187 research outputs found

    A postmigrant contrapuntal reading of the refugee crisis and its discourse: 'Foreigners out! Schlingensief's Container'

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    The Christoph Schlingensief performance with the refugee container in front of Vienna State Opera touched and moved people, angered them, or inspired them to reflect critically on their own prejudices and preconceptions. By choosing a central locus in the heart of Vienna, frequented daily by numerous tourists, Christoph Schlingensief managed to attract considerable attention with his artistic-political initiative. Moreover, some tourists thought the performance was the implementation of an actual public initiative to arbitrarily deport as many refugees as possible. Subsequently, Schlingensief was either verbally attacked on television, completely ignored or even derided as politically corrupt, someone who had been 'bought and paid for'. Forcefully engaging with this 'predetermined breaking point', the artist disrupted the power of the asylum dispositif, at least for a brief interval

    Eine neue Kartographie des Möglichen

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    Der postfundamentalistische Ansatz, der in dem Buch von Nikolai Roskamm entfaltet wird, ist ein weiterer Blickwinkel auf die Stadt: als ein hybrides und unvollstĂ€ndiges Konstrukt. Der Titel des vorliegenden Bandes „Die unbesetzte Stadt“ signalisiert eine interessante Idee, die aus unterschiedlichen Theorieperspektiven und in unterschiedlichen Kontexten beleuchtet wird. Der Untertitel „Postfundamentalistisches Denken und das urbanistische Feld“ benennt dabei eine spezifische Denkhaltung, die die theoretische Abhandlung durchzieht. SchlĂŒsselbegriffe wie Antagonismus, Konflikt, Kontingenz, unstabil, unbesetzt, unvollstĂ€ndig etc., erscheinen fĂŒr diesen Ansatz konstitutiv

    Eine neue Kartographie des Möglichen: Rezension zu Nikolai Roskamm (2017): Die unbesetzte Stadt. Postfundamentalistisches Denken und das urbanistische Feld. Basel/Berlin: BirkhÀuser Verlag.

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    Der postfundamentalistische Ansatz, der in dem Buch von Nikolai Roskamm entfaltet wird, ist ein weiterer Blickwinkel auf die Stadt: als ein hybrides und unvollstĂ€ndiges Konstrukt. Der Titel des vorliegenden Bandes „Die unbesetzte Stadt“ signalisiert eine interessante Idee, die aus unterschiedlichen Theorieperspektiven und in unterschiedlichen Kontexten beleuchtet wird. Der Untertitel „Postfundamentalistisches Denken und das urbanistische Feld“ benennt dabei eine spezifische Denkhaltung, die die theoretische Abhandlung durchzieht. SchlĂŒsselbegriffe wie Antagonismus, Konflikt, Kontingenz, unstabil, unbesetzt, unvollstĂ€ndig etc., erscheinen fĂŒr diesen Ansatz konstitutiv

    Die Öffnung der Orte zur Welt und postmigrantische LebensentwĂŒrfe

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    "Im Mittelpunkt des Beitrags stehen MigrantInnen der zweiten und dritten Generation, die den Migrationsprozess nicht selbst erfahren haben, sich in ihrem Alltag und ihren LebensentwĂŒrfen aber damit auseinandersetzen. In ihren transnationalen BezĂŒgen verkörpern sie die 'Öffnung der Orte zur Welt' und die damit einhergehende Kosmopolitisierung des Alltags. Es sind 'postmigrantische' Rekonstruktionen und Strategien, in denen ZwischenrĂ€ume, Überschneidungen und simultane Zugehörigkeiten den Blick auf eine neue 'Dynamik der EntrĂ€umlichung' richten und ein anderes VerstĂ€ndnis von Migration herausfordern. Konkrete biographische Beispiele von Jugendlichen zeigen, dass ihre Verortungsstrategien weit ĂŒber das Lokale hinausreichen. Dabei verĂ€ndern sich auch kulturelle Orientierungen und deren Bedeutung fĂŒr biographische EntwĂŒrfe. Ihre kulturelle Praxis ist ein kreativer Akt, der eine besondere kognitive Beweglichkeit erfordert, nationale Denkmuster in Frage stellt. Das Alltagsleben in einer globalisierten Welt wird zum Experimentier- und damit zu einem (kulturellen) Lernfeld: Migration ist Bewegung und Bewegung heißt Bildung." (Autorenreferat)"The focus of this article concentrates on migrants of the second and third generation, who did not experience the migration process themselves, but who deal with this in their everyday lives in multiple ways. In their transnational references, they represent the 'opening of local places to the world' and express the associated cosmopolitanisation of everyday life, the discontinuities, overlaps and simultaneous connectedness. 'Post-migrant' reconstructions and life strategies are embedded into world-wide communication and a cosmopolitan pluralisation of daily life. This 'dynamic of a de-spatialisation' provokes even new perspectives on migration. Biographical examples of young people demonstrate that their strategies of a positioning go far beyond the local. In such processes, cultural orientations and their significance for biographical drafts are shifting. Their cultural practice is an act of performance, requiring a specific cognitive flexibility that puts into question the national paradigm. Everyday life in a globalized world becomes a field for experimentation and (cultural) learning: migration is movement and movement means education." (author's abstract

