7 research outputs found

    Structures of four-way junctions in gene <i>17</i> of T3 and T7.

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    <p>(A) T3 nt 33324–33353 (B) T3 nt 33317–33347 (C) T7 nt 35109–35139 (D) T7 nt 35082–35117. One strand is highlighted in grey; the other is not. Arrows indicate Endo I cutting sites.</p

    Efficiency of plating of phages on <i>E. coli</i> female and male strains determined at 37°C.

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    <p>Efficiency of plating of phages on <i>E. coli</i> female and male strains determined at 37°C.</p

    Alignment of T3 and T7 sequences near the crossover regions seen in the T3/7 phage.

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    <p>(A) Within gene <i>17</i>. (B) Within gene <i>18.5</i>. Sequences were aligned by ClustalW. The parent phages of the two sides of the crossover region (shown by arrows) are indicated on top of the alignment.</p

    Mapping of the T3/7 and T7M DNA.

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    <p>The genomic DNA was digested by restriction endonucleases, and the fragments were observed by 1% (T3/7) or 0.8% (T7M) agarose gel electrophoresis. M: DNA marker. (A) Digestions of T3/7 DNA. Lane 1, <i>Mbo</i>I; lane 2, <i>Hpa</i>I; lane 3, <i>Nde</i>I; lane 4, <i>Stu</i>I; lane 5, <i>Avr</i>II. The markers are the same for the three slices of gels. (B) Digestion of T7M DNA. Lane 1, <i>Hpa</i>I. (C) Restriction sites in the T3/7 genome. Restriction sites are represented by vertical bars above the DNA. A: The T3 genome (black) and the region replaced by T7 DNA (in grey) in T3/7. The region of recombination is deduced from restriction mapping and sequencing. The two <i>Mbo</i>I sites in T7 that replace the single <i>Mbo</i>I site at T3 nt 34033 are shown by vertical bars. B to E show restriction sites in T3 genome (black); a dot above the bar indicates that the cutting site is present in T3 but not in T3/7. B: <i>Hpa</i>I sites, C: <i>Mbo</i>I sites, D: <i>Nde</i>I sites, E: <i>Avr</i>II cutting positions are indicated by bars, and the single <i>Stu</i>I site is shown by an arrow.</p

    The mechanism of endonucleolytic cleavages at nonequivalent sites and strand annealing (CNSA).

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    <p>Colors and arrows are the same as those of <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0030954#pone-0030954-g005" target="_blank">Figure 5</a>. The steps are: 1, production of DSBs by cutting at nonequivalent sites of T3 and T7 DNA; 2, 5′ resections of DSBs of T3 and T7; 3, annealing of the T3 DSBs with the T7 DSB; 4, removal of the nonhomologous nucleotides, filling the gap, and ligation.</p

    Structures of four-way junctions in gene <i>18.5</i> of T3 and T7.

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    <p>(A) T3 nt 35315–35345 or equivalently T7 nt 37094–37124 (B) T7 nt 37163–37188. One of the strands is highlighted in grey. Endo I cutting sites are shown by arrows.</p