2,538 research outputs found

    Boundary clustered layer positive solutions for an elliptic Neumann problem with large exponent

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    Let D\mathcal{D} be a smooth bounded domain in RN\mathbb{R}^N with N≥3N\geq3, we study the existence and profile of positive solutions for the following elliptic Neumann problem {−Δυ+υ=υp,υ>0in D,∂υ∂ν=0on ∂D,\begin{cases}-\Delta \upsilon+\upsilon=\upsilon^p,\quad \upsilon>0 \quad\textrm{in}\ \mathcal{D},\\[1mm] \frac{\partial \upsilon}{\partial\nu}=0\qquad\textrm{on}\ \partial\mathcal{D}, \end{cases} where p>1p>1 is a large exponent and ν\nu denotes the outer unit normal vector to the boundary ∂D\partial\mathcal{D}. For suitable domains D\mathcal{D}, by a constructive way we prove that, for any integers ll, mm with 0≤l≤m0\leq l\leq m and m≥1m\geq1, if pp is large enough, such a problem has a family of positive solutions with ll interior layers and m−lm-l boundary layers which concentrate along mm distinct (N−2)(N-2)-dimensional minimal submanifolds of ∂D\partial\mathcal{D}, or collapse to the same (N−2)(N-2)-dimensional minimal submanifold of ∂D\partial\mathcal{D} as p→+∞p\rightarrow+\infty

    A wave near the edge of a circular disk

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    It is shown that in the Love-Kirchhoff plate theory, an edge wave can travel in a circular thin disk made of an isotropic elastic material. This disk edge wave turns out to be faster than the classic flexural acoustic wave in a straight-edged, semi-infinite, thin plate, a wave which it mimics when the curvature radius becomes very large compared to the wavelength

    Crossflow effects on the growth rate of inviscid Goertler vortices in a hypersonic boundary layer

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    The effects of crossflow on the growth rate of inviscid Goertler vortices in a hypersonic boundary layer with pressure gradient are studied. Attention is focused on the inviscid mode trapped in the temperature adjustment layer; this mode has greater growth rate than any other mode. The eigenvalue problem which governs the relationship between the growth rate, the crossflow amplitude, and the wavenumber is solved numerically, and the results are then used to clarify the effects of crossflow on the growth rate of inviscid Goertler vortices. It is shown that crossflow effects on Goertler vortices are fundamentally different for incompressible and hypersonic flows. The neutral mode eigenvalue problem is found to have an exact solution, and as a by-product, we have also found the exact solution to a neutral mode eigenvalue problem which was formulated, but unsolved before, by Bassom and Hall (1991)
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