131 research outputs found

    Modeling Twitter Engagement in Real-World Events

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    Twitter offers tremendous opportunities for people to engage with real-world events (e.g., political election) through information sharing and communicating about these events. However, little is understood about the factors that affect people’s Twitter engagement (e.g., posting) in such real-world events. This paper examines multiple predictive factors associated with four different perspectives of users’ Twitter engagement, and quantify their potential influence on predicting the (i) presence; and (ii) degree of the user’s engagement with real-world events. We find that the measures of people’s prior Twitter activities, topical interests, geolocation, and social network structures are all variously correlated to their engagement with real-world events.

    Online Review Censorship

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    Ample anecdotal evidence in the media notes that many businesses seek to ‘silence’ negative reviews, e.g., via legal threat. Despite attention toward this issue, we are aware of no systematic analyses addressing it. We address that gap here, leveraging review data from TripAdvisor.com. First, we estimate that ~1% of truthful reviews are deleted within six months of posting and that negative reviews are significantly more likely to be deleted, consistent with a mechanism of censorship. The effect is substantial; we estimate that a 1-star decrease in rating valence is associated with an approximate 25% (0.25pp) increase in the probability of deletion. Second, we examine how freedom of expression (FoE) in a country associates with characteristics of (uncensored) online reviews. We find that FoE associates with larger review volumes, lower review valence, and faster review posting. We discuss implications for online ratings platforms, consumers, and research opportunities

    From Capture to Display: A Survey on Volumetric Video

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    Volumetric video, which offers immersive viewing experiences, is gaining increasing prominence. With its six degrees of freedom, it provides viewers with greater immersion and interactivity compared to traditional videos. Despite their potential, volumetric video services poses significant challenges. This survey conducts a comprehensive review of the existing literature on volumetric video. We firstly provide a general framework of volumetric video services, followed by a discussion on prerequisites for volumetric video, encompassing representations, open datasets, and quality assessment metrics. Then we delve into the current methodologies for each stage of the volumetric video service pipeline, detailing capturing, compression, transmission, rendering, and display techniques. Lastly, we explore various applications enabled by this pioneering technology and we present an array of research challenges and opportunities in the domain of volumetric video services. This survey aspires to provide a holistic understanding of this burgeoning field and shed light on potential future research trajectories, aiming to bring the vision of volumetric video to fruition.Comment: Submitte

    A shared audience amplifies people's influence over their peers

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    Understanding User Behavior in Volumetric Video Watching: Dataset, Analysis and Prediction

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    Volumetric video emerges as a new attractive video paradigm in recent years since it provides an immersive and interactive 3D viewing experience with six degree-of-freedom (DoF). Unlike traditional 2D or panoramic videos, volumetric videos require dense point clouds, voxels, meshes, or huge neural models to depict volumetric scenes, which results in a prohibitively high bandwidth burden for video delivery. Users' behavior analysis, especially the viewport and gaze analysis, then plays a significant role in prioritizing the content streaming within users' viewport and degrading the remaining content to maximize user QoE with limited bandwidth. Although understanding user behavior is crucial, to the best of our best knowledge, there are no available 3D volumetric video viewing datasets containing fine-grained user interactivity features, not to mention further analysis and behavior prediction. In this paper, we for the first time release a volumetric video viewing behavior dataset, with a large scale, multiple dimensions, and diverse conditions. We conduct an in-depth analysis to understand user behaviors when viewing volumetric videos. Interesting findings on user viewport, gaze, and motion preference related to different videos and users are revealed. We finally design a transformer-based viewport prediction model that fuses the features of both gaze and motion, which is able to achieve high accuracy at various conditions. Our prediction model is expected to further benefit volumetric video streaming optimization. Our dataset, along with the corresponding visualization tools is accessible at https://cuhksz-inml.github.io/user-behavior-in-vv-watching/Comment: Accepted by ACM MM'2

    LiveVV: Human-Centered Live Volumetric Video Streaming System

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    Volumetric video has emerged as a prominent medium within the realm of eXtended Reality (XR) with the advancements in computer graphics and depth capture hardware. Users can fully immersive themselves in volumetric video with the ability to switch their viewport in six degree-of-freedom (DOF), including three rotational dimensions (yaw, pitch, roll) and three translational dimensions (X, Y, Z). Different from traditional 2D videos that are composed of pixel matrices, volumetric videos employ point clouds, meshes, or voxels to represent a volumetric scene, resulting in significantly larger data sizes. While previous works have successfully achieved volumetric video streaming in video-on-demand scenarios, the live streaming of volumetric video remains an unresolved challenge due to the limited network bandwidth and stringent latency constraints. In this paper, we for the first time propose a holistic live volumetric video streaming system, LiveVV, which achieves multi-view capture, scene segmentation \& reuse, adaptive transmission, and rendering. LiveVV contains multiple lightweight volumetric video capture modules that are capable of being deployed without prior preparation. To reduce bandwidth consumption, LiveVV processes static and dynamic volumetric content separately by reusing static data with low disparity and decimating data with low visual saliency. Besides, to deal with network fluctuation, LiveVV integrates a volumetric video adaptive bitrate streaming algorithm (VABR) to enable fluent playback with the maximum quality of experience. Extensive real-world experiment shows that LiveVV can achieve live volumetric video streaming at a frame rate of 24 fps with a latency of less than 350ms

    Effects of Tea Residue Extracts with Different Molecular Weight on the Pasting Characteristics of Potato Starch

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    Tea residues are the remaining residue of tea after processing and utilization, which are rich in multiple active components. To investigate the effects of different types and molecular weights of tea residue extracts on the pasting characteristics of potato starch (PS), the ethanol extract (TRE), water extract (TRW) and alkali extract (TRA) of tea residue were obtained by continuous extraction method. On this basis, the different molecular weights of ethanol extract (TRE-1, 30 kDa) and water extract (TRW-1, 100 kDa) were prepared by a membrane separation. The effects of different tea residue extracts on the viscosity properties were investigated, and the microstructure of potato starch added with tea residue extract was observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results showed that different types and molecular weights of tea residue extracts could significantly (PTRW-2>TRE-2>TRW-1>TRE-1. The peak viscosity of potato starch was gradually decreased with the increase of different extracts. After adding 10% TRA, TRW-2, TRE-2, TRW-1 and TRE-1, the peak viscosity of potato starch was 4624, 5013, 5431, 5911 and 6195 cP, respectively. TRE-2, TRW-2 and TRA could better promote the link between potato starch fragments and result in a more complete and smooth lamellar structure, compared with TRE-1, TRW-1. In summary, the addition of different types and molecular weights of tea residue extracts could effectively inhibit the gelatinization of potato starch, and the inhibitory effect of 10% alkali extract was the best

    Principle, Design and Future of Inchworm Type Piezoelectric Actuators

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    The inchworm type piezoelectric actuator is one novel actuator to ensure a large working stroke with high resolution which has attracted the continuous attentions from researchers all over the world. In this study, the motion principle of the inchworm type piezoelectric is discussed: the “walker” pattern, the “pusher” pattern and hybrid “walker-pusher” pattern. The classification (linear, rotary and multi-DOF) and development are introduced in details, some significant researches are illustrated. Finally, the future direction of inchworm type piezoelectric actuators is pointed out according the development of inchworm type piezoelectric actuators. This study shows the clear principle, design and future of inchworm type piezoelectric actuators which is meaningful for the development of piezoelectric actuators
