3,512 research outputs found

    Energy Complexity of Distance Computation in Multi-hop Networks

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    Energy efficiency is a critical issue for wireless devices operated under stringent power constraint (e.g., battery). Following prior works, we measure the energy cost of a device by its transceiver usage, and define the energy complexity of an algorithm as the maximum number of time slots a device transmits or listens, over all devices. In a recent paper of Chang et al. (PODC 2018), it was shown that broadcasting in a multi-hop network of unknown topology can be done in polylogn\text{poly} \log n energy. In this paper, we continue this line of research, and investigate the energy complexity of other fundamental graph problems in multi-hop networks. Our results are summarized as follows. 1. To avoid spending Ω(D)\Omega(D) energy, the broadcasting protocols of Chang et al. (PODC 2018) do not send the message along a BFS tree, and it is open whether BFS could be computed in o(D)o(D) energy, for sufficiently large DD. In this paper we devise an algorithm that attains O~(n)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n}) energy cost. 2. We show that the framework of the Ω(n){\Omega}(n) round lower bound proof for computing diameter in CONGEST of Abboud et al. (DISC 2017) can be adapted to give an Ω~(n)\tilde{\Omega}(n) energy lower bound in the wireless network model (with no message size constraint), and this lower bound applies to O(logn)O(\log n)-arboricity graphs. From the upper bound side, we show that the energy complexity of O~(n)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n}) can be attained for bounded-genus graphs (which includes planar graphs). 3. Our upper bounds for computing diameter can be extended to other graph problems. We show that exact global minimum cut or approximate ss--tt minimum cut can be computed in O~(n)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n}) energy for bounded-genus graphs

    A Time Hierarchy Theorem for the LOCAL Model

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    The celebrated Time Hierarchy Theorem for Turing machines states, informally, that more problems can be solved given more time. The extent to which a time hierarchy-type theorem holds in the distributed LOCAL model has been open for many years. It is consistent with previous results that all natural problems in the LOCAL model can be classified according to a small constant number of complexities, such as O(1),O(logn),O(logn),2O(logn)O(1),O(\log^* n), O(\log n), 2^{O(\sqrt{\log n})}, etc. In this paper we establish the first time hierarchy theorem for the LOCAL model and prove that several gaps exist in the LOCAL time hierarchy. 1. We define an infinite set of simple coloring problems called Hierarchical 2122\frac{1}{2}-Coloring}. A correctly colored graph can be confirmed by simply checking the neighborhood of each vertex, so this problem fits into the class of locally checkable labeling (LCL) problems. However, the complexity of the kk-level Hierarchical 2122\frac{1}{2}-Coloring problem is Θ(n1/k)\Theta(n^{1/k}), for kZ+k\in\mathbb{Z}^+. The upper and lower bounds hold for both general graphs and trees, and for both randomized and deterministic algorithms. 2. Consider any LCL problem on bounded degree trees. We prove an automatic-speedup theorem that states that any randomized no(1)n^{o(1)}-time algorithm solving the LCL can be transformed into a deterministic O(logn)O(\log n)-time algorithm. Together with a previous result, this establishes that on trees, there are no natural deterministic complexities in the ranges ω(logn)\omega(\log^* n)---o(logn)o(\log n) or ω(logn)\omega(\log n)---no(1)n^{o(1)}. 3. We expose a gap in the randomized time hierarchy on general graphs. Any randomized algorithm that solves an LCL problem in sublogarithmic time can be sped up to run in O(TLLL)O(T_{LLL}) time, which is the complexity of the distributed Lovasz local lemma problem, currently known to be Ω(loglogn)\Omega(\log\log n) and O(logn)O(\log n)

    The Distributed Complexity of Locally Checkable Labeling Problems Beyond Paths and Trees

