68 research outputs found

    A new wireless sensor platform with camera

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    Abstractthere are several platforms of wireless sensor networks such as micaz, mica2, etc. Each of them has specific characteristics. But the complexity of novel applications requires new characteristics, which more and more new designs of wireless sensor networks are needed. In this paper, the design of a sensor named Lacuna is proposed, which is a new sensor network platform implementing reliable detecting by taking real-time pictures. The paper presents a simplified model of wireless sensor networks (WSN) which is composed of the Lacuna sensors using IEEE 802.15.4 wireless technology. This model has been tested for many times and the model experimental results show that this system can run stably, reliably and efficiently. Stability, reliability, and efficiency are important because they make the operation robust to temporary disconnections or high packet loss. Due to the stability, reliability, and efficiency, the WSN transmits large amounts of continuous stable picture data messages to notebook when one of the nodes finishes taking a picture

    Catch-Up Distillation: You Only Need to Train Once for Accelerating Sampling

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    Diffusion Probability Models (DPMs) have made impressive advancements in various machine learning domains. However, achieving high-quality synthetic samples typically involves performing a large number of sampling steps, which impedes the possibility of real-time sample synthesis. Traditional accelerated sampling algorithms via knowledge distillation rely on pre-trained model weights and discrete time step scenarios, necessitating additional training sessions to achieve their goals. To address these issues, we propose the Catch-Up Distillation (CUD), which encourages the current moment output of the velocity estimation model ``catch up'' with its previous moment output. Specifically, CUD adjusts the original Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) training objective to align the current moment output with both the ground truth label and the previous moment output, utilizing Runge-Kutta-based multi-step alignment distillation for precise ODE estimation while preventing asynchronous updates. Furthermore, we investigate the design space for CUDs under continuous time-step scenarios and analyze how to determine the suitable strategies. To demonstrate CUD's effectiveness, we conduct thorough ablation and comparison experiments on CIFAR-10, MNIST, and ImageNet-64. On CIFAR-10, we obtain a FID of 2.80 by sampling in 15 steps under one-session training and the new state-of-the-art FID of 3.37 by sampling in one step with additional training. This latter result necessitated only 620k iterations with a batch size of 128, in contrast to Consistency Distillation, which demanded 2100k iterations with a larger batch size of 256. Our code is released at https://anonymous.4open.science/r/Catch-Up-Distillation-E31F

    WindMill: A Parameterized and Pluggable CGRA Implemented by DIAG Design Flow

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    With the cross-fertilization of applications and the ever-increasing scale of models, the efficiency and productivity of hardware computing architectures have become inadequate. This inadequacy further exacerbates issues in design flexibility, design complexity, development cycle, and development costs (4-d problems) in divergent scenarios. To address these challenges, this paper proposed a flexible design flow called DIAG based on plugin techniques. The proposed flow guides hardware development through four layers: definition(D), implementation(I), application(A), and generation(G). Furthermore, a versatile CGRA generator called WindMill is implemented, allowing for agile generation of customized hardware accelerators based on specific application demands. Applications and algorithm tasks from three aspects is experimented. In the case of reinforcement learning algorithm, a significant performance improvement of 2.3×2.3\times compared to GPU is achieved.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figure

    Transcription factor RF2a alters expression of the rice tungro bacilliform virus promoter in transgenic tobacco plants

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    The promoter from rice tungro bacilliform badnavirus (RTBV) is expressed only in phloem tissues in transgenic rice plants. RF2a, a b-Zip protein from rice, is known to bind to the Box II cis element near the TATA box of the promoter. Here, we report that the full-length RTBV promoter and a truncated fragment E of the promoter, comprising nucleotides -164 to +45, result in phloem-specific expression of β-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter genes in transgenic tobacco plants. When a fusion gene comprising the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter and RF2a cDNA was coexpressed with the GUS reporter genes, GUS activity was increased by 2-20-fold. The increase in GUS activity was positively correlated with the amount of RF2a, and the expression pattern of the RTBV promoter was altered from phloem-specific to constitutive. Constitutive expression of RF2a did not induce morphological changes in the transgenic plants. In contrast, constitutive overexpression of the b-ZIP domain of RF2a had a strong effect on the development of transgenic plants. These studies suggest that expression of the b-Zip domain can interfere with the function of homologues of RF2a that regulate development of tobacco plants.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasCentro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimento

    Sub-megahertz homogeneous linewidth for Er in Si via in situ single photon detection

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    We studied the optical properties of a resonantly excited trivalent Er ensemble in Si accessed via in situ single photon detection. A novel approach which avoids nanofabrication on the sample is introduced, resulting in a highly efficient detection of 70 excitation frequencies, of which 63 resonances have not been observed in literature. The center frequencies and optical lifetimes of all resonances have been extracted, showing that 5% of the resonances are within 1 GHz of our electrically detected resonances and that the optical lifetimes range from 0.5 ms up to 1.5 ms. We observed inhomogeneous broadening of less than 400 MHz and an upper bound on the homogeneous linewidth of 1.4 MHz and 0.75 MHz for two separate resonances, which is a reduction of more than an order of magnitude observed to date. These narrow optical transition properties show that Er in Si is an excellent candidate for future quantum information and communication applications.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure

    Millisecond electron spin coherence time for erbium ions in silicon

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    Spins in silicon that are accessible via a telecom-compatible optical transition are a versatile platform for quantum information processing that can leverage the well-established silicon nanofabrication industry. Key to these applications are long coherence times on the optical and spin transitions to provide a robust system for interfacing photonic and spin qubits. Here, we report telecom-compatible Er3+ sites with long optical and electron spin coherence times, measured within a nuclear spin-free silicon crystal (<0.01% 29Si) using optical detection. We investigate two sites and find 0.1 GHz optical inhomogeneous linewidths and homogeneous linewidths below 70 kHz for both sites. We measure the electron spin coherence time of both sites using optically detected magnetic resonance and observe Hahn echo decay constants of 0.8 ms and 1.2 ms at around 11 mT. These optical and spin properties of Er3+:Si are an important milestone towards using optically accessible spins in silicon for a broad range of quantum information processing applications.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    A High Precision Feature Based on LBP and Gabor Theory for Face Recognition

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    How to describe an image accurately with the most useful information but at the same time the least useless information is a basic problem in the recognition field. In this paper, a novel and high precision feature called BG2D2LRP is proposed, accompanied with a corresponding face recognition system. The feature contains both static texture differences and dynamic contour trends. It is based on Gabor and LBP theory, operated by various kinds of transformations such as block, second derivative, direct orientation, layer and finally fusion in a particular way. Seven well-known face databases such as FRGC, AR, FERET and so on are used to evaluate the veracity and robustness of the proposed feature. A maximum improvement of 29.41% is achieved comparing with other methods. Besides, the ROC curve provides a satisfactory figure. Those experimental results strongly demonstrate the feasibility and superiority of the new feature and method
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