74 research outputs found

    Distributed attitude and translation consensus for networked rigid bodies based on unit dual quaternion

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    This paper provides unified solutions for distributed attitude and translation consensus problems for networked fully actuated rigid bodies under the fixed and undirected communication topology with the tool of unit dual quaternion. We investigate two kinds of consensus, that is, leaderless consensus and leader-following consensus with a static leader. Firstly, the dynamics of rigid bodies are presented by unit dual quaternion. The control inputs of rigid bodies are also obtained from unit dual quaternion. Secondly, we propose a distributed consensus law in the form of dual quaternion to guarantee that the attitudes and translations of all rigid bodies reach consensus, respectively, without a leader. Thirdly, the leader-following consensus problem with a static leader is studied. With the proposed leader-following consensus law, the states of all rigid bodies converge to the corresponding states of the static leader, including the attitude and the translation. Finally, numerical examples are provided to validate the effectiveness of the theoretical resultsThe authors were supported in part by Australian Research Council (DP130103610 and DP160104500) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (61375072 and 61503109) and Nature Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (LQF030005)

    Residents' Willingness for Centralized Biogas Production in Hebei and Shandong Provinces

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    peer reviewedNowadays, in the North China Plain (NCP), most counties and suburban rural regions are promoting the "coal to gas" program under the situation of strong government support of large and medium-sized centralized biogas production (CBP) projects. This paper is aimed at the CBP projects, focuses on rural residents’ “willingness to use (WTU)”, “willingness to buy (WTB)” and the influencing factors for WTU/WTB. Through the analysis of rural residents from Hebei and Shandong provinces that belong to NCP in this survey, we find that 85% of respondents support the CBP program and the WTB is 63.15 CNY/year per capita, which is much lower than the cost of rural CBP in existing survey regions. The participation of rural residents is not only a manifestation of personal and family characteristics; understanding of environmental knowledge, attitudes, and household energy practices are more important. These non-economic factors seriously affect WTU/WTB. Hence, it is necessary to appropriately increase the government revenue to such projects, strengthen government guidance and publicity, improve the environmental knowledge and attitude of rural residents and guide residents’ practice. Based on a fully understanding of residents' consumption decision mechanism, we establish a financial support mechanism due to the demand response, adopt a correct calculation for financial support, such as a reasonable subsidy rate, and seek the greatest commonality of cost, financial support, and demand

    Coupling of Rural Energy Structure and Straw Utilization Based on Cases in Hebei China

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    peer reviewedChina's coal-based energy structure is the main reason for the current high-level air pollution and carbon emissions. Now in the North China Plain, the government is vigorously promoting “coal to gas” and “coal to electricity” in the country and the vast rural areas. The development and utilization of biomass resources in agricultural areas is also an effective means of replacing coal. We propose the idea of forming a complementary rural energy structure of "biogas, briquetting, electricity (BBE)" model based on centralized biogas production (CBP) and straw briquetting fuel (SBF) to improve the rural energy structure. This article uses emergy analysis methods to analyze actual cases. It needs to have strengths and avoid weaknesses in mode selection. The process of the analysis reveals the disadvantages and improvement measures. Under the current capacity load, the emergy input and output, eco-economic indicators, sustainable development indicators, environmental load indicators, and economic value have their own advantages and disadvantages. Assuming 100% capacity load, the indicators have great optimization space. Reducing labor input during the planting phase can effectively reduce emergy input. The government needs to provide corresponding support based on the strengths and weaknesses of the project to keep the project sustainability. The development of complementary integration based on local conditions is an important measure to optimize the energy consumption structure in rural areas and improve the ecological environment

    Mitigating environmental impacts of milk production via integrated maize silage planting and dairy cow breeding system: A case study in China

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    peer reviewedEnvironmental impacts of milk production are depending on the production efficiency of livestock and cropland. A mode of integrated maize silage planting and dairy breeding system (IPBS) has been widely promoted in China, as a promising way to recycle manure, reduce chemical fertilizer consumption and improve soil quality. However, quantitative environmental impacts and mitigation potential of this system remains unclear. In this study, based on life cycle assessment (LCA), environmental performance of non-IPBS and IPBS were compared: non-IPBS only involved dairy cow breeding, whereas maize silage planting was incorporated in IPBS. Results indicated that, although 60% of the surveyed dairy farms adopted IPBS, the self-sufficiency rate of maize silage was 57%. Compared with non-IPBS, IPBS had apparent potential in reducing global warming potential (−14%), acidification potential (−10%), eutrophication potential (−18%), non-renewable energy use (−10%), water use (−8%) and land use (−13%). It is estimated that, in China, 81% of dairy farms could adopt IPBS, resulting in a reduction of approximately 21% in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to compared with current situation, but the premise is that 2.0 million ha cropland should be applied for maize silage cultivation. Interestingly, environmental performance of IPBS was affected by the self-sufficiency rate of maize silage and restricted by milk yield and maize silage yield. Thus, mitigation of environmental impacts of milk production could be realized by combining a short-term strategy of increasing maize silage planting area in dairy farms and a long-term plan for technological improvements in the yield of crop and milk

    Are Farmers Willing to Pay for Centralized Mode Provision of Rural Domestic Sewage Treatment? A Large-Scale Assessment in North China

