18 research outputs found


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    司馬長風說:「在現代散文學家中,論幽默才能,首推梁實秋。」梁實秋的散文以典雅幽默見稱,但以前由於各種原因,內地許多讀者沒有機會欣賞梁實秋的散文。而近年來,他的小品文風靡內地,深受讀者的喜愛。細看那些評論梁實秋散文風格的小文章,我覺得還沒有人對梁實秋散文中的精華一幽默作細緻深入的研究。未免使人有遺珠之憾。所以我嘗試分析一下梁實秋小品文里獨特的幽默藝術的表達技巧。我以為梁式幽默的最大特點是把世俗的內容包含在典雅的形式中。借雅俗對比,於失衡、不協調的情景中產生幽默。梁實秋專研英國文學,可能受英國Essay 影響,他的文章結構嚴密,層次分明。敘述起來從容不迫,具有閒適意味。而他以半文言式精煉語句作文,則同使他的文章洋溢著 濃濃的國文氣息。我們可以看到梁實秋的小品文仿佛是「洋務」加「國粹」的中西合璧的寧馨兒。他對世態百相的針眨勸勉則隱含在詼諧的雅言里。其次,梁實秋還擅長借各種修辭方式如比喻、排比、誇張等製造輕鬆活潑的氣氛,還以漫畫手法宛轉地表達他對世故人情的諷喻。 這篇小論艾還把梁實秋和董橋散文的幽默的藝術特色作了一番比較。比較他們如何借修辭、懸念、易景易色、結構變化、行文情緒的推進及偶發偏見等方式巧妙地在文章中摧化出幽默感

    Carbohydrate-Based Macromolecular Biomaterials

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    Carbohydrates are the most abundant and one of the most important biomacromolecules in Nature. Except for energy-related compounds, carbohydrates can be roughly divided into two categories: Carbohydrates as matter and carbohydrates as information. As matter, carbohydrates are abundantly present in the extracellular matrix of animals and cell walls of various plants, bacteria, fungi, etc., serving as scaffolds. Some commonly found polysaccharides are featured as biocompatible materials with controllable rigidity and functionality, forming polymeric biomaterials which are widely used in drug delivery, tissue engineering, etc. As information, carbohydrates are usually referred to the glycans from glycoproteins, glycolipids, and proteoglycans, which bind to proteins or other carbohydrates, thereby meditating the cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions. These glycans could be simplified as synthetic glycopolymers, glycolipids, and glycoproteins, which could be afforded through polymerization, multistep synthesis, or a semisynthetic strategy. The information role of carbohydrates can be demonstrated not only as targeting reagents but also as immune antigens and adjuvants. The latter are also included in this review as they are always in a macromolecular formulation. In this review, we intend to provide a relatively comprehensive summary of carbohydrate-based macromolecular biomaterials since 2010 while emphasizing the fundamental understanding to guide the rational design of biomaterials. Carbohydrate-based macromolecules on the basis of their resources and chemical structures will be discussed, including naturally occurring polysaccharides, naturally derived synthetic polysaccharides, glycopolymers/glycodendrimers, supramolecular glycopolymers, and synthetic glycolipids/glycoproteins. Multiscale structure-function relationships in several major application areas, including delivery systems, tissue engineering, and immunology, will be detailed. We hope this review will provide valuable information for the development of carbohydrate-based macromolecular biomaterials and build a bridge between the carbohydrates as matter and the carbohydrates as information to promote new biomaterial design in the near future. </p

    Pollution Risk Assessment and Sources Analysis of Heavy Metal in Soil from Bamboo Shoots

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    In order to investigate the pollution situation and sources analysis of heavy metals in bamboo shoot soil in Guangdong Province, a total of 175 soil samples were collected at 46 sites. Atomic fluorescence spectrophotometer and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry were used to determine the content of five heavy metals: lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), arsenic (As), mercury (Hg), and chromium (Cr). In addition, the soil environmental quality was evaluated through different index methods, including single-factor pollution, Nemeiro comprehensive pollution, geoaccumulation, and potential ecological risk. Furthermore, the correlation coefficients were also discussed. The results showed that the soils collected were acidic or slight alkaline. The maximum content of Pb and As from some areas exceeded the standard limit value. The coefficient of variation value from six areas exceeded 100%. The index method mentioned above confirmed that the soil within study areas was divided into three pollution levels: no, slightly, and mild. Additionally, there was a very significant correlation between pH and Pb, Hg; the correlation between heavy metal As and Pb, Cr also reached a very significant level. The principal component analysis results show that PC1 accounts for 39.60% of the total variance, which includes Pb, Cd, and As. PC2 mainly includes Hg and Cr