    Postmigrantische Stadt: Eine neue Topographie des Möglichen

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    Sozio-historische Studien legen nahe, dass der Topos einer Sesshaftigkeit ĂŒber mehrere Generationen hinweg ein Mythos ist. Vor allem StĂ€dte wĂ€ren ohne Migration kaum denkbar. Migration, Stadtentwicklung und UrbanitĂ€t werden in diesem Artikel aus einer Perspektive betrachtet, die wir als postmigrantisch bezeichnen. â€șStadt ist Migration, Stadt ist Vielheitâ€č sind die Grundgedanken, die der postmigrantischen Idee zugrunde liegen. Etablierte Gewissheiten werden gegen den Strich gelesen, hegemoniale Vorstellungen aus der Perspektive und Erfahrung der Migration neu gedacht.  Migration wird nicht mehr als Sonderobjekt der Forschung, als gesellschaftliches RandphĂ€nomen betrachtet, sondern ins Zentrum gerĂŒckt und zum Ausgangspunkt weiterer Analysen gemacht. Dies soll am Beispiel der postmigrantischen Ökonomie diskutiert werden. Anhand von Fallbeispielen aus Salzburg wird die Relevanz aufgezeigt, die soziale Kontakte und die Aktivierung grenzĂŒberschreitender Ressourcen fĂŒr GrĂŒndung und Nachhaltigkeit eines Unternehmens haben können. Postmigrant City: A New Topography of the Possible Socio-historical studies suggest that sedentariness over several generations is a myth. Cities in particular would be unthinkable without migration. Migration, urban development and urbanity are considered in this article from a perspective that we call post-migrant. â€șCity is migration, city is multiplicityâ€č are the basic ideas underlying the postmigrant idea. Established certainties are read against the grain, hegemonic ideas are rethought from the perspective and experience of migration. Migration is no longer regarded as a special object of research, as a marginal social phenomenon, but is instead placed at the centre and made the starting point for further analyses. This will be discussed using the example of post-migrant economy. Case studies from Salzburg will be used to demonstrate the relevance that social contacts and the activation of cross-border resources can have for the establishment and sustainability of a business

    Nach der Migration

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    Evaluating the efficiency of different propofol doses associated with age and gender in rats

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    Aim: To investigate the effect of different intraperitoneal (IP) doses of propofol on the duration and depth of anesthesia according to age and gender. Method: The rats were divided into three main groups according to propofol dose (GI: 5 mg/kg, GII: 10 mg/kg and GIII: 15 mg/kg). These three groups were divided into two subgroups as male and female. (M: Male, F: Female). Male and female groups in each dose group were divided into five different sub-age groups:  1: 2-6 months (0-12 years = Childhood), 2: 7-12 months (12-18 years = Adolescent), 3: 13-18 months (30-45 years = Young adult), 4: 19-24 months (45-60 years = Adult) and 5: older than 25 months (65 years old = Elderly). The duration and depth of anesthesia in different ages and genders were compared statistically. Results:  There were differences with regard to the palpebral, pinch, corneal and muscle tone reflexes at propofol administration doses of 5 mg/kg (GI), 10 mg/kg (GII) and 15 mg/kg (GIII) in different ages and genders (Table 1). We detected that 50 minutes of deep anesthesia was achieved with a dose of 10 mg/kg up to 18 months and older than 24 months male rats. A dose of 10 mg/kg was sufficient for short-term (20-minute deep anesthesia) procedures in male rats aged 19-24 months. We detected that 50 minutes of deep anesthesia was achieved with a dose of 15 mg/kg in 7-12 and 13-18 month old female rats. A dose of 10 mg/kg dose was sufficient for short-term procedures in 0-6 month old female rats. However, only superficial anesthesia was detected at the dose of 15 mg/kg in female rats older than 18 months. Conclusion: The present study demonstrated that 10 or 15 mg/kg low doses of intraperitoneal propofol administration affected the duration and depth of anesthesia in different ages and genders in rats

    The effect of gender on response to antithyroid drugs and risk of relapse after discontinuation of the antithyroid drugs in patients with Graves’ hyperthyroidism: a multicentre study

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    Introduction: The outcome of medical treatment in patients with Graves’ disease (GD) is generally difficult to predict. In this study, we examined the hypothesis that gender may affect the outcome of treatment with antithyroid drugs (ATDs). Material and methods: This is a retrospective multicentre study including 717 (514 female and 203 male) patients with the first episode of GD treated for at least 12 months. Patients were classified as relapse, poorly controlled (several episodes of hyperthyroidism followed by euthyroidism and rarely hypothyroidism, occurring after titration of ATDs), and remission. Results: During the mean follow-up time of 26.75 ± 21.25 months (between 1 and 120 months), 269 (37.5%), 176 (24.5%), and 272 (37.9%) patients experienced a relapse, a poorly controlled disease, and remained in remission, respectively. During the follow-up time, 223 (43.4%) of the female and only 49 (24%) of the male patients remained in remission. Relapse and poorly controlled disease (non-remitting GD) were more common in male compared to female patients with GD (hazard ratio 1.26, 95% CI: 1.03–1.53, p = 0.025). Graves’ disease in male patients tended to relapse earlier, and male patients tended to have larger goiter sizes at diagnosis as well. The smoking habit wasalso significantly more frequent in males compared to female patients with GD. Conclusion: Male patients with GD have a markedly higher frequency of relapse and poorly controlled disease, as compared to female patients. Larger goiter sizes and higher frequency of smoking may contribute to the higher frequency of relapse and poorly controlled disease in male patients.

    Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    This study aimed to describe the change in surgical practice and the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on mortality after surgical resection of colorectal cancer during the initial phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