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    peer reviewedEvaluation of farmers’ willingness to participate (WTPP) and willingness to pay (WTP) for the centralized mode provision (CMP) of rural domestic sewage treatment (RDST) is imperative to improve the rural environment as well as to alleviate government financial pressures. This study adopted the contingent valuation method as well as face-to-face interview questionnaires to assess rural residents’ provision mode preferences, WTPP, and WTP for the CMP of RDST in China. Based on 761 samples collected from Shandong, Jilin, and Gansu provinces of China, we applied econometric models to estimate farmers’ WTPP and WTP for the CMP of RDST and explore the potential influencing factors, respectively. Results show that 1) 81.87% of the farmers would be willing to contribute to CMP of RDST; 2) farmers’ perceptions of the necessity of RDST, pollution of rural domestic sewage, and government propaganda significantly and positively affect their WTP; and 3) the expected WTP for CMP of RDST with the total respondents and the respondents with positive WTPP were estimated to be 7.59 USD/year and 10.10 USD/year (for a total of 20 years), accounting for 16.28 and 21.65% of construction costs, respectively. Based on these outcomes, it could be further estimated that the aggregate value was between 179.05 million USD/year and 238.26 million USD/year which implied that the farmers’ WTP may be a potentially non-negligible funding source for the CMP of RDST. The enhancement of environmental awareness of farmers and strengthening of propaganda should be the next priority of the Chinese government. Priority should also be assigned to villages closer to towns when the government formulates relevant strategies and policies. The results of this study provide references for policy formulation related to broadening the funding sources in RDST and exploring farmer payment mechanisms and implications for other developing countries

    A low power circuit design of BLE baseband transmission data processing module

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    With the quickly development of the Internet of Things technology, Bluetooth (BLE) protocol has been increasingly adopted in consumer communication applications, industry communication utilization, and even positioning requirement, due to its advantages such as low power consumption, low cost, and low complexity. Especially the outstanding low power capability compared with other short-range communication protocol, many power limited AIoT (Artificial Intelligence IoT) devices select BLE as basic component. So, the low power, high performance, and small area BLE module become the key point of successful of whole AIoT system. In BLE system, the baseband data processing is the foundation. A good hardware circuit design of BLE baseband can improve BLE module performance and decrease power simultaneously. This paper analyzes the baseband data processing function of BLE in detail, and designs the baseband transmission data processing RTL circuit IP using Verilog HDL Hardware description language based on BLE protocol. The IP includes CRC verification module, whitening module and coding mapping function module. The RTL design is simulated and evaluated in workstation server with Synopsys VCS tool. The simulation results show that this design can achieve the Low-power BLE Bluetooth baseband function

    A few recent developments in fluidized bed technology applications for fuel conversion

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    In recent years, the process concepts based on two-stage and dual bed have been widely adopted in developing fuel conversion technologies including pyrolysis, combustion, gasification and catalytic cracking. These provide indeed advantages of, for example, easy operation and control, poly-generation of products, and high efficiency in elimination of undesirable product or pollutants. The so-called micro fluidized bed analyzer (MFBRA) has been newly developed to measure reaction rates at arbitrary temperatures, giving a great support to fundamental research and technology developments for fuel conversion. This report intends to summarize the involved new concepts, major fundamental understandings, pilot test and/or industrial demonstrations of a few newly developed fuel conversion technologies. Concretely, it will report fluidized bed two-stage gasification (FBTSG), dual fluidized bed pyrolysis combustion (DBPC), fluidized bed cracking gasification (FBCG) and MFBRA. The FBTSG technology separates fuel pyrolysis in a FB pyrolyzer and char gasification in a transport bed gasifier. The latter enables high-temperature tar cracking under catalysis of char to enable remarkably low tar content in the produced gas [1]. For fuel with high contents of water and nitrogen, the DBPC technology first removes fuel water and most fuel volatile in a pyrolyzer. This, on the one hand, ensures stable combustion of the fuel, and on the other hand facilitates NOx reduction by char and pyrolysis gas [2]. The FBCG technology separates the catalytic cracking of heavy feedstock for liquid and the gasification of char, the cokes formed on the catalyst surface, to produce syngas and also to regenerate the catalyst. By using micro fluidized bed, the MFBRA is newly developed to enable the on-line pulse feeding and rapid heating of particle reactant. It effectively suppresses the interfacial diffusion limitation and minimizes the intra-particle diffusion [3]. Thus, MFBRA provides isothermal reaction analysis in comparison with that in TGA based on programmed heating. REFERENCES 1. X. Zeng, et al. Pilot verification of a low-tar two-stage coal gasification process with a FB pyrolyzer and fixed bed gasifier. Applied Energy, 115, 9–16, 2014. 2. P. Dagaut, et al. Experiments and kinetic modeling study of NO-reburning by gases from biomass pyrolysis in a JSR. Energy & Fuels, 17(3), 608-613, 2003. 3. J. Yu, et al. Kinetics and mechanism of solid reactions in a micro fluidized bed reactor. AIChE Journal, 56, 2905-2912, 2010

    Separation of the Climatic and Land Cover Impacts on the Flow Regime Changes in Two Watersheds of Northeastern Tibetan Plateau

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    Assessment of the effects of climate change and land use/cover change (LUCC) on the flow regimes in watershed regions is a fundamental research need in terms of the sustainable water resources management and ecosocial developments. In this study, a statistical and modeling integrated method utilizing the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) has been adopted in two watersheds of northeastern Tibetan Plateau to separate the individual impacts of climate and LUCC on the flow regime metrics. The integrated effects of both LUCC and climate change have led to an increase in the annual streamflow in the Yingluoxia catchment (YLC) region and a decline in the Minxian catchment (MXC) region by 3.2% and 4.3% of their total streamflow, respectively. Climate change has shown an increase in streamflow in YLC and a decline in MXC region, occupying 107.3% and 93.75% of the total streamflow changes, respectively, a reflection of climatic latitude effect on streamflow. It is thus construed that the climatic factors contribute to more significant influence than LUCC on the magnitude, variability, duration, and component of the flow regimes, implying that the climate certainly dominates the flow regime changes in northeastern Tibetan Plateau