    Carbohydrate-Based Macromolecular Biomaterials

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    Carbohydrates are the most abundant and one of the most important biomacromolecules in Nature. Except for energy-related compounds, carbohydrates can be roughly divided into two categories: Carbohydrates as matter and carbohydrates as information. As matter, carbohydrates are abundantly present in the extracellular matrix of animals and cell walls of various plants, bacteria, fungi, etc., serving as scaffolds. Some commonly found polysaccharides are featured as biocompatible materials with controllable rigidity and functionality, forming polymeric biomaterials which are widely used in drug delivery, tissue engineering, etc. As information, carbohydrates are usually referred to the glycans from glycoproteins, glycolipids, and proteoglycans, which bind to proteins or other carbohydrates, thereby meditating the cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions. These glycans could be simplified as synthetic glycopolymers, glycolipids, and glycoproteins, which could be afforded through polymerization, multistep synthesis, or a semisynthetic strategy. The information role of carbohydrates can be demonstrated not only as targeting reagents but also as immune antigens and adjuvants. The latter are also included in this review as they are always in a macromolecular formulation. In this review, we intend to provide a relatively comprehensive summary of carbohydrate-based macromolecular biomaterials since 2010 while emphasizing the fundamental understanding to guide the rational design of biomaterials. Carbohydrate-based macromolecules on the basis of their resources and chemical structures will be discussed, including naturally occurring polysaccharides, naturally derived synthetic polysaccharides, glycopolymers/glycodendrimers, supramolecular glycopolymers, and synthetic glycolipids/glycoproteins. Multiscale structure-function relationships in several major application areas, including delivery systems, tissue engineering, and immunology, will be detailed. We hope this review will provide valuable information for the development of carbohydrate-based macromolecular biomaterials and build a bridge between the carbohydrates as matter and the carbohydrates as information to promote new biomaterial design in the near future

    Genome-Wide Survey and Expression Analyses of Hexokinase Family in Poplar (Populus trichocarpa)

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    Hexokinase (HXK) family proteins exert critical roles in catalyzing hexose phosphorylation, sugar sensing, and modulation of plant growth and stress adaptation. Nevertheless, a large amount remains unknown about the molecular profile of HXK enzymes in Populus trichocarpa, a woody model tree species. A genome-wide survey of HXK-encoding genes, including phylogenies, genomic structures, exon/intron organization, chromosomal distribution, and conserved features, was conducted, identifying six putative HXK isogenes (PtHXK1-6) in the Populus genome. The evolutionary tree demonstrated that 135 homologous HXKs between 17 plant species were categorized into four major subfamilies (type A, B, C, and D), clustering one plastidic (PtHXK3) and five mitochondrial PtHXKs grouped into type A and B, respectively. The in silico deduction prompted the presence of the conserved sugar-binding core (motif 4), phosphorylation sites (motif 2 and 3), and adenosine-binding domains (motif 7). The transcriptomic sequencing (RNA-seq) and the quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) assays revealed that three isogenes (PtHXK2, 3, and 6) were abundantly expressed in leaves, stems, and roots, while others appeared to be dominantly expressed in the reproductive tissues. Under the stress exposure, PtHXK2 and 6 displayed a significant induction upon the pathogenic fungi (Fusarium solani) infection and marked promotions by glucose feeding in roots. In contrast, the PtHXK3 and 6 are ABA-responsive genes, following a dose-dependent manner. The comprehensive analyses of the genomic patterns and expression profiling provide theoretical clues and lay a foundation for unraveling the physiological and signaling roles underlying the fine-tuned PtHXKs responding to diverse stressors

    Efficient Large Scale Syntheses of 3‑Deoxy‑d‑manno-2-octulosonic acid (Kdo) and Its Derivatives

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    An efficient method to rapidly synthesize 3-deoxy-d-manno-2-octulosonic acid (Kdo) and its derivatives in large scale has been developed. Starting from d-mannose, the di-<i>O</i>-isopropylidene derivative of Kdo ethyl ester was prepared in three steps on a scale of more than 40 g in one batch in an overall yield of 75–80% without any intermediate purification. Kdo, Kdo glycal, and 2-acetylated Kdo ester were synthesized quickly in high yield from a di-<i>O</i>-isopropylidene derivative of Kdo ethyl ester. 2-Deoxy-β-Kdo ester was obtained with high stereoselectivity via the epimerization of the α-isomer using <i>t</i>-BuOH as a proton source

    RNA based mNGS approach identifies a novel human coronavirus from two individual pneumonia cases in 2019 Wuhan outbreak

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    From December 2019, an outbreak of unusual pneumonia was reported in Wuhan with many cases linked to Huanan Seafood Market that sells seafood as well as live exotic animals. We investigated two patients who developed acute respiratory syndromes after independent contact history with this market. The two patients shared common clinical features including fever, cough, and multiple ground-glass opacities in the bilateral lung field with patchy infiltration. Here, we highlight the use of a low-input metagenomic next-generation sequencing (mNGS) approach on RNA extracted from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). It rapidly identified a novel coronavirus (named 2019-nCoV according to World Health Organization announcement) which was the sole pathogens in the sample with very high abundance level (1.5% and 0.62% of total RNA sequenced). The entire viral genome is 29,881 nt in length (GenBank MN988668 and MN988669, Sequence Read Archive database Bioproject accession PRJNA601736) and is classified into β-coronavirus genus. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that 2019-nCoV is close to coronaviruses (CoVs) circulating in Rhinolophus (Horseshoe bats), such as 98.7% nucleotide identity to partial RdRp gene of bat coronavirus strain BtCoV/4991 (GenBank KP876546, 370 nt sequence of RdRp and lack of other genome sequence) and 87.9% nucleotide identity to bat coronavirus strain bat-SL-CoVZC45 and bat-SL-CoVZXC21. Evolutionary analysis based on ORF1a/1b, S, and N genes also suggests 2019-nCoV is more likely a novel CoV independently introduced from animals to humans