175 research outputs found

    Prototype as Query for Few Shot Semantic Segmentation

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    Few-shot Semantic Segmentation (FSS) was proposed to segment unseen classes in a query image, referring to only a few annotated examples named support images. One of the characteristics of FSS is spatial inconsistency between query and support targets, e.g., texture or appearance. This greatly challenges the generalization ability of methods for FSS, which requires to effectively exploit the dependency of the query image and the support examples. Most existing methods abstracted support features into prototype vectors and implemented the interaction with query features using cosine similarity or feature concatenation. However, this simple interaction may not capture spatial details in query features. To alleviate this limitation, a few methods utilized all pixel-wise support information via computing the pixel-wise correlations between paired query and support features implemented with the attention mechanism of Transformer. These approaches suffer from heavy computation on the dot-product attention between all pixels of support and query features. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective framework built upon Transformer termed as ProtoFormer to fully capture spatial details in query features. It views the abstracted prototype of the target class in support features as Query and the query features as Key and Value embeddings, which are input to the Transformer decoder. In this way, the spatial details can be better captured and the semantic features of target class in the query image can be focused. The output of the Transformer-based module can be viewed as semantic-aware dynamic kernels to filter out the segmentation mask from the enriched query features. Extensive experiments on PASCAL-5i5^{i} and COCO-20i20^{i} show that our ProtoFormer significantly advances the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: under revie

    Multidimensional Uncertainty-Aware Evidential Neural Networks

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    Traditional deep neural networks (NNs) have significantly contributed to the state-of-the-art performance in the task of classification under various application domains. However, NNs have not considered inherent uncertainty in data associated with the class probabilities where misclassification under uncertainty may easily introduce high risk in decision making in real-world contexts (e.g., misclassification of objects in roads leads to serious accidents). Unlike Bayesian NN that indirectly infer uncertainty through weight uncertainties, evidential NNs (ENNs) have been recently proposed to explicitly model the uncertainty of class probabilities and use them for classification tasks. An ENN offers the formulation of the predictions of NNs as subjective opinions and learns the function by collecting an amount of evidence that can form the subjective opinions by a deterministic NN from data. However, the ENN is trained as a black box without explicitly considering inherent uncertainty in data with their different root causes, such as vacuity (i.e., uncertainty due to a lack of evidence) or dissonance (i.e., uncertainty due to conflicting evidence). By considering the multidimensional uncertainty, we proposed a novel uncertainty-aware evidential NN called WGAN-ENN (WENN) for solving an out-of-distribution (OOD) detection problem. We took a hybrid approach that combines Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network (WGAN) with ENNs to jointly train a model with prior knowledge of a certain class, which has high vacuity for OOD samples. Via extensive empirical experiments based on both synthetic and real-world datasets, we demonstrated that the estimation of uncertainty by WENN can significantly help distinguish OOD samples from boundary samples. WENN outperformed in OOD detection when compared with other competitive counterparts.Comment: AAAI 202

    Better to Ask in English: Cross-Lingual Evaluation of Large Language Models for Healthcare Queries

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    Large language models (LLMs) are transforming the ways the general public accesses and consumes information. Their influence is particularly pronounced in pivotal sectors like healthcare, where lay individuals are increasingly appropriating LLMs as conversational agents for everyday queries. While LLMs demonstrate impressive language understanding and generation proficiencies, concerns regarding their safety remain paramount in these high-stake domains. Moreover, the development of LLMs is disproportionately focused on English. It remains unclear how these LLMs perform in the context of non-English languages, a gap that is critical for ensuring equity in the real-world use of these systems.This paper provides a framework to investigate the effectiveness of LLMs as multi-lingual dialogue systems for healthcare queries. Our empirically-derived framework XlingEval focuses on three fundamental criteria for evaluating LLM responses to naturalistic human-authored health-related questions: correctness, consistency, and verifiability. Through extensive experiments on four major global languages, including English, Spanish, Chinese, and Hindi, spanning three expert-annotated large health Q&A datasets, and through an amalgamation of algorithmic and human-evaluation strategies, we found a pronounced disparity in LLM responses across these languages, indicating a need for enhanced cross-lingual capabilities. We further propose XlingHealth, a cross-lingual benchmark for examining the multilingual capabilities of LLMs in the healthcare context. Our findings underscore the pressing need to bolster the cross-lingual capacities of these models, and to provide an equitable information ecosystem accessible to all.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure
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