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    We consider locally checkable labeling LCL problems in the LOCAL model of distributed computing. Since 2016, there has been a substantial body of work examining the possible complexities of LCL problems. For example, it has been established that there are no LCL problems exhibiting deterministic complexities falling between ω(logn)\omega(\log^* n) and o(logn)o(\log n). This line of inquiry has yielded a wealth of algorithmic techniques and insights that are useful for algorithm designers. While the complexity landscape of LCL problems on general graphs, trees, and paths is now well understood, graph classes beyond these three cases remain largely unexplored. Indeed, recent research trends have shifted towards a fine-grained study of special instances within the domains of paths and trees. In this paper, we generalize the line of research on characterizing the complexity landscape of LCL problems to a much broader range of graph classes. We propose a conjecture that characterizes the complexity landscape of LCL problems for an arbitrary class of graphs that is closed under minors, and we prove a part of the conjecture. Some highlights of our findings are as follows. 1. We establish a simple characterization of the minor-closed graph classes sharing the same deterministic complexity landscape as paths, where O(1)O(1), Θ(logn)\Theta(\log^* n), and Θ(n)\Theta(n) are the only possible complexity classes. 2. It is natural to conjecture that any minor-closed graph class shares the same complexity landscape as trees if and only if the graph class has bounded treewidth and unbounded pathwidth. We prove the "only if" part of the conjecture. 3. In addition to the well-known complexity landscapes for paths, trees, and general graphs, there are infinitely many different complexity landscapes among minor-closed graph classes

    Ortho-Radial Drawing in Near-Linear Time

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    An orthogonal drawing is an embedding of a plane graph into a grid. In a seminal work of Tamassia (SIAM Journal on Computing 1987), a simple combinatorial characterization of angle assignments that can be realized as bend-free orthogonal drawings was established, thereby allowing an orthogonal drawing to be described combinatorially by listing the angles of all corners. The characterization reduces the need to consider certain geometric aspects, such as edge lengths and vertex coordinates, and simplifies the task of graph drawing algorithm design. Barth, Niedermann, Rutter, and Wolf (SoCG 2017) established an analogous combinatorial characterization for ortho-radial drawings, which are a generalization of orthogonal drawings to cylindrical grids. The proof of the characterization is existential and does not result in an efficient algorithm. Niedermann, Rutter, and Wolf (SoCG 2019) later addressed this issue by developing quadratic-time algorithms for both testing the realizability of a given angle assignment as an ortho-radial drawing without bends and constructing such a drawing. In this paper, we improve the time complexity of these tasks to near-linear time. We establish a new characterization for ortho-radial drawings based on the concept of a good sequence. Using the new characterization, we design a simple greedy algorithm for constructing ortho-radial drawings

    Efficient Distributed Decomposition and Routing Algorithms in Minor-Free Networks and Their Applications

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    In the LOCAL model, low-diameter decomposition is a useful tool in designing algorithms, as it allows us to shift from the general graph setting to the low-diameter graph setting, where brute-force information gathering can be done efficiently. Recently, Chang and Su [PODC 2022] showed that any high-conductance network excluding a fixed minor contains a high-degree vertex, so the entire graph topology can be gathered to one vertex efficiently in the CONGEST model using expander routing. Therefore, in networks excluding a fixed minor, many problems that can be solved efficiently in LOCAL via low-diameter decomposition can also be solved efficiently in CONGEST via expander decomposition. In this work, we show improved decomposition and routing algorithms for networks excluding a fixed minor in the CONGEST model. Our algorithms cost poly(logn,1/ϵ)\text{poly}(\log n, 1/\epsilon) rounds deterministically. For bounded-degree graphs, our algorithms finish in O(ϵ1logn)+ϵO(1)O(\epsilon^{-1}\log n) + \epsilon^{-O(1)} rounds. Our algorithms have a wide range of applications, including the following results in CONGEST. 1. A (1ϵ)(1-\epsilon)-approximate maximum independent set in a network excluding a fixed minor can be computed deterministically in O(ϵ1logn)+ϵO(1)O(\epsilon^{-1}\log^\ast n) + \epsilon^{-O(1)} rounds, nearly matching the Ω(ϵ1logn)\Omega(\epsilon^{-1}\log^\ast n) lower bound of Lenzen and Wattenhofer [DISC 2008]. 2. Property testing of any additive minor-closed property can be done deterministically in O(logn)O(\log n) rounds if ϵ\epsilon is a constant or O(ϵ1logn)+ϵO(1)O(\epsilon^{-1}\log n) + \epsilon^{-O(1)} rounds if the maximum degree Δ\Delta is a constant, nearly matching the Ω(ϵ1logn)\Omega(\epsilon^{-1}\log n) lower bound of Levi, Medina, and Ron [PODC 2018].Comment: To appear in PODC 202