser polarization, thereby generating the optical potential required for producing skyrmions.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, RevTe

    Symmetry and inert states of spin Bose Condensates

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    We construct the list of all possible inert states of spin Bose condensates for S4S \le 4. In doing so, we also obtain their symmetry properties. These results are applied to classify line defects of these spin condensates at zero magnetic field.Comment: an error in Sec III C correcte

    Internal Vortex Structure of a Trapped Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    The internal vortex structure of a trapped spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate is investigated. It is shown that it has a variety of configurations depending on, in particular, the ratio of the relevant scattering lengths and the total magnetization.Comment: replacement; minor grammatical corrections but with additional figure

    Superfluid stability in BEC-BCS crossover

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    We consider a dilute atomic gas of two species of fermions with unequal concentrations under a Feshbach resonance. We find that the system can have distinct properties due to the unbound fermions. The uniform state is stable only when either (a) beyond a critical coupling strength, where it is a gapless superfluid, or (b) when the coupling strength is sufficiently weak, where it is a normal Fermi gas mixture. Phase transition(s) must therefore occur when the resonance is crossed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Magnetic Field Effect on the Supercurrent of an SNS junction

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    In this paper we study the effect of a Zeeman field on the supercurrent of a mesoscopic SNS junction. It is shown that the supercurrent suppression is due to a redistribution of current-carrying states in energy space. A dramatic consequence is that (part of the) the suppressed supercurrent can be recovered with a suitable non-equilibrium distribution of quasiparticles.Comment: 4 figures in postscrip

    Superconductivity in ferromagnetic metals and in compounds without inversion centre

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    The symmetry properties and the general overview of the superconductivity theory in the itinerant ferromagnets and in materials without space parity are presented. The basic notions of unconventional superconductivity are introduced in broad context of multiband superconductivity which is inherent property of ferromagnetic metals or metals without centre of inversion.Comment: 38 pages, no figure